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Episode 1

Once allies against HItler, the Soviet Union and the United States confront each other at the end of World War II. Looming over the postwar landscape is the awesome, mushroom-shaped cloud of the atomic bomb.

Katyn Spotlight
Why did the Western powers choose to overlook this wartime atrocity?

Then and now Then and now
A look at an eerie tourist attraction: the shelter designed to preserve representative government, even if there was no one left to represent.

Time and Pravdafirst draft
TIME: Comrades-In-Arms
May 21, 1945

PRAVDA: Stalin declares victory over Germany
May 10, 1945

Did you know
  Some historians say Stalin was so pleased by the Yalta conference that he entertained Roosevelt and Churchill by repeating the only phrases he knew in English:

"You said it!"; "So what?"; "What the hell goes on round here?"; and "The toilet is over there."

Interactive IPIX Images
Buchenwald: Cold War prison
Poland's Katyn massacre memorial
Newsreel Flashback video icon
The Grand Alliance at War's End
Windows Media 28K 56K
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Postwar Europe
See how the Cold War battlelines formed
Decision game
Take Stalin's seat at Yalta.
George F. Kennanvideo icon
U.S. Embassy, Moscow
Sir Frank Roberts
British Embassy, Moscow
Sergo Beria
Soviet Intelligence
Tehran Declaration
December 1, 1943
FDR's Yalta Report
March 14, 1945
Potsdam Agreement
August 1945
United Nations Charter
June 26, 1945
Carving up Europe: Did the U.S. give up the store?
Message Boards
Share your thoughts and memories about the era depicted in 'Comrades'
Episode 2: Iron Curtain   

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