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Going, Going, Groin! A Beat Freak Takes a Beating

During the photo shoot yesterday, Beat Freaker, Maryss (pictured top left), was having problems moving around freely. Turns out she pulled not one, but TWO groin muscles heading into the first week of the competition.

“Because I don’t come from a professionally trained background, I don’t warm up properly,” she explained to me. “I was trying to do some new move I saw when I pulled it.” So far she’s in good spirits about her injury, but hopefully it won’t hinder her performance — according to Maryss, a groin injury takes a lot longer to heal on a woman than it does a man. Can we get a second opinion?

ABDC Photo Shoot: Nine New Crews Say “Cheese!”">ABDC Photo Shoot: Nine New Crews Say “Cheese!”

First and foremost, I, ABDC Insider, am pumped to be back blogging for the best dance show on television. And based on what I’ve seen so far, this may be the most exciting season yet.

The nine new hopefuls had their first big photo shoot yesterday. (Pics will be up on MTV.com early next week!). The crews had a blast trying to out ‘pose’ each other — below, Slick from Ringmasters puts The Exorcist to shame.

Double Trouble: Silly Ikkis Think Scotty’s Got Boyfriend Potential!">Double Trouble: Silly Ikkis Think Scotty’s Got Boyfriend Potential!

Between the grossest dinner imaginable and Josh swearing (and lying!) on his unborn children, we almost forgot about the OTHER most shocking moment on this week’s Shot at Love. No, not the part when Scotty won the eating competition (no surprise there) but afterwards, when Rikki had the possibly misinformed epiphany that Scotty would make great “boyfriend material.”

Read more…

DG Poll: Should Angela Have Ditched The Ring?">DG Poll: Should Angela Have Ditched The Ring?

We’re all for female empowerment — but we gotta admit, we were equal parts traumatized/relieved when we learned Angela hadn’t really chucked that 24-karat Relationship Reminder into smoggy, L.A. oblivion after all. (’Course, that doesn’t make “pretending” to throw her ex’s ring off the side of a cliff any less weird.)

Then again, just cause we have a pack rat/Lord of the Rings mentality when it comes to shiny gold objects (Precious! Must have the PREEEEECIOUS!) doesn’t mean we know what’s best for Rev’s little girl. So we wanna know where you guys stand:

Did Angie do the right thing by holding onto TK’s ring (now a symbol of their failed relationship?) Or should she have made like the old lady in Titanic and dropped that jinxed piece of jewelry like a hot potato? Take our poll let us know!

Real World Lookalikes: Who Does Sarah Remind You Of?">Real World Lookalikes: Who Does Sarah Remind You Of?

Halfway through the first ep of Real World: Brooklyn we started experiencing this crazy feeling of deja vu. And not just because we’ve seen more of the 20 odd seasons of RW than we’d care to admit. (Fact: A lady NEVER reveals her age. Just ask our mother, who’s been 25 since approximately 1978.)

No, this was more about feeling like we’d seen one of the roomies somewhere before. And then we realized what was so familiar — Sarah! Or, as she used to be known, Lacey from RW: Austin!

Check out these pics and let us know if you, too, see the similarity. And yes, we’re aware that we have WAY too much free time on our hands…

Playboy Pinups Weigh Pros And Cons Of Seeing Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie Naked">Reality Check: Playboy Pinups Weigh Pros And Cons Of Seeing Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie Naked

Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt tackle the penultimate philosophical question: Who would look better in PlayboyJennifer Aniston, or Angelina Jolie? (Usmagazine.com)

• Next week’s Gossip Girl: More Dan/Serena incest mania, the truth about Rufus Humphrey’s secret love child and another chance for Blair and Chuck to f— things up. (E! Online)

Mary Kate Olsen went to the restroom and she, like, did NOT wash her hands. (P6)

• In the current issue of Vibe, Kanye West appears to sport a salt-and-pepper beard. Apparently, this is only an extremely elaborate illusion. “I DON’T HAVE GREY IN MY BEARD IN REAL LIFE,” ‘Ye insists. “THIS IS SOME BENJAMIN BUTTON’S S—!” Hey, whatever ya say, Crazy Old Guy! (Buzzworthy)

• Former Cosby Show star Lisa Bonet has just tipped the crazy scales by naming her bundle of joy Nakoa-Wolf Manakauapo Namakaeha Momoa. For serious. (Huffington Post)

Taylor Swift kicks off 2009 the right way: by not dating a Jonas Brother, shmoozing with Neil Patrick Harris and appearing on SNL. (Newsroom)

RW Poll: Who Made The Best First Impression?">RW Poll: Who Made The Best First Impression?

