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Star Wars: A Step Too Far

Reuben Schwarz in Cool Kit | 1:07 pm 5 December 2008

Use the jam, Luke! Darth Vader toasterA few weeks back (can’t remember exactly, I’ve lost all sense of time lately) I blogged on a gadget that let you make religious icons on toast.

Unfortunately it was still in the concept stage, even though it’d sell like hot, well, toast on a cold day.

The lovely Alice just sent me this link and I’m so excited I have to share. Because it’s a toaster that burns an image of Darth Vader into your bread.

(Of course, it should be pointed out that if you’re cooking crumpets Mr Vader is going to look a bit malformed.)

All this begs the question, what will George Lucas slap a Star Wars logo on next? I mean, take a look around that site. Some of those collectibles should not exist.

Do fans really need to dress up in a Slave Leia costume? Well yes, obviously, especially if they have the body to pull it off. But do they really need one for their dog?

The dog just loves it, you know.

That’s….that’s just wrong.

Seriously, if you were going to produce two of these things, which ones would you choose? Darth Vader? Jabba? Chewwy? No, they choose Slave Leia.

Someone out there has some problems.

Still, it probably sells more than the AT-AT Driver Mini Bust.

So what’s next? A Jar Jar Binks stress relief squeeze ball? Toilet paper with the Attack of the Clones script printed on it? Share your suggestions for Mr Lucas below.


  1. Just waiting for the lightsabre bread slicer to go with it…

    Comment by TimD… — 5 December 2008 @ 1:15 pm

  2. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you used that phrase just to bring out the trolls.

    Comment by David — 5 December 2008 @ 2:08 pm

  3. Next will be a series of 200,000 collectible miniature clone troopers

    Comment by Thomas — 5 December 2008 @ 5:50 pm

  4. Somewhere in a box, i have a load of star wars figure, an AT-AT and the millenium falcon.
    In decent nick and prob worth a packet.

    Whats next? Life size R2D2 that carries a tray of drinks around for parties.

    Comment by WowAddict — 5 December 2008 @ 11:42 pm

  5. Perhaps a dog in a princess leia outfit is as close to a real woman as is likely to feature in a household that has a darth vader toaster.

    Comment by G — 7 December 2008 @ 9:16 pm

  6. Call me a loser, but I think that toaster is cool.

    How about an R2D2 vaccum cleaner? Since it pretty much is a pimped out Electrolux already…

    Comment by Beki — 8 December 2008 @ 6:22 am

  7. Even I draw the line at the Yoda slippers….and they’re adult sized *shudder*


    Comment by Beki — 8 December 2008 @ 6:30 am

  8. That toaster is a keeper. I just wouldn’t bring it out until the second or third date.

    Comment by pez — 9 December 2008 @ 12:20 pm

  9. I’d bring out the toaster at the point in the relationship where I want us to start seeing other people.

    Comment by paul — 9 December 2008 @ 1:18 pm

  10. G, you’ve made my day. Classic.

    Comment by Reuben Schwarz — 9 December 2008 @ 1:32 pm

  11. This is the be-all-end-all of toasters! http://www.inseq.net/zuse.html

    Comment by flamedot — 11 December 2008 @ 2:42 am

  12. Sorry, this is a bit late, but this is the next step… brilliant (but pricey!)


    Watch the video, and now tell me you don’t want one!!

    Comment by Dan — 19 December 2008 @ 4:55 am

  13. p.s. The video of the product is down the bottom of the page… not the stupid ad for the Clone Wars cartoon….

    Comment by Dan — 19 December 2008 @ 4:57 am

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Reuben Schwarz writes about technology, gadgets and other geeky things for Stuff.co.nz and The Dominion Post. His Cool Kit blog rounds up the neatest and weirdest gadgets, toys, websites and video oddstuff he can dig up on the Web. Email Reuben to share your tips and discoveries.
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