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MTV Shows Casting Call

All New True Life Episodes Coming... Check Inside Weekly for the Chance to Tell Your Story

  1. Do you want to tell your story on True Life? We're adding new episode ideas all the time. So keep checking back to find out if your story is coming up. See below for new episodes in development:

    Do your big breasts negatively affect your self-esteem? Do your friends and family make fun of you because of your large bust line? Do you get the wrong kind of attention from guys? How successful have you been in changing the size or appearance of your breasts? Would your life change for the better if your breasts were smaller? Have you explored non-surgical solutions?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 17-26 and are trying to come to terms with having large breasts or actively trying to reduce your breast size please email us at: BodyImage@mtvn.com. Give us your name, location, phone number and a photo if possible. Please explain your situation in detail. You can start by answering the above questions. The more you share, the more we can start to understand your story!

    I Don't Like My Small Breasts
    Do your small breasts negatively affect your self-esteem? Are you familiar with any "natural breast enhancement" (NBE) products and methods? Are you a fan of padded bras or gel inserts? How successful have you been in changing the size or appearance of your breasts? Would your life change for the better is your breasts grew larger? Is surgery not an option?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 17-26 and you are actively trying to enlarge your breasts, please email us at: BodyImage@mtvn.com. Give us your name, location, phone number and a photo, if possible. Please explain your situation in detail. You can start by answering the above questions. The more you share, the more we can start to understand your story!

    I'm Uncomfortable in my New Body
    Do you have body image and self-esteem issues in spite of a new and improved appearance? Have you just lost a significant amount of weight, recently undergone plastic surgery, or otherwise altered your body dramatically? Have you been doing steroids and now are not happy with your appearance? Or recently had a baby and are considering a "mommy makeover"? Are you disappointed because you don't feel as happy or confident about yourself as you'd been hoping?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 17-26, and are uncomfortable in your new body please email us at: Newbody@mtvn.com. Tell us your story and be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a photo in the email.

    Are you and your fiancé about to begin life as a married couple? Going from engagement to the altar is a journey full of challenges that test the strength of your relationship, but it only gets harder once you say your vows.

    Do you consider yourself the next Nick & Jessica? Have you planned a fairytale wedding to your sweetheart? Are you a traditional couple who've waited to have sex until their wedding night? Will you be moving in together for the first time after the honeymoon and think that married life is going to be a big change full of exciting challenges?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 18-28, are getting married in the next month or two and would like to share your story, MTV wants to hear from you! Email us at newlywed@mtvn.com and tell us as much about your situation as possible. Also, please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, photo, and wedding date.

    Has your interest in pornography turned into a full blown addiction? Do you visit porn websites, buy adult videos or visit strip clubs on a daily basis? Are you spending all of your money on nudie mags instead of school books? Is your addiction negatively affecting your relationships with family or your significant other? Do your sexual needs go against your core religious beliefs, values or morals? Are you considering seeking treatment for your addiction?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 17 and 28, and feel you're addicted to porn and would like to share your story, please email us at: porn@mtvn.com Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a photo.

    Have you recently been injured in a way that will change your life forever? Do you face months of intense physical rehabilitation in the months to come? Will you be entering an inpatient rehab facility or will you be getting better while living at home? Are you scared of the challenges ahead?

    Or...are you a standout college athlete who now faces a long healing process after a season-ending injury? Is this injury threatening to derail your hopes to go pro in the future? How will your injury and the rehabilitation process affect your life? Your family? Your relationship? Your school? And your dreams?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28 and are now facing a long regimen of physical rehabilitation, MTV wants to hear from you. Email us at Rehabbing@mtvn.com and tell us as much about your situation as possible. Describe how your injury occurred, how it makes you feel, and all of the challenges you now face. Also, be sure to include your name, phone number and a recent photo.

    Would you ever openly admit to being a racist? Were you brought up to believe that people with skin colors other than your own are inferior? Do you hang out only with people of your own race? Do you feel that the country would be a better place if people from each race would just stick to their own? Do you treat people from other races differently from how you treat people who look like yourself?

    Or....were you brought up to believe that other races were inferior, but you're now in a situation where you interact with a diverse crowd on a daily basis? Is this exposure challenging your belief system? Do people look down on you because you make racial statements you didn't even realize were offensive? Is being perceived as a racist standing in the way of a goal, a job, or a relationship?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 17 and 27 and can relate to any of the above questions, please send an email to Racist@mtvn.com with your story. Please include your name, location, phone number, and a photo.

    Do you find yourself constantly questioning authority? Are you deeply suspicious of what you're told by the mainstream media? Do you believe that there are certain secrets being kept under a lid by the powers that be? Were you strongly affected by a landmark tragedy and feel that there's more to the story than what the government or MSM is telling us?

    MTV is looking to document the day to day lives of people who believe that there are important stories being suppressed every day by those in power. If you appear to be the ages of 17 and 28, please write to conspiracy@mtvn.com and give us a brief description about yourself, your theories, and your daily life. Please include your age, location, phone number, and a photo.

