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Ron Howard’s Frost/Nixon premiered at the London Film Festival to cold and mixed reviews. Lets take a look at the early buzz.
Variety’s Todd McCarthy: “Perhaps needlessly adopting a cinematic equivalent of the play’s direct-to-audience address, Howard “interviews” several of the characters, witness-style, about the events, which only serves to make the film feel somewhat choppy, half like a documentary at first. Approach also imposes an overly predictable editing style on the whole film, one in which the cuts come precisely on the expected beats, when a fleet, syncopated rhythm would have moved the exposition along with more flair. It might even be that the film could have done without the [...]

Entertainment Weekly has a first look at the poster for Ron Howard’s Frost/Nixon, which pretty much says everything you need it to in one picture. The site also has 49 other first looks (none of which are all too interesting), which you can see here.

Universal has released the official American trailer for Ron Howard’s Frost/Nixon. We also have some production photos and an official plot synopsis below. Based on a play of the same name, the film tells the story of the series of infamous post-Watergate television interviews between British talk-show host David Frost (Michael Sheen) and former president Richard Nixon (Frank Langella). As always, tell me what you think in the comments below!
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Watch the trailer in High Definition on Yahoo. Frost/Nixon hits theaters on December [...]

The Orange County Register has the first photo of Frank Langella portraying Richard Nixon during filming of Ron Howard’s adaptation of the Peter Morgan play Frost/Nixon. Langella won Best Actor during the New York City run of that production. You can check out a comparison photo of the real Richard Nixon below.

I’m surprised at how much Langella looks like Tricky Dick. I actually had hesitations when it was announced that he was cast in the movie. Appearance on the stage doesn’t matter as much as it does on the screen. And with an iconic character like Nixon, if you don’t look the part, the whole production could bomb. However, this [...]

There’s a lot of second page news today so we’re bringing back Page 2, our quick fix news rundown:
Universal is planning a big screen adaptation of Second Sight, a 1999 BBC miniseries that starred Clive Owen as a detective struggling to solve a murder before he goes blind. Sounds like an interesting premise. Owen is not attached to the film version.
AICN has a bunch of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End character designs by Aaron McBride and Crash McCreery. I digg the designs but especially Broondjongen, who splits open like a clam shell to reveal a dead figure trapped inside.
The guys over at the BlueSky Disney Blog wonders if [...]