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Posts tagged: frank miller

More From Frank Miller On ‘Sin City 2,’ ‘Hard Boiled’ Development

'Sin City'As we reported earlier this week, these days, when it comes to Frank Miller, it seems that what the legendary comic artist/writer has coming up is just as exciting than his films that are currently hitting multiplexes.

Case in point, at a recent press junket for “The Spirit,” MTV ventured into “upcoming film” territory, asking the on-the-rise director about the status of “Sin City 2,” to which Miller replied, “I’ve written ‘Sin City 2.’ Its all written. Now we’re just working out the mechanics of getting it there. Marv is in there and I hope it’s Mickey Rourke. I’ve got my Ava, but I really don’t want to talk about casting because it could end up being somebody else and I wouldn’t want to insult her.” Read more…

Frank Miller Discusses ‘300’ Sequel, Mickey Rourke & ‘Martha Washington’

Frank MillerAs we get closer to the December 25 release date for Frank Miller’s take on “The Spirit,” one can only assume that we’re gonna get hit with a barrage of news in anticipation of the film. However, it’s never too early to get the iconic comic book writer-turned-director to talk about his other notable work — namely “Sin City,” “300,” and his “Martha Washington” series — and the folks over at SuperHeroHype.com did just that in an with Miller.

When it comes to films based on Miller’s revolutionary comic work, one of the biggest hot-button fanboy issues of late has to be the rumors that there will be a sequel (or possibly prequel) to “300” — and while the moans of ire were audible on the message boards when this news broke, they quickly died down once director Zack Snyder mentioned the possibility of a new comic from Miller that would build on the “300” mythos.

“I’ve written a story that’s not a prequel,” Miller told the site. “It’s definitely a further story in the Greco-Persian Wars, and it involves some of the same characters but I’m not sure exactly how far along it’ll get.” Read more…

Frank Miller Says ‘Sin City 2’ Could Begin Filming In April

Frank MillerYesterday, Mickey Rourke told MTV that he and Frank Miller are both ready for “Sin City 2″ — and now it looks like they’re in agreement on that, too. IGN had the opportunity to chat with Miller about the sequel to the 2005 adaptation of his graphic novel — a project on which he shared director credit with Robert Rodriguez and which set the stage for his upcoming solo directorial debut with “The Spirit.”

Sin City 2 is written,” said Miller, confirming the longstanding report that a draft of the film is indeed in the hands of Rodriguez. “It’s mainly a matter of working out the details of the production. I’m hoping to do it with Robert Rodriguez again in the same circumstances that we did the first one, and we could be shooting as soon as April.” Read more…

New ‘The Spirit’ Featurette, Three International TV Trailers Debut Online

And the marketing juggernaut for this Christmas’ “The Spirit” continues to tear through the Internet like a tornado through a trailer park, as yet another featurette for the Frank Miller-directed superhero flick hit the tubes today.

In this, the third featurette from Lionsgate hyping “The Spirit,” we get an in depth look at one of the main “characters” of the upcoming film that hasn’t been getting too much attention as of yet — the setting of the film, Central City. We also hear from the film’s set designers on the unique look of the film, or as producer Deborah Del Prete so eloquently puts it, the “contemporary noir” feel of “The Spirit.” Check it out below…

THE SPIRIT - Exclusive Featurette

After the jump, we’ve got the three brand-spankin’-new international TV spots which will no doubt see heavy rotation leading up the the flick’s December 25 release. Read more…

EXCLUSIVE FEATURETTE: Check Out The Women Of ‘The Spirit’!

Just in case you missed it, on tonight’s premiere of MTV’s new show “Spoilers,” we ran an exclusive, behind-the-scenes featurette on the women of “The Spirit,” hosted by the film’s director, Frank Miller. Between the movie’s roster of Hollywood’s hottest starletts — including the likes of Eva Mendes, Scarlett Johansson and Jamie King just to name a few — we could’ve easily filled up the entire episode, but let’s be honest, “The Spirit” ain’t the only movie we’re excited about here at Splash Page HQ!

That said, in case you missed it, we’ve got you covered with an exclusive look at the clip featured on “Spoilers. Check it out below — and if you’re looking for more on “The Spirit,” Watchmen,” “Twlight” and other upcoming releases, be sure to check out the “Spoilers” main page by clicking here.

