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December 16, 2008
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Attention Webmasters and Healthcare Marketing Professionals

Free RSS News Syndication Service for Websites and Net Users Seeking Reliable Doctor-Produced Health and Medical Information

MedicineNet offers the convenience of RSS feeds which provide a means to view and deliver new or updated health and medical content that is posted on MedicineNet.com to your website or desktop. The RSS feeds are organized by channels. We have general and specific medical and health channels covering the latest medical news, diseases and conditions, procedures and tests, medications, and our MedTerms medical word of the day channel. By subscribing to a channel, you can have important headlines delivered to your XML enabled website or desktop on health and medical topics of interest to you. If you are looking for website integration and RSS is too technical, we do offer content syndication using our free syndicator tool.

To get started:
  • you need to install an RSS feed reader, (A reader is a software application similar in function to your email program - you will see headlines and descriptions in the channels you've subscribed to in this application - see the list of some of the available RSS readers)
  • and subscribe to a channel. To subscribe you need to copy the channel URL into your reader.

The XML feed  icon icon helps you identify that an RSS Feed is available. This icon will have the URL link to that channel. To subscribe to the channel, right-click on it and choose Copy Shortcut. Switch to your reader and select File, New menu option (this may vary based on your reader). Follow the menus to add the channel.

If you click on this icon, a new browser window will open that includes the XML code. All you need is the URL that points your reader to that channel. For example our Daily Health and Medical News channel URL looks like this: http://www.medicinenet.com/rss/dailyhealth.xml
To add the channel, you can copy this URL from the browser into your reader. See the instructions in your reader software on how to create a new channel.

Once you have subscribed, your reader will automatically check the channel for updates. For example, if MedicineNet posts a new Arthritis article, and you've subscribed to our Arthritis General Channel, you will see that this article has been added in your reader. You can go directly to that new article on MedicineNet.com. This is a great way to keep up-to-date on the new or updated content posted on MedicineNet.com. We have many health and medicine channels that you can subscribe to in the RSS format. Please subscribe and enjoy!  We also have other free health and medical solutions available.

Benefits of RSS Feeds
  • You take control and determine which RSS channel you would like to view.
  • You only view a headline and description making it easy for you to scan topics.
  • The link will take you directly to that article.
  • You are alerted when our site is updated.
Available MedicineNet RSS Feed Channels

When you see this icon XML, throughout MedicineNet you know that there is an RSS feed channel related to the health or medical topic you are reading. By clicking on the icon and using your RSS reader, you can subscribe to that channel.

We offer five types of health and medical RSS feed channels.

  • Daily Health and Medical News Channel (updated nightly Monday through Friday)
  • Weekly Health and Medical News Digest Channel (compilation of the previous week's daily health and medical news - updated every Friday night)
  • MedTerms Medical Word of the Day Channel (a medical definition from our medical dictionary - updated daily, 7 days a week)
  • Specialty Channels (specific, over 1,000 available - for example the Acne Specialty Channel) and
  • General Channels (broad, 36 available - for example the Skin General Channel)
Specialty Health and Medical Channels (specific disease, procedure, or medication)

There are over 1,000 specialty health and medical channels to choose from. These include diseases and conditions, medical procedures, and medications . To locate a specialty channel, look for the Specialty XML feed  icon icon on the right navigation of the article or the bottom of the index page on the specific health and medical topic page. When you see this, you know the specific topic has an associated RSS specialty channel. You just need to subscribe to that specialty channel. For example you can subscribe to the Psoriatic Arthritis Specialty Channel. When articles related to this specific topic are updated or added on MedicineNet.com, the channel will be updated accordingly. This process occurs nightly.

General Health and Medical Channels (broad medical and health topics)

We currently cover 36 General Health and Medical Channels. A collection of specialty articles typically make-up a general channel. For example our Arthritis General Channel includes over 250 arthritis related articles such as Osteoarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Below is a listing of available general channels. You can also locate a general channel by looking for the General XML feed  icon icon on the left navigation of the Focused topic in MedicineNet.com.

Available RSS Health and Medical Channels from MedicineNet
To subscribe, click on the XML icon below and add the feed URL to your reader MedicineNet RSS Feeds (Excel, 178KB)
Daily Health and Medical News
Weekly Health and Medical News Digest
MedTerms Medical Word of the Day
Medical and Health Audio Podcasts
XML Learn about our medical podcasts and podcasting.
Specialty Health and Medical Channels - can be found on the article or index of the specific health and medical topic page. (Look for the Specialty XML icon). To see the complete listing (all 1,110), click here

General Health and Medical Channels

Allergies General
High Blood Pressure General
Alzheimer's Disease General
HIV General
Arthritis General
Infectious Disease General
Asthma General
Lung Conditions General
Cancer General
Medications General
Cholesterol General
Menopause General
Chronic Pain General
Men's Health General
Cold & Flu General
Mental Health General
Depression General
Migraine Headaches General
Diabetes General
Nutrition, Food, & Recipes General
Diet & Weight Management General
Pediatrics / Healthy Kids General
Digestion General
Prevention & Wellness General
Exercise & Fitness General
Senior Health General
Eyesight General
Skin General
Hearing General
Sleep General
Heart General
Thyroid General
  Women's Health General
What is RSS?

RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication and is based on a technology known as XML. Among other things, RSS allows you to view headlines of the latest content posted on a website like MedicineNet.com. When you see the XML XML icon on a page on MedicineNet.com, you know that that particular article or topic has an associated RSS channel. You will need an RSS reader (also known as a news aggregator) to properly interpret the RSS feeds on the channel. These readers also allow you to subscribe to the channel. The advantage of an RSS feeds is you only view the most recent changes to our site. This alerts you to an important change or addition in a medical or health topic that may be of interest to you.

RSS Resources

General information on RSS:

There are many RSS readers (news aggregators) available for download. Search for RSS readers in your favorite search engine to find the most popular ones. Most are software applications that must be installed onto your computer. Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers both support RSS feeds.

RSS Feed Terms of Use

We encourage you to use our health and medical RSS feeds, so long as you do not post the entire article and so long as you provide proper attribution and links back to MedicineNet.com. The MedicineNet RSS feeds are also available for syndication onto your web site.

For more free health and medical content, learn about our Content Syndicator Tool offering easy delivery of MedicineNet headlines that appear on your website.

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