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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Chocolate lovers from Romania looted Carinthian chocolate shop

chocolateThe lovers of chocolate had a desperate need for the sweet temptation.

During the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, the looters broke the door of a chocolate shop in Carinthia, and took all the chocolate bars from Milka, on to Ritter Sport, and many other sweet chocolate delicacies.

Eyewitnesses have seen them escaping with a blue VW Caravelle, which had a Romanian registration number.

The tracing of the police ended in a negative result. The Romanian car was seen the last time in the Carinthian town of Spittal/Drau.

Football Euro: McDonalds wants children to eat more hamburgers

The international fast food chain “Mc Donalds” is the official sponsor of the UEFA European Football Championship 2008 in Austria and Switzerland.
The message of the fast food group is crystal clear: “Austria should eat more hamburgers and support its team.”

For these purposes McDonalds is going to offer live matches on flat screens in all of [...]

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Broke and homeless man ordered three aeroplanes

A 55-year-old broke and homeless man from the Northern region of Austrias federal state Styria is in prison now, after he hads ordered three aeroplanes in a value of 47 million Euro.
The Styrian impostor was also living in fancy spa hotels of Loipersdorf, Bad Tatzmannsdorf and Stegersbach without paying the bill.

He was caught by the [...]

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Austrian Santa Clauses against christmas shopping

Next Saturday the association of Santa Clauses in Austria has announced to make a demonstration in the Viennese Mariahilfer Street, against shopping before christmas.
The boss of the association thinks that shopping before christmas damages the climate protection.

The Christmassy protesters named the following Saturday into a “don’t buy day”. The shoppers should think about their behaviour [...]

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Viennese police wants to have more immigrants

Less Austrians, but more immigrants as policemen. The police of Vienna wants to increase its contigent of immigrants.
All political parties, except the Freedom Party, want to support such kind of plans, and performed a meeting how to manage that.

There should be massive advertising campaign to motivate immigrants to became policemen in Vienna. The prefered candidates [...]

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People from Burgenland are the most liberal donors in Austria

Who likes to donate most of the Austrians?
Austrias best donors are the people who are living in the most Eastern part of the country, on the border to Hungary and Slovakia.

This province is called “Burgenland“, and it’s the home of the people who are giving most of their money for charitable donations.
According to a survey [...]

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Young and brave hotel operators in Leogang (Salzburg province)

The little town of Leogang is located in the east of the Salzburg province, and has 3.100 inhabitants.
Leogang is becoming more and more popular as a summer and winter holiday destination.

This year the amount of guest beds had to be increased from 4.000 up to 4.400. The new 400 beds are available at the end [...]

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19-year-old computer gamer beheaded himself with chain saw

The 19-year-old teenager lived in the Upper Austrian town of Laakirchen, close to Austrias famous tourist destination Gmunden.
In the past months he loved to play a certain computer game, in which monsters have to be beheaded with chain saws.

The police thinks his spectacular suicide was commited because he had problems at his workplace.
It happened last [...]

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Violence in schools: Austria on the top in Europe

No glory for the Austrian education authority is a story, which was found on the internetsite of the Austrian Broadcasting (ORF).
The Austrian Broadcasting claims that Austria has one of the most violet schools in Europe. The title of the story: “Violence in schools: Austria is on the top in Europe.”

In Vienna 14 percent of the [...]

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More than 4 years prison for attacking drug dealer

Usually drug dealers try to avoid the police, but in that case drug dealers were crying for help, because one of them was attacked by a fist fighter.
Now a 30-year-old man from Carinthia has to go to prison for 4 years and 6 months, because he has attacked a drug dealer in Graz.

There was a [...]

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Austria is a country of jealous men and the city of Graz is on the top

A survey of the German institute for rational psychology revealed, that the most jealous men in all German speaking countries come from the Austrian city of Graz.
The survey was published in the lifestyle magazine “Men’s Health”, and realised in the 50 biggest cities of Germany, and the 5 biggest of Switzerland and Austria.

4.480 men between [...]

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Unexpected snow chaos in all parts of Austria

The early invasion of winter brings Austria up to speed. The whole country is littered with difficult road conditions because of storm and snow.
Last winter the whole country was moaning because of too little snow. This year the winter came back with double power. There is snow in all parts of Austria, already in the [...]

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Strache: extension of Schengen EU border is bitter christmas present

The leader of Austrias Freedom Party Heinz Christian Strache, assess the situation about the extension of the Schengen EU border as a “bitter christmas present for the Austrians”.
Strache thinks the extension of European Unions Schengen border in the east comes too early.

Andreas Mölzer, who is a member of the EU parliament, agrees in Straches opinion. [...]

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Protest against parking ticket vending machines in Graz

Unknown committers have damaged 15 parking ticket vending machines on Tuesday in Graz.
The amount of loss comprises 15.000 EUR.

The parking ticket vending machine protesters destroyed the front side of the machines with a hammer. The displays were completely smashed to pieces.
All parking ticket vending machines were repaired in one day. The offenders might have a [...]

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Attempted murder: 720 EUR monetary penalty

A very mild judiciary met a Turkish woman in Innsbruck today, who wanted to kill her former boyfriend with two knifes.
The woman was sentenced to a monetary penalty of 720 EUR.

During this years spring time, she attacked her former boyfriend in an underground carpark with two knifes. One knife was 20 centimeter long. In total [...]

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Violent art reviewer destroyed sculptures in Graz

A violent form of art critic happened in the Styrian capital of Graz last week.
Two sculptures of a sculpture park were destroyed. It is said sombody might be involved, who is not happy about the work of the artists.

One sculpture has the name “asocial daughter”, and was made by the artist Tobias Rehberger. The other [...]

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No sweets: Halloween fans wanted to kill 70-year-old man

Also this year Halloween madness ruled Austria once again.
In Upper Austrias capital Linz Halloween fans were knocking on the door of a 70-year-old pensioner to beg for sweets.

He doesn’t wanted to give those guys some treat, and did not open the door. This made them angry. “You are dead”, was written on the door of [...]

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