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The Hills Wish You A Very Merry Christmas!">MTV And The Hills Wish You A Very Merry Christmas!

Happy Ho-ho-holidays!

Santa, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt … and the rest of the Hills gang.

Double Shot Love Triangles: Trevor Scores Big, Rebekah Picks The Wrong Ikki">Double Shot Love Triangles: Trevor Scores Big, Rebekah Picks The Wrong Ikki

Anyone else having trouble keeping track of all the luuuurve connections on last night’s Double Shot at Love? It seems like everyone’s made out with everyone else by now (including Rosemarie and Josh, who still have yet to get busted!) so we decided to break it down for ya:

Here’s the deal: Rikki likes Nick, Vikki likes Josh, but she also likes (picky) Rebekah – who only has eyes for Rikki (ooh, sticky!) Meanwhile, both Rikki and Vikki like half-baked surfer boy, Trevor, and then there’s Nicky, who liked both Ikkis — until she got tossed in an elim quickie (along with Paul, the sickie).

But we gotta say, we already see some major probs with all the girls’ favorites.

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Shot At Love By Giving Vikki The Brushoff?">Poll: Did Rebekah Screw Up Her Shot At Love By Giving Vikki The Brushoff?

Before last night, If you’d asked us which twinsie had the most sparks with Rebekah, we would’ve said Vikki, hands down. Sadly, Becky didn’t seem to feel the same way ’cause she flat-out told Vikki “I’m in love with your sister” and then hit her with a let’s-just-be-friends speech.

Ouch. We’re all for telling it like it is (after all, you can’t help who you love!) but it kinda seems like Rebekah might’ve jumped the gun a little by admitting she’s a one-Ikki woman. (Reminder: BOTH sisters decide who gets eliminated each week!)

+ Think she shot herself in the foot by telling Vikki she’s just not that into her? (This is a competition, after all). Or is honesty the best policy — even when that means letting someone know you’re not feelin’ it.

Reality Check: Hugh Hefner (Finally?) Makes The Leap From Swingin’ Bachelor To Sad Old Man

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner sees Britney Spearswholesome family Christmas card, and raises her two topless twins. Because nothing says “Merry Christmukkah” quite like two naked chicks posing with an octogenarian porn peddler. ‘Tis the season! (HuffPo)

• Meanwhile, Hef’s ex, Holly Madison, says she plans to propose to her new illusionist boyfriend, Criss Angel. Levitation … it gets the ladies every time! Well, that and not being old enough to need a catheter. (Usmagazine.com)

Courteney Cox says she comes from a broken home and she and hubby David Arquette ain’t gettin’ no dee-vorce. Got that? (Usmagazine.com)

• Funnylady Amy Poehler put on her thinking cap and came up with these homemade webisodes of Smart Girls At The Party, a web-only series that reminds us of The View, only with prepubescent girls instead of Elisabeth Hasselbeck. (E! Online)

• NBC is reportedly having trouble unloading those obscenely-priced Super Bowl ads this year. On the plus side, this means we might actually go five minutes without seeing that annoying dude from the FreeCreditReport.com commercials. Score! (Yahoo! News, via TV Squad)

VIDEO: Brody Jenner Says ‘No One Could Ever Fill Spencer’s Shoes’

We’ve been harboring a not-so-secret crush on Brody Jenner since practically the beginning of time. (Or at least since Season 2 of The Hills, when he first joined the cast as Lauren’s love interest — and Spencer’s bro for life.) And while there’s been a lot of talk about Brody and Spence’s bromance fizzling out, we saw the two (so-called) “former” friendzies on the Hills finale red carpet and TRUST us, there’s still a whole lotta platonic man-love in the air.

Doubt it? Listen up as Brody and Frankie tell us why no one (not even the new crop of Bromance-ers) could ever take Spencer’s place.

+ Bonus: After the jump, stay tuned for an exclusive Brody/Frankie man-ecdote! (Turns out, guys CAN still have slumber parties after the age of 13! Who knew??)

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Hills Cast Weighs In On ‘The Hug’">VIDEO: Do LC And Heidi Have A Future As Real Friends? Hills Cast Weighs In On ‘The Hug’

Apparently we weren’t the only ones gettin’ all teary-eyed (sue us, we’re mushy!) over that momentous hug between former frenemies Lauren and Heidi on last night’s Hills : Season 4 finale. So does this mean the former roomies are headed back towards bestie territory?

