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European Governments Should Resettle Guantanamo Detainees
European governments should provide humanitarian protection to those Guantanamo detainees who will not be charged with a crime but cannot be returned to their countries of origin for fear of torture or other serious human rights violations, five leading human rights organizations said today. European governments should agree to accept them into their countries and ensure they are provided with adequate support.
November 10, 2008    Press Release
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Georgia: More Cluster Bomb Damage Than Reported
Georgian Clusters Landed in Villages; Russian and Georgian Duds Still a Threat
Georgian cluster munitions fired in the conflict with Russia in August 2008 caused more damage and hit more locations than previously commonly reported, Human Rights Watch said today in a presentation to the Convention on Conventional Weapons in Geneva. Explosive remnants from the weapons, fired by both Russia and Georgia, continue to threaten people and their livelihoods.
November 4, 2008    Press Release
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Fact Sheet on Turkmenistan: November 2008
Repression in Turkmenistan: Invisible but Everywhere
In the two years since the death of Turkmenistan’s president-for-life Saparmurad Niazov, the government abolished aspects of his cult of personality, adopted a new constitution, and has began to reverse some of Niazov’s most ruinous social policies. The government under President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov ended the country’s self-imposed isolation and has attracted unprecedented international interest in its hydrocarbon wealth. However, it remains—as detailed below—one of the most repressive and authoritarian states in the world. Its policies and practices are anathema to European values.
November 4, 2008    Memorandum

Serbia Failed to Protect Minorities from Attack
EU Should Press Belgrade to Bring Perpetrators to Justice
Serbian authorities failed to prevent attacks against businesses and homes owned by ethnic Albanians in the wake of Kosovo’s declaration of independence (by the majority ethnic Albanian government) in February 2008 or to bring to justice those responsible, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Serbia’s treatment of ethnic minorities is likely to be critically assessed in the European Commission’s annual progress report on Serbia, to be published on November 5.
November 3, 2008    Press Release
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Hostages of Tension
Intimidation and Harassment of Ethnic Albanians in Serbia after Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence
This 74-page report documents attacks against ethnic Albanians and other minorities in February and March 2008, including broken windows in businesses and homes, attempted arson, hate graffiti and intimidating protests. Most took place in the ethnically diverse Vojvodina region, in northern Serbia.

HRW Index No.: 1-56432-394-3
November 3, 2008    Report
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Human Rights Watch Recommendations in Advance of EU-Russia Human Rights Consultations
Human Rights Watch welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing preparations for the forthcoming EU-Russia human rights consultations. The consultations come at a difficult point in EURussia relations. Thus, it is all the more important for the EU to press forward with important human rights concerns, sending a signal that it will maintain its commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights, notwithstanding other competing interests. We also consider it of paramount importance that human rights concerns continue to be an integral part of the EU-Russia relationship at all levels.
October 31, 2008    Press Release

EU: Integration Policies Should Respect Rights
EU Ministerial in Vichy Should Reject Discriminatory Rules and Confirm Right to Family Life
The European Union must ensure that measures aimed at integrating migrants also respect their human rights, Human Rights Watch said today. EU integration ministers will meet in Vichy, France, on November 3 and 4, 2008, to discuss common approaches to integration in Europe.
October 31, 2008    Press Release
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Germany: Uzbek Security Chief Visit a ‘Disgrace’
Visit Coincides With 10-Year Sentence for Dissident
The German government should not have permitted the head of Uzbekistan’s secret police to visit Germany immediately after the European Union lifted sanctions stemming from a 2005 massacre in Uzbekistan, Human Rights Watch said today.
October 28, 2008    Press Release
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UK: Terror Suspect Should Not Be Deported to Jordan
Risk of Torture Too Serious to Permit Abu Qatada’s Return
The British government should drop its efforts to deport a Jordanian terrorism suspect who risks torture and an unfair trial if returned to Jordan, Human Rights Watch said today. The Jordanian government’s promises of humane treatment and a fair trial on return cannot be trusted, Human Rights Watch said.
October 27, 2008    Press Release
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German President Köhler Should Address Corruption and Violence during His Upcoming Visit to Nigeria
We are writing to urge you to use your forthcoming visit to Nigeria to raise specific human rights concerns with President Umaru Yar’Adua and his administration. Serious problems include rampant government corruption and mismanagement that undermine the realization of the right to basic healthcare and education; political and intercommunal violence fomented by government officials and politicians; and widespread use of extrajudicial executions, torture, and extortion by state security forces.
October 27, 2008    Letter
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Uzbekistan: Activist Sentenced to 10 Years
EU Wrong to Cite ‘Progress’ in Human Rights
Uzbek authorities should immediately and unconditionally release Akzam Turgunov, a human rights defender and opposition activist who was sentenced on October 23 to 10 years in prison on politically motivated charges, Human Rights Watch said.
October 23, 2008    Press Release
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Not the Way Forward
The UK’s Dangerous Reliance on Diplomatic Assurances
This 36-page report focuses on two important appeals in the House of Lords this month that will test the reliability of no-torture promises from the governments of Algeria and Jordan. In the pending appeals, Britain’s highest court will grapple for the first time with the government’s “deportation with assurances” policy, an important component of its counterterrorism strategy. In RB and U v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, to be heard on October 22 and 23, 2008, the potential deportees are two Algerians. Assurances from the Algerian authorities that the person would not be tortured if returned to Algeria were negotiated in each case.

