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Think Help

Getting Started
Site Overview
General Profile Creation
Organization Profile Creation
Tips and Tools to Get Started

Site Features

Your Media
Uploading Media
After Uploading Your Media

Site Rules and Regulations
Flagging Content
Account Information
Policy and Copyright Guidelines

Contact Us



What is Think?

Think is your community where you, your friends, and your favorite celebrities can get informed, get heard and take action on the issues that matter to you most.

Why is MTV creating a community like this?

MTV has launched Think to give young people everywhere the opportunity to make your life, your community and your world better. The Think community provides the tools so you can do just that.

And seriously, what's more hip than social networking around issues that matter? And it appears that you agree! In 2006, we did a study called Just Cause to see where our audience stands on taking action on issues that matter. Our findings revealed that 70% of you believe that helping the community and others is important. However, only 19% are "very involved"! Given the state of our world, it's time to close this gap and that's why Think was built. Stuff like this is nothing new for MTV. Whether it's fighting discrimination (Fight for Your Rights!), global warming (Break the Addiction) or mobilizing young voters (Choose or Lose), we've been getting down and dirty with issues that matter for a long time and taking you with us!

Who should join Think?

If you are a young person who wants to make a difference in the world and bring about change, then join Think and become a part of our multi-media activist revolution.

What does it mean for the site to be in the "Beta" phase?

Beta is kind of like the "members only" phase just before public launch. During Beta, only invited members will be able to interact on the actual site with other invited members. Beta also means that we'll be making changes and trying things out on the site before we go public. So, along the way, you may notice a few things changing. Just consider yourself one of the insiders.


Do I have to fill out everything in registration?

No, only those fields marked with an asterisk (*).

Once I register, can I change the info I submitted?

Some basic information you provided to identify yourself can't be changed. The rest can be changed.


What kinds of profiles are there on the Think site?

There are two kinds of profiles: One for individuals and the other for 501c3 non-profits, government agencies, and schools (high schools and universities).

Do I have to create my profile all at once?

No. You can start it, save it and come back.

Do I have to fill out everything in my profile?

No, but you should. The more you info you give about yourself, the more interesting your identity within the site will be. Also, this is a place to come together to learn about things and take action on what you care about. We all want to know what you care about and how other members can interact with you to create change on those issues.

Once I create my profile, can I change it?

Yes, just hit the "Edit Profile" link on your profile page.

Who can see my profile?

Only Think members can see your profile. However, you can set your profile to private in your privacy settings, so that nobody but your friends in your Think Tank can see your profile. All other Think content is viewable by the public, which means that non-members can check out your media and take a look at your action projects and groups.

Why are you asking individual members for their skills and talents?

Because we think you're rather skilled and talented, if we do say so! What you bring to the community is what you know. We want our site members to easily be able to find someone to work with or learn from. Basically, if you're organizing a rally that needs a flyer to get people to show up, but you don't know anything about graphic design and someone else on the site does - we want our site to serve as a place where you two can easily find each other. That way, one Think member's topnotch graphically designed flyer will bring as many folks to another's event as possible. And in order to do that, we and your fellow community members need to know your skills and talents.

What's a "Quote for Change" on the individual profile?

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." - JKF


"They got money for war, but can't feed the poor." - Tupac

Basically, a quote that says something about something you care about. A quote for change is a quote that inspires others to think and take action.

You're asking me "Why I'm here". Can't I just say, "because you invited me"? ;-)

Well, yes, but really, you're more creative than that! We know that you might just be here to check out the site, or share your media; or that the reason you're here might constantly be changing. But this is another one of those profile areas where you get to tell folks who you are and what you're about. What is it that drives you? Tell us that.


What if I'm an organization, but I'm not a non-profit, government agency or a school. What kind of profile do I create?

If you are an organization that doesn't fit neatly into our categories (like a school group, youth run organization, or something else entirely), don't worry! Create a profile on Think as an "Individual" or as a "Group". These profiles are just as legit as the profiles for those other guys.

Why do nonprofits, government agencies and schools need to give their EIN to join Think?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity. Think requests your EIN to verify that you are in fact a real organization, and to make sure that others aren't pretending to be you.

If I register as a nonprofit, government agency or school, can I edit the comments that community members make about my organization?

You cannot edit comments that community members make about your organization. However, you can prohibit people from making comments at all. The reason for this "all or nothing policy" is that we want to spur honest dialogue about your organizations' work, and sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.

