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Blog: victoria57
victoria57's Blog

Meeting Simple Plan to talk about Cancer

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Meeting Simple Plan
Posted December 10, 2008 at 4:55 PM

"I'm sorry, Simple Plan are not going to be able to call you tomorrow...They want to meet you backstage at their gig on Saturday night!"


In June 2007 I was told by my mum and dad that my dad had unoperable stomach cancer. At this time I had just overcome some bullies at school and I thought I was finally taking a step forward in my life, but as they say, I took one step forward and two steps back...


From then on my Dad stopped going to work and spent more and more time at home. But I didn't start to notice the change until that Christmas. There was one last girl I had to sort out at school and my dad had been helping me and coaching me through it telling me how to present my self in a polite yet "get the hell out my life" sort of way!


Just before Christmas 2007 my dad told me that the chemo he was having wasn't helping and was only making his body weaker. He decided to have no medical treatement as anything else the doctors could give him wouldn't definitely work. This was massive and I couldn't pretend I was fine any longer. I became quite depressed and didn't really enjoy things or school. I thought the world was against me.

My dad and I were very close but during this time, I started listening to really deep, dark music. And I don't remember how, but some how I started listening to a band called Simple Plan. The first time I heard them was when their song came on in the film Cheaper By The Dozen and I loved it! But this time I was really listening to the music and I could relate every song and every word to my life in some way. From the moment I started listening to Simple Plan I loved them! The songs are mostly upbeat but at the same time have SOO much meaning to them.


In March 2008 I took about a week off school to spend time with my dad. At the beginning of this week, Simple Plan's new album came out. I got the album and started listening to it straight away. I heard this one song, called "Save You", and the lyrics were "Sometimes I just wish I could save you". As soon as I had listened to the album and decided what I thought of it, I took it to my dad and let him listen. I said, "Dad these lyrics are exactly how I feel towards you" - at this time he was now bedridden and we had been told he could die any day.


I spent my days listening to Simple Plan, I jumped at every oppotunity to talk about them or to tell people how great they are or to listen to them, I felt really close to the band, even though they had no idea I exsisted. Over the week I had off school I chatted to my dad about music and lyrics and we spent time talking about Simple Plan and what we both thought of their lyrics. Simple Plan's lyrics saved me from this time, I'm not sure what I would have done without them.


In my computer lessons in school I decided to create a website about Simple Plan, I read up on them and got all their details on how they formed etc. I signed up to their offical website fan thing, I wasn't really sure but they sent me emails every once in a while to tell me about up and coming events and competition. I never enter their competitions because Simple Plan are an American based band so I didn't think I had any chance in winning.


One day I saw the subject of an email from Simple Plan saying "Win an Interview with Simple Plan". I read it and it told me that the song "Save You" was written for Pierre's brother because he had cancer. I did some research and found out Simple Plan were raising lots of money for cancer charities world wide. This just told me AGAIN how amazing they are. To enter the competition you had to email in and tell them how cancer had affected you. I didn't see any chance in winning so I wrote in 200 words and didn't think much of it.


Next thing I know Pete from MTV is on the phone telling me Simple Plan are going to call me tomorrow at 3. I said I was at school and so he said he would talk to the band and see what he could do. He called back and said it wasn't possible for the band to call me tomorrow and I honestly thought I had ruined my chances. But he said they wanted to meet me at their gig on Saturday night! I was SOOOO excited. I even managed to get 4 tickets, for my mum and two sisters. This meant more than anything to me because I felt SUCH a connection with the band and I had told my dad many times I wanted to meet them and talk to them about their lyrics.


So when I went along on Saturday we walked up to their dressing room and I got to chat to them and take some pictures. I asked Pierre how he came up with the lyrics and he told me, the whole room was silent and Pierre, the man I had been most longing to talk to, was talking to me, ME! But David the bass guitarist wasn't there but I didn't mind, I had a signed paper plate and pictures with the band! Then we went down stairs and "bumped" into the support bands, as well as getting lost and nearly walking onto the stage!