We usually find the Real World premieres rather overwhelming. In between trying to remember everyone’s names, faces and personality quirks, we’re also trying to check out the house, assess the rooming sitch and predict who’s gonna be gettin’ it on in the hot tub — all in 60 minutes or less.

‘Course, that doesn’t mean we didn’t find time to form a coupla snap judgments about the new housemates. (After all, wasn’t it Ryan who said he could have anyone pegged after just 5 minutes of meeting them?) And in the interest of science, we thought we’d put Ryan’s theory to the test — and find out who you guys liked the best! Based on the (limited) footage you’ve seen so far…

So take our poll and tell us which roomie has you hooked after just one episode. Then check back in a few weeks and let us know whether you’d like to keep/change/burn your vote.

City Sneak Peek: Is Whitney Steppin’ Out On Jay?">City Sneak Peek: Is Whitney Steppin’ Out On Jay?

This week’s City ended with a sorta confusing relationship convo in which Jay told Whitney (who may or may not be his girlfriend) that he wasn’t looking to rush into anything.

But, oh, what a difference a week makes! Next Monday, Whit’s label-averse rocker pal is suddenly all about taking things to the next level. And we’re sure the fact that Whitney’s been seeing other dudes (and rubbing elbows with socials!) has absolutely nothing to do with it…

The Hills‘ Holly Montag Racing Her Sis To The Altar?!">Is The Hills‘ Holly Montag Racing Her Sis To The Altar?!

At the Hills Live Finale, we got to see Holly Montag cuddling with her super-cute boyfriend, club promoter Ben Henry. But since Holly also told us they’d only been together for six months, we were surprised by rumors that she was spotted rocking a gold engagement ring.

Turns out, the reports were totally bogus. As of now, Holly sez she has zero plans to follow in Spencer and Heidi’s footsteps (or steal their thunder!) by tying the knot.

“I am not engaged,” the Hills gal tells Usmagazine.com. So what’s with the ring? “It’s my grandfather’s wedding ring,” Montag explains. “I wear it all the time.”

Reality Check: Crazy O.C. Lady Uses Car Metaphor To Rationalize Face Of Wax

Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Barney compares serial Botoxing to getting your S.U.V. detailed. “You take care of your body like you take care of your car,” she explains, nonsensically. “If my fenders get a little banged up, I gotta fix ’em … I’m not going to let a nice car go to waste.” Tamra? Meet Lisa Rinna.  (Life & Style Mag)

Mamma Mia stars Dominic Cooper and Amanda Seyfried (she played the Dumb One in Mean Girls) are apparently dating in real life! Mandy breaks down the undeniable attraction: “We both look like frogs with our wide-set eyes, we’re both indecisive and neither of us has a lot of willpower.” (Scandalist)

• This photo montage chronicles a typical day in the life of Speidi. (Best Week Ever)

Tori Spelling may be willing to reprise her role as Aaron Spelling’s untalented daughter virginal fashionista Donna Martin on the new (and decidedly not improved) 90210. (Usmagazine.com)

• Whether you remember Willie Aames from his days on Charles in Charge or his more recent gig on Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp, you’ll be saddened to hear that he recently attempted suicide. Fortunately for all you Buddy Lembeck fan(s) out there, the actor’s still here to tell the tale. (LA Times Blog)

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The HillsDance CrewThe Real WorldEngaged and UnderageMaking The Band 4Tila TequilaThe IslandParis BFFFrom G's to GentsTop Pop GroupLegally BlondeScarredRock the CradleRun's HouseTrue Life ProductionsLife of RyanBuzzin'The PaperCelebrity Rap SuperstarBromance50 Cent: The Money And The PowerThe CityPimp My RideDouble Shot At LoveExiledRob And BigTRLMy Super Sweet 16MadeNewport HarborSex...With Mom And DadBustedDaddy's GirlsPageant PlaceGauntlet IIICribsKayaThat's AmoreMenudo