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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Tibetan claims he was maltreated in Chinese embassy of Vienna

violenceThe embassy of China in the city centre of Vienna was the place of dramatic scenes last week on Thursday.

A Tibetan protester climbed up to the balcony, and broke down the Chinese flag.

Afterwards staff members of the Chinese embassy pulled him into the building and started to beat him. One Chinese woman even kicked him with her high heels. This is the version of the Tibetan victim.

The Tibetan man was brought to hospital with serious injuries on his head and his lumbar vertebra. The doctors were shocked about the condition of the patient, and confirmed a heavy maltreatment.

The victim told that he was beated with fists and sticks. A Chinese woman kicked his head with high heels.

A spokesman of the Chinese embassy denies the serious accusations. “His statements are pure lies and a defamation”, was the message from the Chinese.

Now the Austrian police has a problem to clarify the case. A foreign embassy is legally not a territory of Austria. That’s why Austria is not authorized to investigate. It seems Chinese police has to take on the case.

picture © Mayangsari | Dreamstime.com

Crash: pile-up of cars on Austrian motorway cost one human life

60 cars were involved in a pile-up yesterday morning on the motorway “A1″ between Salzburg and Vienna.
One Swiss woman lost her life when she got out of her broken vehicle, and was hit by a passing car.

The police confirmed that 31 persons were injured. They were brought to the next hospitals in the vicinity. Some [...]

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Horny bakerman wanted sex with apprentice girls

A very horny bakerman is living in the city of Linz.
The naughty man wanted sex with his apprentice girls. He groped their genitals several times in a day, and forced them to watch porn movies in the cellar of his bakers shop.

Now the girls had enough of their intrusive boss. They went to the official [...]

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The sleeping rituals of the Austrians

More than two third of the Austrians need a certain ritual to fall asleep.
The rituals are diverse: cuddle, orange juice with milo, or a walk. But the most important ways to fall asleep are watching television or to read a book.
Austrians also like an exchange of endearment with the partner. This should also help to [...]

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St. Michael is becoming a part of the Netherlands

The 3.600 inhabitants town of St. Michael in the South Eastern corner of the Salzburg province, seems to become a part of the Netherlands.
Dutch people are crazy for real estates in St. Michael. If a house is for sale, the possibility is very high that it’s bought by someone from the Netherlands.

The beautyful scenery of [...]

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Austrias top ten travel agencies with highest credit rating

Even two travel agencies from Tirol are among the 10 most successful travel agencies in Austria.
This is the result of a ranking created by the Austrian credit investigation company (Kreditschutzverband).

Every travel agency in Austria which has annual sales of more than 15 million Euro was reviewed. 30 different factors were considered, and influenced the raking.
The [...]

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Austrias most popular mayor: 50 years in power

Austrias most popular mayor can be found in the federal state of Carinthia.
His name is Valentin Deutschmann. He is 80 years old, and since 50 years he is the mayor of a little village in the east of Carinthias provincial capital Klagenfurt.
Grafenstein is the name of the municipality.

Now the 80-year-old has enough. He won’t run [...]

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People from Tirol have highest life expectancy in Austria

The people from Austrias Western province Tirol have the highest life expectancy in Austria.
This is the result of “Statistik Austria”. The average Tirolean man who is born today, can expect to turn 78 years. Female Tiroleans have a life expectancy of 84 years.

The two places of Tirol with the highest life expectancy are “East Tirol” [...]

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Austrias chancellor Gusenbauer met UEFA president Platini

The Austrian chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer met the president of the UEFA, Michel Platini, yesterday in Vienna.
The reason for such an usual meeting were talks about the preparations for the Football Euro 2008 in Austria and Switzerland.

Michel Platini wanted to show his admiration for the Austrian politican, and brought a gift to Mr.Gusenbauer. Alfred Gusenbauer received [...]

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Confused Socialdemocrats: refusal of own application

Orange coloured BZÖ politican Peter Westenthaler is amused about the confusion of Austrias Socialdemocratic politicans in the parliament.
The Socialdemocrats have refused a suggestion to decrease taxes. The funny point in the case: it was their own application.
Westenthaler amused: “The Socialdemocrats are afraid to vote for their own applications.”

Westenthaler confirms that it’s important to decrease the [...]

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Austrians work too hard

The trade union of the private employees is anxious because Austrian employees work too hard.
An inquiry revealed that Austrians make too few breaks during work. Especially in little enterprises 50 percent of the staff has to work without breaks.

This is the reason for an action week of the trade union to create a more positive [...]

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Drunken man wanted to kill his family with chainsaw

A drunken man tried to kill his own family with a chainsaw last weekend in the Styrian district of Weiz.
The epileptic who was totally drunk had bad mood because of disagreements in an inheritance.
The 42-year-old man who stills lives with his mother, said that he is going to cut mothers feet with his chainsaw. He [...]

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Skiing in Salzburg during Easter holidays is ensured

Fresh snow and artificial snow makes it possible, and let Salzburgs hotel operators cheer.
Skiing is possible during the Easter holidays in the winter holiday resorts of Salzburg.

The dry period and the sunny weather in February was posion for the ski slopes. The snow was almost gone.
But now the weather has changed, and with the combination [...]

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Austrian hotel website Tiscover sold to German company

The famous Austrian hotel and holiday website “Tiscover”, was sold by “Tirol Werbung” to the German HRS company from Cologne.
HRS is a Hotel Reservation Service, operates world wide, and has more than 225.000 hotels in its database.

The federal president of Tirol is very happy about the deal. “We sold to the one who was ready [...]

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Richest Russian woman buys house in Tirol

Jelena Baturina is Russias richest woman.
She is the wife of Moscows mayor Juri Luschkow, and bought a house in the Tirolean village of Aurach, which is located close to the town of Kitzbuhel.

As a citizen of Russia, she does not have an EU passport. Because of that she would not be allowed to buy real [...]

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Muslim terror suspect don’t wanted to kill humans

The Muslim believer created videos which he published on the internet platform YouTube, and threatened the Austrian government with terror.
Now being in court everything sounds a bit different. “It was a misunderstanding and he never wanted to kill humans”, he said.
His wife was excluded from the trial, because she don’t wanted to take off her [...]

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Hurricane Emma claimed four lifes in Austria

The hurricane arrived in Austria on Saturday lunchtime, and stayed until Sunday night.
Roofs were destroyed, trees disrooted, cars and caravans overturned, power supply lines disconnected, and four humans lost their lifes.

The highest wind velocity was measured by 140 km/h.
The Northern part of Austria was most affected. The hurricane arrived in Salzburg, and continued through Upper [...]

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