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December 20, 2008
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Sinus Infection - Effective Treatments

The MedicineNet physician editors ask:

What kinds of treatments have been effective for your sinus infection?

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Comment from: Diana M., 25-34 Female (Caregiver)

My 10 year old child had a recurring sinus infection. She's on nasal spray therapy (Nasonex) for her rhinitis. Because of her monthly basis of sinus infections, her pediatrician recommend that she use a saline solution spray every day, even if she has no symptoms at all. I found this to be effective for it has been four months now and her sinus infection has not recurred. Published: December 02 ::

Comment from: Mike J., 35-44 Male (Patient)

Ketek is the only strong antibiotic that works for me to clear bacterial sinus infections. I have tried other antibiotics, but nothing works as fast and thorough as Ketek. I know there are risks to the liver taking this medicine, but I know this works every time I get a bad sinus infection from bacteria. Published: November 17 ::

I currently have an acute sinus infection which affects the right maxillary cavity only. I had the same problem only two weeks ago but it returned this morning. In my case, the pain has been excruciating and similar to having several toothaches all at one time. Also slight facial swelling, a mild fever and general malaise. I saw a dentist thinking it was a tooth-related but X-rays revealed the sinus infection. The treatment consists of 10 days' Amoxicillin and for pain, Tylenol Arthritis Strength tablets seem to work better than regular Tylenol or Ibuprofen tablets. The first infection lasted approximately five days before the symptoms eased. Published: June 09 ::

Comment from: Nancy, 55-64 Female (Patient)

Lie back on your bed with your head hanging off the side and wash out your sinuses with a saline solution. Shake it all around and then sit up and let it drain out. Be sure to breathe through your mouth! Published: December 02 ::

Comment from: Stuffy in NYC, 25-34 Female (Patient)

I have had a sinus infection for the past eight days and have tried all sorts of over-the-counter medicines to relieve the congestion and breathe clearly: Tylenol Cold and Sinus, cough syrups, lozenges, Sudafed -- nothing has alleviated the congestion until I tried the neti pot. It is a natural way to clear the nasal passages with mild salt water, and it works! The mucus just came out, and I am finally able to breathe! Published: November 17 ::

Comment from: Randy, 35-44 Male (Patient)

I recently had an MRI to try and pinpoint why I have been getting migraines. The results informed me that I have chronic sphenoid sinusitis and chronic ethmoid sinusitis. I was prescribed Imitrex for my headaches and am almost to the point of needing one to two every day. Published: November 17 ::

Comment from: ChronicSinusitis, 19-24 (Patient)

Zithromax and Rhinocort Aqua help when I have a sinus infection. Published: August 28 ::

Recently I flew in an aircraft (ear plugs especially designed for flying). I was in extreme pain with sinus and an ear infection. The doctor on my holiday said my ear almost looked perforated. He prescribed me Solone and Zinnat and I flew back within 48hours of taking them and even read a book on the flight with my earplugs in. This happened in Australia my home Published: July 09 ::

I have been diagnosed as having chronic sinus infection. Treated with Augmentin for 14 days and Nasonex. I live in Jakarta and went to Bangkok for treatment. I am better now but still have runny nose and a little cough in the morning. I want to avoid surgery. I have no pain now and had none earlier. Published: June 05 ::

Comment from: vickyd, 55-64 Female (Caregiver)

My husband has sinus problems due to Wegeners. He gets a lot of drainage that makes him sick to his stomach. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would be good for him to take? He is a TP patient as well and on immuno drugs. He can't seem to find a med that gives him some relief. Published: August 04 ::

My symptoms are greatly reduced by strong oral antibiotics. My problem, being in a HMO, is finding a doctor that will prescribe something stronger than Benadryl. Usually after 4-6 days of treatment, the infection goes away. Published: July 31 ::

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