HRW Index No.: 1-56432-387-0
October 22, 2008    Report
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United Kingdom: Stop Deportations to Risk of Torture
Promises From Algeria and Jordan Unreliable in Preventing Abuse
The British government should immediately halt plans to deport foreign terrorism suspects to countries that offer unreliable promises not to torture them, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
October 22, 2008    Press Release
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Ukraine: Respect Independent Judiciary
Political Leaders Should Stop Using Court as Political Tool
Ukrainian leaders should respect the independence of the judiciary, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch said that President Viktor Yushchenko has improperly interfered with the judiciary as his political rivalry with Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has grown increasingly acute. Members of Tymoshenko’s political party have also taken steps that seem designed to intimidate the judiciary.
October 20, 2008    Press Release
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Spain: Give Migrant Children Legal Aid
Halt Repatriations and Provide Lawyers and Other Safeguards
Spain’s accelerating effort to send back unaccompanied children who enter the country illegally might subject them to danger, ill-treatment and detention, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The government needs to halt repatriations until it has a process to ensure their well-being, and, as an immediate step, give them the same right to an independent lawyer that adult migrants have under Spanish law.
October 17, 2008    Press Release
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Returns at Any Cost
Spain’s Push to Repatriate Unaccompanied Children in the Absence of Safeguards
This 22-page report says that in Andalusia, the southern region that is a common entry point for migrants, authorities have said they intend to send up to 1,000 unaccompanied children in their custody to Morocco, claiming that safeguards are in place. But officials could not explain how they determined it was in a child’s best interest to return, as required by law. They also said that the Moroccan government’s agreement to take a child back was in itself a sufficient guarantee of the child’s well-being after return.

HRW Index No.: 1-56432-388-9
October 17, 2008    Report
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Turkey: Conspiracy Trial Should Probe Military’s Role
Historic Opportunity to Tackle Violence by Security Forces
The prosecution of an alleged ultranationalist conspiracy aimed at the overthrow of Turkey’s democratic government should investigate whether current members of the military, intelligence services and state bureaucracy were involved, Human Rights Watch said today. The trial of 86 people accused of being members of the so-called Ergenekon gang, some of them senior retired military officers, begins on October 20, 2008.
October 17, 2008    Press Release
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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Halt Effort to Deport Syrian at Risk of Torture
Abide by European and Bosnian Court Warnings Against Expulsion
Amnesty International, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Human Rights Watch called upon authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina today not to deport Imad Al Husein (also known as Abu Hamza al-Suri, his nom de guerre) to Syria.
October 17, 2008    Press Release
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Pinochet's European Vacation
By Reed Brody, Counsel
Published in New Statesman online
On October 16, 1998, London police arrested General Pinochet on a warrant from a Spanish judge for human rights crimes. It was a wake up call to tyrants everywhere
October 16, 2008    Commentary
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EU: Focus on Civilian Protection at Georgia-Russia Talks
International Meeting on Conflict to Start October 15
The European Union should emphasize the right of all people to return to their homes in Georgia at this week’s talks on the recent conflict over South Ossetia, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch also urged the EU to expand the mandate of its observer mission in Georgia to include the protection of civilians.
October 14, 2008    Press Release
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