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DR Congo: Increase Peacekeepers in Eastern Congo
Security Council Should Urgently Add Troops to the UN Mission
The United Nations Security Council should urgently increase the number of peacekeepers in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to protect civilians in the face of new fighting and mounting civilian deaths, Human Rights Watch said today. The Security Council is meeting today with Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Alain Le Roy to discuss the situation.
November 10, 2008    Press Release
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SADC must take stronger stand
By Tiseke Kasambala
Published in The Sunday Independent
Leaders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) meeting at an emergency summit in South Africa today will be hoping that their intervention will finally break the political deadlock between Zimbabwe's two main parties, Zanu-PF and the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).
November 10, 2008    Commentary
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“Our Hands Are Tied”
Erosion of the Rule of Law in Zimbabwe
This 47-page report documents how ZANU-PF has compromised the independence and impartiality of judges, magistrates and prosecutors and transformed the police into an openly partisan and unaccountable arm of ZANU-PF. The report also documents how police routinely and arbitrarily arrest and detain MDC activists, using harassment and detention without charge as a form of persecution. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) will hold its summit meeting on November 9 to discuss the situation in Zimbabwe.

HRW Index No.: 1-56432-404-4
November 8, 2008    Report
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DR Congo: Civilians Under Attack Need Urgent Protection
EU and Other UN Member States Should Send More Peacekeepers
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other African and international leaders meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, this weekend should take immediate action to protect civilians who are at severe risk in eastern Congo, 10 human rights and humanitarian agencies, including Human Rights Watch, Oxfam, ENOUGH and the Norwegian Refugee Council, amongst others, said today. The agencies also called on the European Union (EU), whose foreign ministers are to meet in Brussels on November 10, to send immediate reinforcements to the beleaguered UN peacekeeping mission, MONUC, whose forces have been unable to halt abuses against civilians.
November 7, 2008    Press Release
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Zimbabwe: End Ruling Party’s Abuses
Regional Leaders Should Insist on Restoring Rule of Law
Despite a power-sharing agreement, Zimbabwe’s de facto ruling party continues to use the police and justice system as a weapon against opposition supporters and civil society, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Human Rights Watch said Southern African leaders meeting on November 9, 2008, should insist the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) fulfill its formal commitment to respect human rights, made when it signed an agreement on September 15, to share power with the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).
November 7, 2008    Press Release
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DR Congo: New Attacks on Civilians
Strengthen UN Peacekeepers to Protect Civilians
Rebel leader Laurent Nkunda’s forces and government-backed Mai Mai militias deliberately killed civilians in Kiwanja, North Kivu province, on November 4-5, 2008, Human Rights Watch said today. UN peacekeepers based in the area were apparently unable to protect civilians from attack.
November 6, 2008    Press Release
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Guinea: Require Security Forces to Use Restraint
Government Should Immediately Investigate Shootings of Protesters
Guinea should require its security forces to use restraint in responding to street protests, Human Rights Watch said today, after security forces opened fire on groups protesting to demand lower fuel prices.
November 5, 2008    Press Release
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Burundi: Detentions of Political Opponents Threaten Rights
The detention of political activist Alexis Sinduhije and 36 others by Burundian police on November 3, 2008, highlights the growing obstacles to the free exercise of civil and political rights in Burundi, Human Rights Watch said today. Sinduhije, well-known as a former radio journalist, has been trying since February to form an opposition political party, the Movement for Security and Democracy (MSD).
November 4, 2008    Press Release
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DR Congo: International Leaders Should Act Now to Protect Civilians
Intensify Diplomacy and Bolster UN Peacekeeping Force to Save Lives
The United States, European Union, and African Union should urgently intensify diplomatic efforts to protect civilians and bolster the UN peacekeeping force in eastern Congo, Human Rights Watch said today. As a result of the fighting in North Kivu, which resumed in August after the collapse of a January peace deal, tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing fighting between government troops and combatants led by the rebel general Laurent Nkunda.
October 30, 2008    Press Release
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US: First Verdict for Overseas Torture
Decision in Trial of Ex-Liberian President’s Son Significant for Justice
Today’s verdict in the US trial of Charles “Chuckie” Taylor, Jr. for torture committed in Liberia is a significant step to ensure that victims see justice and that perpetrators do not expect sanctuary in the United States, Human Rights Watch said. The jury in the trial, which has been taking place at a Miami federal court since September 29, found the defendant guilty on all counts today.
