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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Austrian dogs are too fat

austrian dogsAn investigation of a pet food manufacturer revealed the result that every third dog in Austria is too fat. Reasons are wrong feeding and too little move. Castrated and sterilized dogs have a higher risk for overweight.

Even the weight of the dog owner has a huge influence on the weight of the dog. The risk for a dog who has a fat owner, is three times higher to become fat, than for a dog who has an owner with normal weight.

Overweight has the same effects for dogs as for humans. It brings diseases and complaints. Experts advise a lot of walks with the dogs, as well as daily running for 20 to 30 minutes.

Election result in Austria with surprises

Yesterdays election evening brought some surprises, and changed the political scenery totally. The two big parties Socialdemocrats (-5,63 percent) and Peoples Party (-8,72 percent) lost massive, and made their worst result since the end of the last world war.
The two winners are the Freedom Party of Heinz Christian Strache (+6,97 percent) and Haiders BZÖ (+6,87 [...]

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Josef Fritzl returned home to his house in Amstetten

Yesterday afternoon Josef Fritzl was able to return home to his house in Amstetten. The reason was a reconstruction of the crime scene. The mechanism of the main door to the dungeon had to be checked.
The prime suspect was escorted by his defending lawyer, the judge, expert witnesses and loads of policemen. The area around [...]

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Headmasters examination talks made pupil mad: baseball bat attack

A tourism school in Krems (Lower Austria) was the scene of a violent infringement. A pupil of the school showed his dissatisfaction about his headmaster with an attack by a baseball bat.
It seems the headmaster liked to talk about examinations a little bit too much. He always invited the pupil in his office, and asked [...]

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Alexander Zach of Liberals and his Eurofighter affair

Yesterday the boss of the Austrian Liberals said good bye to his position as highest party member. His affair about the Eurofighter warplanes turned into a big mess, and he decided to resign only 5 days before the important election for the Austrian National Council.
Liberals prime candidate Heide Schmidt tried to calm the waves, and [...]

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Franz Fischler wants genetically manipulated plants in Austria

Fritz Dinkhauser, who runs for a post for the national council, is concerned about the latest statements of former EU commissar Franz Fischler. Fischler who is now the boss of the personal committee for Peoples Party prime candidate Wilhelm Molterer, wants to see open gates for genetically manipulated plants in Austria.
Dinkhauser thinks that genetic engineering [...]

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Viennas arthouse cinemas with insecure existence

Deep sorrow about the future of Viennas arthouse cinemas. The business competition to the big cinemas is quite tough. Only subsidies by tax money can guarantee the survival of such small cinamas, which decline to show cheap hollywood movies.
Arthouse cinemas delight cinemagoers who are fed up with boring hollywood movies. Also an Austrian film industry [...]

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Natascha Kampusch trial with loads of violence

Yesterday the trial about the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch found its proceeding in the Styrian town of Gleisdorf. A guy called “Martin Wabl” claims that the mother of Natascha Kampusch was involved in the kidnapping.
He wanted to present his means of evidence. The mother of Natascha Kampusch, Brigitta Sirny, is not happy about such accusations, [...]

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Former Austrian football referee died in Madrid

The former football referee Heinz Fahnler from Austria, died in the age of 66 in the Spanish capital of Madrid. Fahnler was working in the UEFA as official, and died during the preperations for the football match between Real Madrid and Borisov.
The Austrian was working in this kind of position since September 1990. He was [...]

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Brothel next to primary school in Lower Austria

Sodom and Gomorrah in the little Lower Austrian village of St. Veit/Gölsen. A brothel has opened in the centre of the village, directly next to a primary school.
The conditions in the village are incredible. Prostitutes are dancing naked in the street in broad daylight. 10-year-old pupils becoming interested and asking their worried parents about the [...]

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Complete concert stage stolen in Burgenland

The police of the federal state in Burgenland has to investigate in a very bizarre criminal case. Unknown persons have stolen a complete concert stage close to Burgenlands federal capital Eisenstadt.
The loss amounts to more than 300.000 Euro. The police told that its not sure if the concert stage was stolen by intention or just [...]

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Urination through window and Hitler salute in Salzburg

Poignant scenes happened yesterday at lunchtime in the Salzburg city district of Maxglan. Two men urinated through a window from their flat on the street, and showed the Hitler salute.
They could not stop their outrageous behaviour and even abused policemen, who were called by worried neighbours. Words like “police pigs” and “fucking cops” were included [...]