    Do you have a tattoo that you regret? Are you covered with ink that you wish you could just wash away? Do you feel that people look at you differently because of your tattoo, and you wish it wasn't there? Does a certain tattoo stand in the way of your relationship with your family, friends, or a significant other? Does it remind you of a relationship or a certain period of your life that went sour and now you want to move on? Is there a certain job that you're trying to land, but your tattoos could possibly stand in the way? Are you thinking about tattoo removal?

    If your answer is 'yes' to any of these questions, then MTV wants to hear your story. If you appear to be the ages of 17-28, please write to tattoo@mtvn.com and tell us your story. Please include your name, age, location, phone number, and a photo of yourself, as well as your tattoo(s).

    Are you bisexual and just coming to terms with your new sexuality? Are in a heterosexual relationship now but looking to branch out in the other direction as well? Are you having a hard time committing to one sex? Do your friends and family think it's just a phase but you sense otherwise? Have you just realized you're bisexual but are not sure what to do now? Are you planning to come out to someone close to you?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28, and fit any of these descriptions, MTV wants to hear from you! Please e-mail us at bisexual@mtvn.com with your name, phone number, a photo and a description of your story.

    True Life: I'm Eloping
    Are you thinking about throwing caution to the wind and eloping? Is your situation forcing you to be secretive about your plans for marriage? Are you racing away from home, even crossing state lines to tie the knot? Whatever your reasons for wanting to wed quickly, MTV wants to hear your story.

    If you appear to be between the ages of 18 and 28, and are considering eloping, email us at eloping@mtvn.com with all of the details. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a photo, if possible.

    True Life: I Can't Sleep
    Do you have a significant sleep disorder that¹s affecting your life? Do you suffer from Insomnia, Narcolepsy, Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, Night Terror, Parasomnia, Sleep Apnea, or any other sleep disorder? Is your sleep disorder seriously impacting your school, work, home or social life? Then MTV would like to hear from you.

    If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28 and you suffer from a sleep disorder, please email us at insomniac@mtvn.com. Tell us all about your disorder -- when it began, what you do when it strikes, whether you've sought treatment, and how it affects your life. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a photo, if possible.

    True Life: I'm Going Bald/Losing My Hair
    Are you too young to be losing your hair? Do you have thinning hair due to unlucky genetics, illness, or treatment, and it's affecting your self-esteem? Are you hesitant to go out in public and interact with people because you think they'll stare at you? Do you try to cover your head with hats, or are you obsessed with hair products that promise to regain growth? If you have answered 'yes' to any of these, then MTV would like to hear your story.

    If you appear to be between the ages of 17-28 and are going bald and would like to share your story please email us at: BodyImage@mtvn.com. Please include a your name, your story, a phone number and a photo.

    Are you pregnant... with twins, triplets, or even more? Were you previously unable to conceive, but with the help of fertility drugs, now expecting multiple babies? Are you concerned about the financial, physical, and emotional toll of taking care of more than one newborn, or the possibility of complications during pregnancy or birth? Is this your first pregnancy, and perhaps an unexpected one? Were you looking forward to an active lifestyle or career that you are now going to have to put on hold? Or is this the first step in creating the big family you've always wanted? Have you always wanted twins, and now your dream is coming true? If you're pregnant with multiples, MTV wants to hear from you.

    If you appear to be between the ages of 17 and 28 and identify with any of the above, MTV wants to hear your story. Email us at twins@mtvn.com . Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, and a recent photo.

    Are you obsessed with comic books, anime, fantasy, or manga? Do you like to dress up as your favorite character and attend conventions with other fans? Have you ever waited in line overnight for a book, movie, or videogame release? Do you have tattoos depicting your favorite brand or characters? Have you ever missed work, school, or other important events to engage in role-playing or cosplay? Are you misunderstood by your family or significant other because of it? Have you ever been told to "grow up" by someone important to you? If you're an obsessed fanboy (or girl), MTV wants to hear from you.

    If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28 and identify with any of the above, MTV wants to hear your story. Email us at fanboy@mtvn.com. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, and a recent photo.

    Have you lost touch with your sibling or step-sibling and want to reconnect? Were you separated from your brother or sister at a young age and have no idea of their current whereabouts? Or have you recently learned that you have a sibling you had no idea existed? Or maybe your biological father was a sperm donor and you're looking to connect with your half siblings online? Are your other family members supportive of your search or put off by the idea?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28, and are considering looking for your sibling, email us at sibling@mtvn.com with all of the details. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a photo, if possible.

    Are you at the age where everyone has left their parents' house but you're still living at home? Do you like the idea that your mom still cooks and does your laundry, or are you ready to take that on yourself, but you can't figure out how to get out of the nest? Do your parents nag you to get a place of your own, but you can't, or just don't see the point? Are they about to cut you off or kick you out? Or do you have a significant other who wants you to get a place of your own at last?

    Conversely, are your parents refusing to let you move out? Do you feel that you are an adult and able to leave, but worry about offending your family by leaving home?

    If you appear to be between the ages of 20 and 28, and can identify with any of the above email us at leavehome@mtvn.com with all of the details. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, and a recent photo.

