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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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30-year-old woman destroyed police office in Carinthia

woman destroyed policeA 30-year-old doctor’s assistant from the Carinthian town of Landskron destroyed the police office in Velden.

The woman was quite upset about a parking ticket, and gave vent to her feelings in a very emotional way.

She threw papers and documents against the walls, and damaged police property. When she left the police office, she also attacked a police car with her feet.

The policemen were quite surprised about such a passionate Carinthian woman. This was probably the reason she was not put into prison. She left the place without any problems.

Interesting detail of the case: the parking ticket was not issued by the police, but by a private security service.

Austrian Federal Railways want to sell railway lines

If you ever wanted to buy a railway line in Austria, this might be the right time for you.
The Austrian Federal Railways offer some of its railway lines for sale.

Following railway lines can be bought: Breitstetten to Orth on the Danube river (from 0,00 km to 5,857 km).
The line from Klein St. Paul-Wietersdorf (17.800 km) [...]

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Politican demands separation between sexes in schools

The Peoples Party spokeswoman of science wants to have a separation between the sexes in Austrian schools.
Austrias daily newspaper “Österreich” reports about it. There was also an interview with the female politican.

In the interview she tells that not all lessons should be devided between boys and girls, but in lessons of languages and physical science [...]

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Do Greens play computer games during parliamentary sessions?

Austrias biggest newspaper “Kronen Zeitung” claims in todays issue that members of the Green party are playing computer games on their laptops during parliamentary sessions.
Another Austrian newspaper, “derStandard”, reports about a photo of Green politicans, while they were having fun with their laptops during a parliamentary debate about child abuse.

Greens boss Alexander van der Bellen [...]

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9-year-old boy from Lower Austria was able to buy a gun

A little boy of 9 years from the Lower Austrian town of Baden was able to buy a gun.
His mother could not believe her eyes when she saw her son playing with an armed weapon. When she took the firearm, and wanted to bring it back to the shop, she could not believe her ears.

The [...]

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Carinthian Samurai warrior wanted to kill unemployed man

Last weekend a 39-year-old Samurai warrior from Carinthias capital Klagenfurt, who is working as a roofer, wanted to kill an 48-year-old unemployed man.
The 39-year-old roofer was running around with a Samurai sword in his hand, searching for the 48-year-old in a housing area to kill him.

The police was able to catch and arrest the Samurai [...]

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Chancellor Gusenbauer made a “bad” joke in Argentina

Austrias chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer is a funny person who loves to make a lot of jokes.
But sometimes a single joke can be too much. Such a joke happened during his state visit in Argentina.

In a meeting with Argentinian politicans he said that he is surprised to see so much polticans in the late afternoon. In [...]

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39-year-old Upper Austrian killed his family with axe

7-year-old daughter, wife, mother, father, and father-in-law. They had to die because their murderer lost money on the stock exchange market.
Only his sister and his brother survived. He was not interested to finish their lifes.

The murderer was working in the Austrian parliament for the Socialdemocrats. His wife was working in the ministry of finance. It [...]

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German historican ponders about Austrias next government

Austrias daily newspaper “DerStandard” writes something about the German historican Paul Nolte from the university in Berlin.
Nolte thinks that Austrias next government will be a coalition between the Peoples Party and the Greens.

Bad luck for the Socialdemocrats? The historican explains that the same trend is noticeable in Germany. Nolte thinks the Green voters in Germany [...]

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Football fans are allowed to show Austrian flag

As the Football Euro 2008 in Austria and Switzerland is coming closer and closer, a drastic increase of Austrian flags on the streets is discoverable.
Such a patriotic development was a thorn in the flesh of some politicans and lawyers.

They have warned enthusiastic Austrians through the medias, that it’s not allowed to show the Austrian flag [...]

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Don’t you dare to use mobile phones in Graz!

Yesterday local politicans of Graz were discussing if it should be legal to use mobile phones in public transports in their provincial capital of Styria.
The answer was unmistakable and crystal clear. It is a crime, and it’s going to be prohibited.

The prime mover of the “mobile phone prohibition” is Graz mayor Siegfried Nagl from the [...]

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Austrian midwifes against Caesarean operations

Austrian midwifes criticize the high amount of Caesarean operations.
Every fourth baby in Austria is born that way.

The federal state of Burgenland in the leader of Caesarean operations. The midwifes in Austria are not happy with such a development.
“Soon every second baby is born by Caesarean operation”, moans a speaker of the midwifes.
The expert explains: “Many [...]

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Australian tourist went mad in Viennese youth hostel

If you want to spend a silent and peaceful holiday, you should not choose a youth hostel for your accommodation.
Such a wise understanding was totally ignored by an 24-year-old tourist from Australia in Vienna.

The young man was not able to bear the noise of a whole school class, which also found a place in the [...]

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HC Strache: No freedom for child abusers!

If all those horrible things, which recently happened in Austria, have something positive, it’s a political discussion about a harder punishment for child abusers and sex offenders.
Now also Freedom Party chairman Heinz Christian Strache promised to fight for a harder punishment for sex maniacs. Strache demands: “No freedom for child abusers!”

Child abusers and sex offenders [...]

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10 months prison for raping 4-year-old girl several times

Another strange court decision in context to child abuse is reported in todays Austrian newspaper “Kronen Zeitung”.
A 55-year-old man was sentenced to a prison term of 10 months for raping a 4-year-old girl several times. Even employees of the court house were shaking their heads after such a decision. As the man already spent 10 [...]

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Westenthaler: “There is something wrong with the law in Austria”

In todays “Pressestunde”, a TV-show with a politican and two journalists, shown every Sunday morning on Austrian TV, the BZÖ politican of the “orange party” Peter Westenthaler, was talking about the Austrian law in relation to the incest crime of Amstetten.
He said that there is something wrong with the law in Austria. There must be [...]

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The childhood of Josef Fritzl

Austrias newspaper “Ober- österreichische Nachrichten” wrote about the childhood of Josef Fritzl in todays issue.
The second world war was over when he was 10 years old. His home town Amstetten was totally destroyed by Allied bombers, and occupied by the Russian army.

Fritzl grew up in very poor conditions, and lived alone with his mother. His [...]

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Fritzls new life in prison: death threats and fear

There is a story about the new life of Josef Fritzl in todays issue of Austrias biggest newspaper “Kronen Zeitung”.
Being in prison is not a new experience to him. At the end of the 60’s he was in prison for 18 months, because of several sexual attacks and rapes. Fritzl was also known as exhibitionist.

But [...]

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Josef Fritzl was a serial sexual offender in the 60’s

The first rumours about the sex crimes of Josef Fritzl in the 60’s are true.
He has raped a nurse in 1967. He entered the apartment of the nurse through a window, and sexually abused her. Now another women claims that she was also raped by the monster of Amstetten in those years, but she was [...]

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Austrias justice minister: don’t punish him too hard

Austrias justice minister Maria Berger is against a hard punishment for Josef Fritzl.
“15 years are enough. 20 years the maximum”, she says.

Austrias Interior Minister Günther Platter from the Peoples Party claimed a hard punishment for sex offenders. The Socialdemocratic justice minister disagrees.
The justice minister also criticizes the behaviour of Lower Austrias minister president Erwin Pröll [...]

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5-year-old son of Josef Fritzl: “the world is so nice”

According to Austrias biggest newspaper “Kronen Zeitung”, the 5-year-old son of Josef Fritzl Felix, was very excited about his first time in a car when he was released from his prison in the cellar, and brought to his new home with the other family members.
For you and me it’s nothing special to go to work [...]

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