I am not a very tech savvy organization. How do I get started?

Don't worry. Check out this Tips and Tools for Organizations document to help you get started. You don't have to be a tech wiz to maximize Think's resources for your mission.



What is a Think Issue?

Right now, there are twelve issues that Think focuses on: Discrimination, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Education, Environment, Faith and Spirituality, Health and Self, Politics, Poverty and Disease, Relationships and Sexual Health, and War and Peace. Obviously there are more issues out there to tackle, but we are starting with these because they are some of the biggest ones you've expressed interest in and where there is room to make things better. A lot better. That doesn't mean that you can't discuss other socially conscious topics on Think. This is just a way to get the conversation going and see where it leads.

Why does everything on the site have an issue associated with it?

Issues are a good way to organize your interests and get things moving. If you say you're interested in the environment, it means that other Think members interested in the environment can find you easier. Think is all about connecting with others who share your passions or want to learn more about the world. Categorizing everything into "Issues" makes it easier to do so.

What if I don't see my issue on the site?

We know that there are more than twelve issues to tackle in the world. If you think we should add another issue to Think, let us know on our Feedback Forum.


What is a Think Blog?

Some folks make media. Some folks write. Some folks do both. We value all ways you express yourself while in the process of taking action to make things better. A Think Blog is where you can express yourself in writing on the issues important to you.


What is a Think Forum?

A Think Forum is a place to start a discussion on a particular topic or question that you care about. If you want to know what other Think-ers think about a topic you're passionate about or interested in, starting a Think Forum thread is a good place to kick off the discussion.


What is a Think Group?

A Think Group is a way for members who share a common interest or identity to come together. See something wrong in the world? Want to change it and make it better? If so, Groups are for you. All good Think-ing leads to action, and we want you to use this site to organize action around the issues you care about. Groups serve as the base of where this happens. Create a Group to mobilize a group of members around a particular action - a service project for school, a voter registration drive in your city, a rally in Washington DC! Share task lists, upload media, find users with skills your action could make use of and advertise your action to other individuals.


What is a Campaign?

MTV and its partners launch campaigns on issues you've told us matter to you. We also may have launched them around issues you haven't mentioned (shame on you!), but we want you to care about.



What types of media can members upload during Beta?

Video, audio and images.

Which media formats does Think accept?

Video: mpg, mpe, mpeg, avi, flv, wmv, mp4, mov, asf, 3g2, 3gp2, 3gp
Photo: gif, jpeg, jpg, jpe, png

Are there any restrictions on what the media can include?

Use discretion and common sense. Your media may not include:

• Content that is vulgar, defamatory, sexually explicit or suggestive, obscene, hateful, racist, or sexist.

• Content that contains inappropriate conduct involving children, pornography, extreme violence, dangerous stunts, etc.

• Copyrighted materials that you don't have the rights to. If you need music for your creations, check out the great "rights free" music at garageband.com.

• Make sure you have permission from the people appearing in your media to post their likeness on the Web.

What do you mean by "media for change"?

We've all seen media that moves us; that inspires us to think about something in a different way or to take action on an issue that concerns us. We've also all seen cats swinging from ceiling fans and guys running into fences. At Think, we're interested in media that inspires change. We want you to upload media that tells us stories about what you're passionate about, and media that encourages others to think and take action. In other words: we're not really interested in those videos of cats swinging on fans, not unless, that is, you're posting it to spark a discussion on animal rights or cruelty.


Why do I have to assign an issue to my media?

Issues are a good way to organize your media content. If you identify your video as environmental, that means that other Think members interested in the environment can find you easier. Think is all about connecting with others who share your passions or want to learn more about the world. Categorizing everything into "Issues" makes it easier to do so.

What if my media is related to more than one issue?

If your media is related to more than one issue, then assign a secondary issue to it. The option to do so should appear right after you assign your first issue.

What if my media doesn't fit with Think's issues?

For Beta, assign it to the closets related issue.

If a nonprofit or school works with media creators who, for whatever reason, are unable to upload their media themselves, can this media still be featured on the site?

Yes! Nonprofits and schools can upload this media to their profile, as long as they are confident that the creators of the media are okay with them doing so. Nonprofits and schools should use the "description" field on the media upload page to let the community know the media was made by youth associated with their organization.

If a group of individuals worked as a team to create a single piece of media, can all members of the group get credit for that creation?