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Happy Birthday! Austrianews.co.uk is two years old.

Yes, time goes by really fast. Austrianews.co.uk deliveres the latest news from Austria in English language for two years now.
As birthday present for the readers, Austrianews.co.uk changed its look with a new design. It is combinated with elements of the German language.
Hopefully English visitors won’t have serious problems to navigate and leave spirited words as [...]

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Wiener Neustadt receives new football ground

The 40.000 inhabitant town of Wiener Neustadt in the south of Vienna, receives a new football ground with a capacity for 10.000 visitors.
It is Frank Stronach, a man from Styria who escaped to Canada in his early years to become a millionair, who has a vision to create a new football ground in Wr. Neustadt, [...]

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Policewoman raped by policeman in Graz?

Such kind of accusation is quite tough. A policewoman from Graz claims that she was raped by a colleague.
The 23-year-old policewoman told that she was raped by a 41-year-old policeman during a patrol in the police car.

The police headquarters of Graz and the federal police headquaters of Styria decided to believe the victim and suspended [...]

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Straches concern about quail eggs and other disputes

Yesterdays live discussion on TV between the two politicans HC Strache and Alexander van der Bellen had some amusing moments.
It came out that the chairman of the Freedom Party HC Strache worries about the taxation of quail eggs and elk cheese from Sweden.

Strache believes that a decrease of the VAT tax should not be valid [...]

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Shakespeare stage play shocks Austrians

A certain Shakespeare stage play at the Viennese Burgtheater makes the blood of the Austrians run cold.
The Shakespeare stage play called “Die Rosenkriege” (the Wars of the Roses) causes pure horror in Austria. Now the police and the youth welfare office has imposed an adult only for this kind of stage play.

Theatre experts, police, psychologists [...]

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68-year-old man from Styria tried to kill cave explorers

Hate and anger about cave explorers was the motivation for an attempted murder by a 68-year old man from the North Styrian town of Liezen.
The 68-year-old environmentalist wanted to protect “his mountain” from explorers and adventurers, he told the police after his detention.

He put up a stone trap on a sea level of 2.600 metres, [...]

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HC Strache about immigrants and Austrias social system

Heinz Christian Strache, who is the prime candidate of the Freedom Party for the election at the end of this month, delivered a speech in the inner yard of the Fortress Salzburg.
The Austrian broadcasting station “ORF” reported about a nagging sermon against immigrants in Austria. It was told the speech was a very emotional one, [...]

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Alexander van der Bellen vs Jörg Haider

Yesterday evening the TV confrontation between Greens boss Alexander van der Bellen, and the leader of the BZÖ Jörg Haider took place.
Austrian medias designated the meeting as a “duel between fire and water”. The differences between both persons could not be bigger.

Also personal offences were part of the discussion, which was moderated by one of [...]

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Heide Schmidt: no working market economy in Austria

The prime candidate of the Austrian Liberals, Heide Schmidt, criticises the situation of the food market in Austria, and her political opponents.
Heide Schmidt claims that Social Minister Buchinger (Socialdemocrats) tries to throw grains of sand in the eyes of the Austrians.

The liberal politican explained that high food prices are not made by inadequate control mechanisms [...]

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Election campaign in Austria 2008

The election campaign for the National Council in Austria in in full swing.
Since a couple of days many different election posters enrich the scenery of Austrias towns and villages.

Austrianews.co.uk in cooperation with advertisinginaustria.com wants to take a closer look, and presents all the election posters of the political parties for this years election.
As a quick [...]

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Knife man thrashed by resolute woman in Lower Austria

A female shop assistant of a tobacconists a newspapers shop was attacked by a man with a knife in the Lower Austrian town of Bad Vöslau.
The knife man was hooded with a bonnet over his whole head. He shouted desperately for money and played with his knife infront of the womans face.

But the woman was [...]

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Peoples Party Hannes Missethon acts as prophet

The general secretary of the Peoples Party Hannes Missethon, loves it to act as a prophet in the Austrian politics.
Missethon prophesies a deep grab into the wallet of Austrias citizens, if the new government is going to be a coalition between Socialdemocrats and the Greens.

The eloquent politican claims that such kind of government is going [...]

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