New ‘Spirit’ Photos Hit The ‘Net: Samuel L. Jackson Is Horrified, Gabriel Macht Gets Dirty

Frank Miller’s big-screen adaptation of “The Spirit” hits theaters in less than 60 days and the film’s marketing machine has been running at full speed lately, with a variety of cast and crew interviews popping up around the ‘Tubes during the last week, and today, a new set of photos from the film.

Over at MovieWeb, there’s a nice gallery of the newly released images from “The Spirit,” including the one we’ve posted here and another we’ve posted after the jump. While the new photos don’t seem to reveal any big news about the film, they do provide a few more looks at Samuel Jackson as The Octopus — who’s looking especially terrified in the photo we’ve posted here.

Samuel Jackson in 'The Spirit'

After the jump, get a peek at The Spirit himself, as played by Gabriel Macht, looking a bit beaten down and dirty — which, as any fan of the original Will Eisner “Spirit” will certainly attest, is not that uncommon a look for the hero. Read more…

Frank Miller Weighs In On The Specific Changes He’s Made To Will Eisner’s ‘The Spirit’

'The Spirit'With the December 25 release approaching for Frank Miller’s big-screen take on Will Eisner’s “The Spirit,” the hottest topic of discussion continues to be Miller’s perceived changes in the tone of the classic comic strip — with many questioning the first-time solo director’s decision to bring a more cartoon-y vibe to “The Spirit.”

The LA Times spoke with Miller (who they described as “the most important comic-book artist of the last 25 years”) and Samuel L. Jackson, who plays the villainous “Octopus” in the film, about Miller’s chosen tone, as well as some of the specific changes in the character’s back story he decided to make for the film. Among those changes to the story was Miller’s decision to have the character return from the dead with a Looney Tunes-esque level of invulnerability and a special pheromone that makes him irresistible to women — two elements that didn’t exist in the original Eisner stories. Read more…

My Chemical Romance’s Mikey Way Talks ‘Batman,’ Defends Frank Miller

Mikey WayStory by James Montgomery

Hey, did you know My Chemical Romance’s Mikey Way is really good friends with comic book artist Jim Lee? Well, he is. And when MTV News spoke to him yesterday — about the 8-page Batman/Scarecrow story he contributed to DC’s “Halloween ‘08″ book (it’s in stores tomorrow) — he spoke with great reverence about the Caped Crusader, calling him “the perfect super hero … he encompasses everything I like about the genre, plus old ’30s film noir.”

So naturally, this drove us to ask him about his take on something that involved both Lee and Batman: “All Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder,” the rather divisive ongoing series featuring art by Lee and a rather sadistic take on Batman himself, courtesy of Frank Miller. Seems most fans and critics don’t really like the masochistic Dark Knight Miller has conjured up this time around (the whole “I’m the Goddamn Batman” thing), though Way doesn’t agree. Seems he sees the books as just another wrinkle to the Batman Mythology. Read more…

New ‘Spirit’ Featurette Reveals Frank Miller’s Take On The Origin Of The Character

Lionsgate has released an all-new featurette for this December’s “The Spirit.” In the hopes to further clear up the earlier confusion surrounding the film’s plot and feel, the featurette (titled “The Origin of The Spirit”) shines the spotlight on director Frank Miller, who explains the character as well as the original source material and creator — comic legend Will Eisner’s — place within the history and hierarchy of American comic books.

But it ain’t all just one big, four-color history lesson. There’s also some great clips of The Spirit and his arch-nemesis, The Octopus (played by Samuel L. Jackson) beating the crap outta each other — some of that “Wile E. Coyote” violence Jackson mentioned in earlier interviews. And naturally, the ladies of “The Spirit” make a few cameos as well.

Okay, enough of our jibber-jabber — check out the clip below (via AceShowbiz.com)!

Starting to get “Spirit” fever? Or are you still an undecided viewer? Talk about it in the comments.

Frank Miller On The Look & Feel Of ‘The Spirit’ And Robert Rodriguez’s Influence

Frank MillerDuring this weekend’s Scream Awards, Frank Miller offered up a bit more insight regarding the vibe of his upcoming adaptation of Will Eisner’s “The Spirit” comics, telling Sci Fi Wire that the film was “romantic, but as in ‘Sin City,’ you don’t know what date it is.”

Miller described his take on “The Spirit” as a “very urban/Zorro story,” and said he attempted to make the story “as timeless as possible.” Read more…