According to Heidi, that’s a definite possibility (um, she told us Lauren was gonna be one of her bridesmaids and Spencer didn’t even flinch!), but LC and the other Hills gals were more cautiously optimistic about the ladies’ long-term future.

We had the chance to chat up Miss Conrad, Stephanie, Holly, Whitney and Lo about the long overdue reunion on the red carpet. Watch their reactions below, then stick around to hear some other former roomies (i.e. Lauren and Audrina) open up about their relationship ups and downs … after the jump.

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The City Premiere! Plus: Jay’s Serenades ‘Embarrass’ Her">VIDEO: Whitney’s Nervous For The City Premiere! Plus: Jay’s Serenades ‘Embarrass’ Her

When we headed over to Tavern on the Green to liveblog the Hills: Season 4 finale, we secretly had another agenda in mind: grab Whitney, make her our new BFF (we’re both New Yorkers, after all) and get all the dirt on her about-to-blow-up spinoff, The City. Well, mission almost accomplished.

We didn’t score Whitney’s digits — or her undying admiration (at least, not yet!) but we did get to hear all about her pre-show jitters, plus the scoop on her TBD premiere party (it’ll probably be with the ‘rents) and all her new NYC girls. (You know, the ones who we totally cyber-stalked last week.)

Find out what our gal had to say about life in The City, plus watch as she gets all gushy/giggly on the subject of her hottie musician boyfriend, Jay! (P.S. Love the DVF dress, Whit! Way to represent!)

Hills Finale!">LC As Heidi’s Bridesmaid? BIG Red Carpet Moments From Monday’s Hills Finale!

There were so many entertaining moments from last night’s Hills finale — but some of the most newsworthy took place on the red carpet before the party even started. First up, when asked by Show Girl whether she would consider including Lauren Conrad in her bridal party, a visibly lovestruck Heidi Montag said she’d definitely be interested in having her long, lost bestie as a bridesmaid. Heidi’s happy (kinda? sorta?) hubs, whose New Year’s Resolution is to ‘Be Nicer Spencer’ — nodded in support of his lovely (kinda? sorta?) wifey.

Another favorite? When Tim Kash asked new sisters-in-law/BFFs, Holly Montag and Stephanie Pratt, whether they thought Speidi’s marriage would last, Steph gave an overwhelming yeehaw yes while Holly seemed a lil’ bit skeptical, leading to some She-Pratt outrage and the girls’ first family fight! Check it:

Stay tuned for more red carpet video of LC, Audrina, Whitney and Brody!

Hills Contest Winner Blogs Her Heart Out!">Hills Contest Winner Blogs Her Heart Out!

Show Girl and I weren’t the only ladies blogging last night’s Hills finale. Dove and MTV held a contest to find one superfan with the skillz and stamina to stand all night in heels while taking notes on all the action. Below, read winner Cristin’s rundown of her exciting night at the pahtee…

Hi everyone! My name is Cristin and after two months of marathon blogging I won the Dove MTV The Hills blogger contest! I was sent on a magical adventure, all the way to New York City (I live in Brooklyn BTW) to watch the live season finale event and meet the cast, YAHHH! This season was full of ups and downs, tears and jeers, lies and laughs and to see it all end with the possibility of meeting Spencer Pratt was more than a girl who is too old to be watching this could handle.

I was swept away this Monday eve to the famous Tavern on the Green in Central Park via limo (fancy right?). Once we’re inside, Christmas decorations adorn and the twinkling lights make it seem like a wonderful dream of celebrity and lavish NY living. That IS until I was forced to stand in a crowd similar to that of the late TRL for four hours in Payless high heels. Oye! Not what I thought VIP included. Oh well! A minor setback for an evening of reality TV bliss.
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MTB 4’s Dawn Richard Is All About ‘Homeless Hobo Chic’">MTB 4’s Dawn Richard Is All About ‘Homeless Hobo Chic’

Sure, you know Danity Kane’s Dawn Richard was a talented singer — but did you know she was also a major fashionista? Check out these pics of Dawn’s hottest red carpet looks and read on to find out her latest fashion splurges (think D&G, and Louis Vuitton) her fave designers and her can’t-live-without accessories this season.

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