October 30, 2008    Press Release
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Distasteful truths that block path to peace
By Anneke Van Woudenberg, Senior Researcher
Published in The Independent
In January 2008 hopes for peace in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo soared when the government and 22 armed groups signed a ceasefire agreement in Goma, capital of North Kivu province. But the fragile peace process is now broken and needs urgently to be fixed.
October 29, 2008    Commentary
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Zimbabwe: End Crackdown on Peaceful Demonstrators
Police Arrest 42 Women at March Against Hunger, Beat Dozens More
Zimbabwe authorities should immediately end their violent crackdown on activists engaging in peaceful demonstrations in Harare, Human Rights Watch said today.
October 28, 2008    Press Release
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German President Köhler Should Address Corruption and Violence during His Upcoming Visit to Nigeria
We are writing to urge you to use your forthcoming visit to Nigeria to raise specific human rights concerns with President Umaru Yar’Adua and his administration. Serious problems include rampant government corruption and mismanagement that undermine the realization of the right to basic healthcare and education; political and intercommunal violence fomented by government officials and politicians; and widespread use of extrajudicial executions, torture, and extortion by state security forces.
October 27, 2008    Letter
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Sudan: New Darfur Attacks Show Civilians Still at Risk
Fighting Underscores Lack of Protection for Civilians
Sudanese forces and government-backed militias attacked more than a dozen villages in operations against rebel forces near Muhajariya, South Darfur, between October 5 and 17, 2008, Human Rights Watch said today. The fighting, in which more than 40 civilians were killed, shows that the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) still lacks the capacity to protect vulnerable civilians.
October 24, 2008    Press Release
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Burundi: Muyinga Massacre Convictions a Victory
15 Soldiers Sentenced for Executions of 31 Civilians
The October 23 conviction by a military tribunal of 15 soldiers for the massacre of 31 civilians in Muyinga province in 2006 is an important blow against impunity in Burundi, Human Rights Watch said today. The series of killings is among the worst atrocities committed by state security forces since President Pierre Nkurunziza took office in 2005.
October 24, 2008    Press Release
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Sudan: Khartoum War Crimes Investigations Are Mere ‘Window Dressing’
Obvious Attempt to Derail ICC Cases on Darfur
Sudan’s recent legal actions against a militia commander and others accused of war crimes in Darfur hold little promise of bringing justice to victims of serious abuses, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch accused the Sudanese government of trying to undermine investigations by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
October 20, 2008    Press Release
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Spain: Give Migrant Children Legal Aid
Halt Repatriations and Provide Lawyers and Other Safeguards
Spain’s accelerating effort to send back unaccompanied children who enter the country illegally might subject them to danger, ill-treatment and detention, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The government needs to halt repatriations until it has a process to ensure their well-being, and, as an immediate step, give them the same right to an independent lawyer that adult migrants have under Spanish law.
October 17, 2008    Press Release
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Returns at Any Cost
Spain’s Push to Repatriate Unaccompanied Children in the Absence of Safeguards
This 22-page report says that in Andalusia, the southern region that is a common entry point for migrants, authorities have said they intend to send up to 1,000 unaccompanied children in their custody to Morocco, claiming that safeguards are in place. But officials could not explain how they determined it was in a child’s best interest to return, as required by law. They also said that the Moroccan government’s agreement to take a child back was in itself a sufficient guarantee of the child’s well-being after return.

HRW Index No.: 1-56432-388-9
October 17, 2008    Report
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Kenya: Promptly Establish Special Tribunal
Government, Donors Should Support Commission’s Findings on Election Violence
The Kenyan government and international partners should strongly support the call by the Waki commission investigating post-election violence to create a special tribunal to end Kenya’s cycle of impunity, Human Rights Watch said today.
October 15, 2008    Press Release
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UN Urged to Ban Executions of Juvenile Offenders
Groups from 82 Countries Seek Urgent Reforms
As UN member states begin three days of debate on the rights of the child, more than 300 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) from 82 countries called on the UN General Assembly to take urgent action to end executions for crimes committed by children, Human Rights Watch said today.
October 14, 2008    Press Release
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