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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Has Josef Fritzl raped a woman before?

austriaAccording to Austrias biggest daily newspaper “Kronen Zeitung”, Josef Fritzl has already raped a woman before he started to lock up his daughter and do the same to her.

It’s written that he has raped a woman in the city of Linz.

Fritzl was caught, brought before the court, and found guilty. But he was not thrown into prison for a long time. Unfortunately the daily newspaper “Kronen Zeitung” did not write more details about this case.

The Lower Austrian can expect a mild judgement, is written in Austrias newspaper. 15 years would be the maximum, but a much lower imprisonment is assumed. The important question is going to be, if the has killed one of the babies during birth or not. If the baby wasn’t viable, it’s not possible to accuse him of a murder.

At the moment Fritzl is jailed in a two men cell in the prison of Lower Austrias capital St. Pölten. Austrian reporters tell that he has a good life there. Yesterday he has received appetizing apricot dumplings for lunch.

© Photographer: Stockphotonyc | Agency: Dreamstime.com

New record: 6.397 visitors on Tuesday, 29th April 2008

The story about Josef Fritzl and his family breaks all records at austrianews.co.uk.
Yesterday 6.397 people were visiting the website, and 10.985 impressions were counted.

Ranking of the top three days at austrianews.co.uk:
1st … 29th April 2008: 6.397 visits/10.985 impressions
2nd … 28th April 2008: 4.245 visits/6.772 impressions
3rd … 12th October: 2.257 visits/3.602 impressions
Most of the visitors come [...]

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Who is Josef Fritzl?

Since last Sunday, the whole world knows his name.
The man who locked up his own daughter in the cellar for 24 years, raped, and made her pregnant 6 times.

But who is that man who can do such cruel things to his own daughter?
The 73-year-old has also seven children with his wife, and is known as [...]

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Latest news from Amstetten: police knew about dungeon

According to the latest news of Austrias newspapers and medias in the scandal of Amstetten, the police knew about the dungeon in the cellar.
The suspect has already received an official planning permission for this kind of cellar in the 70’s. So the authorities knew about the whole cellar. There were no secret rooms.

The planning permission [...]

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Reason of Josef Fritzl: “wanted to keep daughter away from drugs”

Yesterday the accused incest committer Josef Fritzl was talking to the police for the first time.
He admited the rapings of his daughter during the last 24 years in the cellar. One of the seven babies which were born below ground level, died during the birth. Fritzl has thrown the dead baby into the burning heating [...]

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Austrian dungeon case brought new visitors record

The horrible dungeon affair in Lower Austria, brought a new record of visitors to austrianews.co.uk.
4.245 visitors and 6.772 impressions were counted yesterday, on Monday the 28th April 2008, at austrianews.co.uk. Most of the visitors came through Google, searching for “austria news”, “austrian news”, “news in austria”, and “austria newspaper”.

The background of the visitors are countries [...]

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New details in Lower Austrian dungeon incest affair

New details appeared in the unbelievable dungeon incest affair of Lower Austria.
The victim, who was raped by her father the first time when she was 11 years old, tried to escape two times from her home.

The second time was in August 1984, and this was one time too much for her father. He decided to [...]

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Lower Austrian father locked up daughter for 24 years in cellar

Inconceivable case of incest in Austria!
A man from the Lower Austrian town of Amstetten locked up his daughter for 24 years in a cellar, and fathered her seven times.

The martyrdom started when she was 11 years old. She was raped, made pregnant, and locked up in the cellar by her own father. Officially she was [...]

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Viennese policemen want prisoners to clean their windows

The police of Vienna is upset about dirty windows in their offices.
Now they have found the right idea to solve the problem. Prisoners should care about clean windows on their police stations.

The policemen are quite enthusiastic about their idea. They could save time and money, and the prisoners won’t be bored. “Sweating instead of sitting”, [...]

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Complices in Natascha Kampusch case not excluded

Was Wolfgang Prikopil the only involved committer in the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch?
The official version of the story says “yes”, but now more and more doubts appear that Priklopil was not the only one.

Even the chief of the new “Kampusch commission” voices doubts that Wolfgang Priklopil was able to do everything alone.
In an interview in [...]

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Giving a box of chocolate is a crime in Salzburg

A woman from Salzburg gave her neighbour a box of chocolate.
Today she has to appear before a court, because the public prosecution department of Salzburg thinks giving a special type of chocolate fulfils the criminal offence of an harmful threat.

According to Austrian medias the woman has to expect one year prison.
Two months ago a mayor [...]

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Chinese prostitute killed workmate in Vienna

A prostitute from China has killed her Chinese workmate.
The reason can be found in the commercial competition. The 47-year-old lady of pleasure from China made too much business. The other one was not happy about that, because she was not able to earn the same.

First the police and some newspapers suspected a participation of the [...]

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Survey: Austrians dislike positive thinking

A new survey has revealed that Austrians don’t like to think positive.
52 percent of all Austrians say their life is predetermined by their personal destiny. Only 21 percent have the opion the destiny could be a chance to turn things into a better situation.

42 percent of the Austrians answered the question “Is positive thinking the [...]

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Priests want to take part on this years Football Euro

The football fever around the Euro 2008 in Austria and Switzerland has now also captured the holy priests.
Austrias clerics also want to be a part of the Football Euro.

Auxiliary bishop Franz Scharl is going to pledge 18 sacral action forces today, but this should be just the beginning for a religious offensive during the European [...]

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Braunau: upset about a sculpture in German neighbour town

The 18.000 inhabitant town of Braunau is located directly on the border to Germany.
Only the Inn river and a bridge, can be found between Braunau and its German neighbour town Simbach.

