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the top 10 most viewed videos of 2008

These webclips feature stunts performed either by professionals or under the supervision of professionals. MTV and the producers must insist that no one attempt any activity performed on the site.

So here we go. From the peanuts of the poop to the cream of the crap, these are the Top 10 most viewed videos of 2008 (or close enough for the purposes of horseshoes, hand grenades, and half-ass vegetarianism). To savor the moment, I’ll first walk you through the list of jackassworld exclusives in bottom-to-top fashion, then you can knock back the other two Top 10 jackass and Wildboyz specific playlists for a chaser.

And, since I’ve made a habit out of the honorable mention shit, I’ll tack on number eleven up top here for aesthetic blooger viewing purposes: Dave Carnie’s “revolutionary jackass tape measure” (pack of wolves not included). There you go, Fire Hair Man.

10. Jackass Unseen – Skateboarding with Ryan Sheckler: Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m guessing the Ryan Sheckler community got a choke hold on this one and strangled it for all its worth.
9. Wolfie Eats Noodles in HD Slow-Mo: From the outset of jackassworld in late 2007 it was determined through extensive analysis of the Interweb by a team of experts that all a website needed to make it big was a sensational “viral hit” video. You know, the kind that gets linked and passed on in ad nauseum via email until it has reached HIV-like proportions. Armed with this million-dollar cum shot of marketing knowledge, we ran right out and filmed what? Noodling with Wolfie. It wasn’t exactly the AIDS of the Interweb we hoped it to be, but it did make for a year full of inside jokes in the office, not to mention a striking design that can now be bought in the new jackassworld shop!
8. Jackass Unseen – Putt Putt: After gathering digital dust in the MTV tape vaults for seven years, “Putt Putt” was one of the first “unseen” videos to be posted and it’s got the goddamn stats to prove it.
7. Steve-O’s Shoelace Trick: From the loony bin to the sober living facility, Steve-O’s posts definitely brought in the lion’s share of community comments. In this particular video, Steve-O demonstrated exactly what happens when your nasal cavities are treated like a Hoover vacuum product.
6. Sober-O Coordination Test: On almost all of their visits to Steve-O, Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine returned with some form of photo or video proof of his adventures in sobriety. Judging from the numbers here it certainly looks like these gestures were largely appreciated by the jackassworld community.
5. Knoxville International Greeting - England: Soon after our official launch here in the USA, Johnny Knoxville filmed a series of short greetings for the roll out of jackassworld into foreign markets. How the fuck an already English-friendly site translated into something even more English-friendly, I don’t rightly know, but it must involve a lot more cockney for the fannies because this video outranked every other international one filmed.
4. Making of the Jackassworld Trailer: When Dave Carnie underestimated the power of the enema and overshot his mark, JxPx Blackmon stepped in to handle the duty with spot-on dollops. Normally this type of cooperation in the workplace is commended in some manner, but are there really any winners when the situation involves six dudes in a near-windowless (read: non-ventilated) basement critiquing each other’s ability to poop on command? Only on jackassworld could this be considered a perfecty okay thing to do.
3. O Nuts: For jackassworld purposes this video combined the best of all possible worlds: Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, and a bare-footed kick to an equally bare set of balls. I’m no Catholic, but I think a confessional makeover is long overdue in the Vatican and this might just be the perfect penitent solution to their dwindling congregational numbers.
2. One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer – The Great Khali: Oh… so this is the reason you’re not supposed to drink on the job. Thank god Knoxville did, though, because the prime time exposure of the Great Khali’s tiny wee-wee did nothing but good for our site.
1. Jackass Flashback – Santa Colonic: It comes as little wonder that the most viewed video on the site is none other than one of the first “original” clips to be posted back in December 2007—of course it didn’t hurt for this Flashback to be a seasonal favorite, either, having completed two tours of Christmas duty since that time.
Watch all the videos here
Looking for more?
Watch the Top 10 Most viewed jackass Videos of 2008 here
Watch the Top 10 Most viewed Wildboyz Videos of 2008 here

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