The show was FANTASTIC I loved EVERY minute of it. They all play with such power and meaning. I just felt SOOO MUCH more closer to them now that I had met them. Then they came to play Save You. David said he wanted to say some words so he spent quite a while explaining he had missed an autograph signing and he was sorry but he had just been told his sister was ill and he was getting him mum on a flight from canada and then they were going on to Paris. He was soo nice and said he would sign everybody's autograph after the show. Pierre then said thats cool this song goes out to The Gleeson Family and his brother and David's sister I imideiately burst into tears. I couldn't believe all this was happening to me. After the show I queued up to get David to sign my paper plate next to the rest of the band. He gave me  MASSIVE hug and an awesome chat. It was so amazing and he was really cheery and nice.


This just showed me dreams can come true and when life is tough just keep on walking because everyone get their chance to be happy! Now I know for sure my dad is always listening, because he passed away the week after I took off school, on Monday March 17th and this is a massive sign before christmas for me to know he's here. I know he got me 4 back stage passes to meet and see Simple Plan on Saturday 29th November 2008 and that is something I will NEVER forget.


If anyone learns anything from this, it should be to never give up and keep on trying as long as there's hope there's life.

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paulinhakikushi 33 days ago

I send this to the guys, and now I'm sending to you :D

OMG, I can't stop crying. Your story seems a lot to my story. But my grandfather died. And I met Simple Plan because of it. I'm so happy for you, because I KNOW how hard is losing someone that you love to a disease. You just felt that you are nothing, because you couldn't save the person.

Yeah, you deserved and I'm SO happy for you :D

Re: victoria57 32 days ago

Thanks it was such an amazing thing to be able to do and it meant more than anything to me.

I dont understand the bit about sending this to the guys?


fallin4ever16 33 days ago

Hey Victoria,

I read your Simple Plan story. It's amazing! I haven't lost my Dad but I have lost my 12 year-old brother. His name was Sean. He died on April 16, 2008 in Rochester, NY. I hated everything about being there in the hospital. He was there for a total of 4 months. He was such a strong little dude. I experienced things that I never wanted to and learned things the hard way. I never thought it would happen to me but it did. So, I know how you feel, and every 17th of every month you probably think of your Dad. Because every 16th of every month I go, there goes one more month that I could have been spending with my brother. I took life for granted. Not so much anymore. I still listen to music alllll the time, it has actually become like my life because it is what keeps me sane. So, it would be cool if we could be Think buddies....lol. I'm here for you if you need to talk and i do know how you feel! Happy Holiday and a happy New Year!



Re: victoria57 32 days ago

Hey Amy,

(Im not too sure how this works but ive clicked reply to your comment)

Today is the 17th and I just came on to check if this blog had be deleted and commented on and I logged on to see it was the first thing on the homepage, small things like this show me my dad is still here and I'm sure you get signs from your brother telling you he is always there, watching and guiding.

Through this I have learnt how powerful and influencial music can be and I dont really know anyone else that music has as much influence in their life as it does to me so yeah i would love to be Think buddies =)

So yeah same to you, if you want to chat leave me a comment.. or whatever it is we do here! =)


paulinhakikushi 32 days ago

Well, Simple Plan posted your blog in their myspace, and I commented the same thing I did here (sorry, my english is not that good :~ ) 


Anyway, I wish you a Happy X-Mas and a Great New Year. Your father is looking at you all the time and now he is your guardian angel  :D

Now I'm reading your blog again and I am translating for Portuguese to post on my fansite and belive or not, I'm crying again. Girl, you are a heroine for me, really. Because you seems to be so strong and... I don't know, but you teach me an important lesson, like... thank God everyday for the people you have around you.


sab1982 32 days ago

hey victoria!!

ive read your story and i admire you!!!you're just amazing girl!! 

i'm a simple plan fan too and they're just amazing!!!i'm not surprised to read what they did or said when you met them!! 

think they're just proud to have fans like you!!;)


take care,



pete 30 days ago

 hey victoria!  nice job with the blog...it looks great and i think your story is an inspiring one...thank you so much for sharing it! :)


Re: victoria57 20 days ago

hey, youre welcome I just wrote my thoughts and feelings.  is this pete from mtv.. or am i totally wrong?


Re: pete 13 days ago


stunney7 13 days ago

Hi Victoria,

I am very impressed by the courage, faith, hope, love, and the sheer joy that you've expressed so well in the above blog entry.  I didn't realize the full story behind the time you met the band until now, and I'm very grateful that you're sharing it so honestly, and in a way that will help others---that will SAVE others!

Thank you.  I want to give you such a hug.

Love, always...

Your Uncle Peter in "The Cats"