Now those two towns seems to be in a serious conflict. The reason is a six metres long, and 1 1/2 tons heavy sculpture in [...]

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Tourists in Salzburg. What they are doing if they stay just for one day?

Tourists who just stay for one day, are very imporant for the net product of Salzburg.
Those people generate an added value of 83 million Euro during the whole year. Now the city of Salzburg wanted to know what are they doing, and why they are coming to Salzburg.
The result of that inquiry shows quite interesting [...]

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Every fifth Lower Austrian is impractical for the army

Every year 12.000 young men from Lower Austria have to go to the army physical.
In the last years every fifth of them is not useful for the Austrian army. 25 percent of the impractical men have mental problems and psychical conspicuities.

The main reasons for such a result are wrong nutrition, no sport, and psychosocial problems. [...]

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Thermal spring of Bad Tatzmannsdorf with healthy strength training

The thermal spring of Bad Tatzmannsdorf has a new attraction in its extensive program.
It’s a new method of a strength training the healthy way called “Kieser Training Methode”.

The thernal spring of Bad Tatzmannsdorf is the first one in Austria, which is going to offer such a revolutionary training routine as a chosen quality partner.
Someone who [...]

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Farm holiday in Tirol is becoming more popular

Farmers in Tirol are happy about their touristical attraction.
The offer to spend holiday in their farms is becoming more and more popular. Last year the occupancy rate increased up to 11 percent.

But this is not enough for those ambitious farmers in the federal state of the Alpine mountains. “There is still a lot of space [...]

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Totally drunken teenagers kidnapped sheep dog

It sounds like an excessive and wild party night for four young people from the town of Scheifling, in the north of Austrias federal state Styria.
Three boys and one girl between the age of 17 and 21 years, were partying in their home town Scheifling.

Later in the night they started to party a bit too [...]

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More apartment hunters in Innsbruck

Tirols provincial capital Innsbruck seems to have too little apartments.
The waiting list for council homes has already 2.000 names, says Innsbrucks city council woman Pokorny Reitter from the Socialdemocrats.

Now the Socialdemocratic woman demands a new and wide building activity for apartments.
Such plans are ambitious. She wants that the waiting time for an apartment in Innsbruck [...]

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Start of Danube river shipping season in Lower Austria

Saturday, the 12th April, is going to be the magic day when the Danube river shipping season starts in the Lower Austrian region of the Wachau.
The family establishment of Brandner offers a lot of attractive trips on their boat along the Danube river, in the beautiful Danube valley of Wachau, between the town of Melk [...]

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Holiday in Austria with babies and little children

Making holiday with babies and little children is usually a big challenge for the parents.
Family Tirol Hotels completes this market niche, and wants to offer a stress-free holiday in the Tirolean mountains for young parents.

The hotels in Austrias federal state of Tirol who have such a seal of approval, are reviewed every third year by [...]

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Austrian Parliament ratified EU Reform Treaty

Yesterday the Austrian parliament has ratified the disputed EU Reform Treaty.
After an emotional debate over the whole day, the parliament members of Socialdemocrats, Peoples Party and the Greens, decided with a clear majory against Freedom Party and the orange “Alliance For The Future Of Austria” (BZÖ), to ratify the treaty of the European Union.

The government [...]

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Clinic for in vitro fertilization wants sperm from fire fighters

A clinic in Carinthia for in vitro fertilization is out of sperm.
Now they have started an appeal for help through the medias. Fire fighters from Carinthia should come and provide the clinic with their sperm.

The manager of the clinic for in vitro fertilization in Carinthias capital Klagenfurt is in deep trouble. He is out of [...]

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One of the biggest findings of firearms in Austria

The police and the department for intelligence service and counter terrorism in Lower Austria, have discovered one of the biggest findings of firearms in Austria.
300 illegal firearms, war material, and 12.000 pieces of ammunition were found in private houses of six persons.

The police counted more than 100 pieces of heavy war material. Even Russian machine [...]

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Austrias Women minister: better occupational outlook for girls

New laws should bring better occupational outlook for girls in Austria.
This was the latest message of Austrias Women minister Doris Bures (Socialdemocrats).

Doris Bures told that it’s very important for young people to have a good occupational outlook. But it’s much more important to gain a better occupational outlook for girls, claims the Women minister.
The Socialdemocratic [...]

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Viennese policeman denied help for knife victim

A female taxi driver from Vienna was attacked by a robber with a knife.
Coincidentally a policeman came a long the road. “Help”, screamed the taxi driver, and thought she is going to be save now.

But there was one thing she hasn’t reckoned with. The policeman told her that he is busy. “Sorry, but I have [...]

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Judge claims mother of Natascha Kampusch was involved in kidnapping

The Styrian judge Martin Wabl claims that the mother of Natascha Kampusch was involved in the kidnapping of her own daughter.
After his yesterday performance in court, he is allowed to expose his proof of the truth about that case in court.

The mother of Natscha Kampusch is not happy about such plans. She demands a prohibitory [...]

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13-year-old girl from Burgenland sexually abused by Nigerian vicar?

A 48-year-old vicar from Nigeria is confronted with serious accusations.
The African clergyman was hearing the confession of pupils from the secondary modern school in Kohfidisch, a little village of 1.500 inhabitants, in the south of Burgenland.

Now a 13-year-girl claims that she was sexually abused by the vicar during the confession. The incident happened on the [...]

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Ernest Hemingway monument in little Austrian village

The American Nobel Prize winner of literature Ernest Hemingway who died in 1961, received a monument in the little Vorarlberg village of Schruns.
Schruns has 3.400 inhabitants, and can be found in the south of Austrias most Western federal state Vorarlberg.

The reason of such an honour for Ernest Hemingway is the occurrence that the American Nobel [...]

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