Yes and no (don't ya just love answers like that!). You should choose one member of the group to upload the piece of content. That piece of content will appear on the uploader's profile only, but other individuals who also worked on that piece of content can let the community know they did so by:

• Adding that piece of media to their favorites
• Posting a comment on that media's landing page that lets the community know they were part of the creation team
• Creating a Think Group that the whole team can join, and then attaching that piece of media to the Group (your team's personal exhibition space!)



What should I do if I see a piece of media or text on the site that I think is violating the site guidelines?

Flag it. Flag any video, audio file, picture or posting that you think does not aligned with the Community Guidelines(it is vulgar, defamatory, sexually explicit or suggestive, obscene, hateful, racist, or sexist), or contains copyrighted material you own and don't want this community member to use. To flag a piece of media or a posting, go to the page where you can watch, listen or see that content. Below the posting or the media player and above the comments fields, you will see a "Flag" dropdown menu. Click on the downward arrow and choose the option that best reflects your reasons for flagging the content. When you flag a piece of media, a site moderator will examine it and take it down if they determine it violates our site rules.

When should I flag a piece of media or a posting?

Remember, don't just flag something for the fun of it or because you don't like the person who posted it (trust us, we'll notice!). Similarly, don't flag something just because you disagree with the content maker's politics or particular message. Flag content if you think it legitimately violates the Community Guidelines and should be taken off the site. We want community members to upload media that encourages others to think and take action. Sometimes you might not agree with a particular message, but that doesn't mean it can't spur on positive dialogue. This is your community and it's important to use this tool wisely and appropriately.


How do I close my account?

In the "Basics" section of the "Edit" view of your profile page, click the "Deactivate My Account" link underneath your Date of Birth.

I forgot my password. How do I log back into the site?

On the top of the site's homepage, click the "Forgot Password?" button next to "Login".

How do I change my password?

In the "Basics" section of the "Edit" view of your profile page, there is a "Password" field. Input your new password and click save.

How do I change my username?

In the "Basics" section of the "Edit" view of your profile page, there is a "Username" field. Input your new username and click save.

How do I change the email address tied to my username?

In the "Basics" section of the "Edit" view of your profile page, there is an "email" field. Input your new email and click save.

Someone is on the site pretending to be me or my nonprofit, government agency or school. How can I get their profile taken down?

If someone manages to create a false profile of you (those bastards), let us know right away by emailing think@mtv.com.


How does Think handle inappropriate content?

Think takes the handling of inappropriate content very seriously and reserves the right to monitor, edit or screen any content. If we determine that the content is inappropriate per our Terms of Use, Think reserves the right to: (a) refuse to allow you to post content; (b) remove and delete postings; (c) revoke your right to use the Site; and/or (d) use block specific IP addresses or deactivate your registration on the Think. Although Think members have the right to flag your media if they feel it violates the Community Guidelines, only site moderators have the right to remove a piece of media from the site.

For full details on how Think handles inappropriate content, read the Terms of Use. For full details on how flagging works, read the Help page.

Why was my media taken down from my profile?

Your media was taken down because Think determined that the content is inappropriate per our Terms of Use, Copyright Compliance Policy, or our User Content Submission Agreement. There are lots of ways we can find inappropriate content on the site. First, site moderators check the site regularly. Second, community members have the power to flag media they think is not aligned with the Community Guidelines. When this happens, a site moderator will look at the content. If it violates community rules, we will take it down and notify the community member who uploaded the content.

What is your policy on copyright infringement?

Think takes protection of copyrights very seriously. We use multiple measures to prevent copyright infringement over Think and to promptly end any infringements. For details on those measures, please refer to our Copyright Compliance Policy.


Why am I having difficult logging in? It seems like my username or password changed.

You're not crazy, your username or password may have changed on you. One thing you may not know about Think is that it is part of an online network of community sites called Flux. Once you've registered with one Flux community, you can use the same e-mail address and password to join all the others - while bringing your profile and friends along with you! Don't worry-you are not automatically linked to any of those communities until you sign up for them. Because of a small error (come on, we're in beta, give us a break), you may have been allowed to register with an already taken username or you may have registered to another Flux community with a different email. Bottom line is that your username or email could have changed on you. If this sounds familiar and you don't know what your username or email could be, email us at think@mtv.com and we'll get you sorted out.


If none of this answered your question, shoot us an email at think@mtv.com