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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 (PARIS)
Tony Cenicola/The New York Times

The new face of private philanthropy

Wealthy individuals want to get involved with the charities they support, to make sure their donations are making a difference.
Should you buy or sell into the bailout?

Whether they are hopeful or fearful, analysts and fund managers contend that the best course of action is to hold back and wait to see what develops next.
Maybe short-selling isn't so bad, after all

U.S. regulators' ban of short sales may have an unintended consequence: reducing the stock market's efficiency and prolonging the current crisis.
Learning to reach lower for happiness

The upheaval on Wall Street means that even for millionaires, frugality is the order of the day. But how well people cope is not a function of how much they have, but how they are wired to regard the value of money and material things.
Bank stocks you can still bank on

Conditions are too precarious for investment advisers to say that a low is at hand, but some can see the post-crisis financial landscape approaching soon enough to contemplate searching for buying opportunities.
Is Roche's takeover of Genentech a no-brainer?

The two companies are a good fit, but the deal doesn't make financial sense, analysts say.
How to keep your head in the (investing) game

It's pretty hard to stick with a long-term plan for your money when the financial world seems to be unraveling around you. But market turmoil can actually help keep you focused on the basics, advisers say.
What's a peripatetic worker to do at the end of the walk?

Europeans who cross fallen borders for jobs face bewildering questions on their pensions.
Private jet cards emerge as alternative to ownership

Card programs offer flexibility and quality, but not the high cost and complexities of aircraft ownership.
Searching for balance sheet bargains

Managers of value-stock portfolios are always looking for bargains. John Buckingham, who has had one of the best track records in this segment of the market for more than a decade, keeps an eye peeled for freebies.
To make a stock pop, innovate

There is a big temptation for companies to cut their R.& D. spending, especially during bear markets. But such thinking is shortsighted, a study says.
In the Middle East, an equity oasis

The region is home to a small but rapidly growing leveraged buyout industry that is thriving as its Western counterparts hit a rough patch.
Reasons for caution on Russia

In recent weeks, investors have been reminded that Russia is still commodity dependant and has yet to develop adequate legal protections for individuals and businesses.
Buying into 'organic,' 'natural,' 'local'

It's an interesting time for foodies - and for investors searching for growth among local, organic and natural goods.
Doing well by thinking small

The current downturn should be particularly rough on small companies because they are concentrated in the United States, where the economy has been most affected. Yet for the last six months smaller-capitalization stocks have outperformed.
Is inflation bad for stocks? Not necessarily

Corporate profits tend to grow faster when inflation is higher, according to studies, which should help stock prices.
Buy your own small part of the Old World

Long popular in the United States, fractional ownership - in which the costs of a vacation home is divided among a pool of members - is becoming more popular among historic European estates.
Watch out: Those asset management fees add up

They say you get what you pay for, but consumers of asset management services sometimes get less. That can be especially true at times like these, when good returns are hard to find.
Worrying trends for the global outsourcing industry

Analysts say that despite recent profits in the outsourcing industry, the sector's reliability as an investment haven could grow cloudy.
A banking merger that (surprisingly) makes sense

The acquisition of Alliance & Leicester, a British home-loan bank, by Banco Santander of Spain looks like a great deal all around, but especially for Santander.
Time for value investors to come out to play

When stocks are beaten low, that's when value investors - those who sniff out underpriced assets - really shine. A look at some of the surprising things they're buying.
In the wake of the bear, which way to turn?

Halfway through 2008, the investment landscape is as muddy as the bears had predicted in January. Although the average non-U.S. equity fund inched into profitability during the second quarter, subsequent share price movements suggest this was nothing more than a temporary respite.
Brazil shines as other emerging market funds have a miserable 2nd quarter

The country was helped by the winning combination of high oil prices that lifted the shares of Petróleo Brasileiro and the unabated demand, especially from China, for Brazilian minerals and metals.
Forward, and backward, on the development path

Reclassifications proposed by MSCI Barra could herald significant changes in the relative performance of the affected emerging markets.
Love 'em or hate 'em, tech shares are here to stay

While investment in technology has been largely unsung of late, it is certainly not unbidden. Tech has handily outperformed the broad market over the past year and especially over the past three months.
Investments pour into solar energy, but the sector is scary

Is solar the next Internet-style bubble? The sector is jittery over supply, but the real nerve-rattler is uncertainty over public policy.
Adventurous investing can be costly

Frontier markets are where the more adventurous among us like to invest, but the results can be stomach churning.
Battered travel and tourism stocks may offer bargains

Summer bookings are shaping up nicely for hotels and tour operators, but the good news has not been reflected in share prices. Is it time to check back in to travel stocks?
Book Report
The job-changer's bibles

A review of "What Color Is Your Parachute?," a classic of the genre, and "One Person/Multiple Careers," a newer but equally useful book.
Tips for bargain-hunters

Two successful portfolio managers offer diverging ideas about where underpriced stocks can be found.
China's cloudy investment picture

Everyone agrees that the Chinese economy is growing fast. Where there is a wide difference of opinion is on the ability of corporate China, and especially investors in it, to continue to benefit from that growth.
Watch out for 'local bias' in investment picks

A new study shows that U.S. investors favor stocks from their home states - a tendency that can hurt returns and can leave a portfolio vulnerable.
Investing: Will airline stocks ever take off again?
Health care faces new horizons, and new obstacles
INVESTING: Winners that get no respect
For investors, Cambodia could be the next Vietnam
Investing: Is retail therapy working?
Pricing Power: Why tough times can be good for innovation
INVESTING: Knowing when to jump, in and out
Sudan divestment campaigns gain momentum
Investing: Hewlett-Packard investors need to keep the faith
Fundamentally: A bond strategy for difficult times
Justifying poor investments by insisting, 'This time it's different'
Book report: The quiet philanthropist
Charting a path through a hostile environment in Europe
Investing: A tired period ahead for U.S. stocks
Talk is cheap and telecom stocks are cheaper
INVESTING: Investing: Can UBS win back trust after mortgage losses?
Mysteries of water and the future of a scarce resource
INVESTING: Blockbuster bid for Circuit City draws critics
Fundamentally: A market in search of assumptions
Mutual funds make a hit in South Korea
Investing: Winners and losers in Europe
Even in a market downturn, investment gems can be found
Brighter political prospects lift Taiwan investment funds
Commodities investors worry as prices tumble
INVESTING: Is Siemens a buy - again?
Book report: Exploring the benefits of diversity
Handicapping green investments is no snap
INVESTING: Investors can benefit from U.S. rate cuts
Fundamentally: Avoiding the devil you know: Your employer's stock
How to play insurance in a risk-averse world
Investing: Investors often overlook Russia's advantages
Hopes are high, as are the hurdles, for alternative fuel
More pain from bank stocks
Luxury brands covet the recession-proof
INVESTING: Japan is not too bothered by falling stocks
BOOK REPORT: Global Financial Warriors
Conflict zones sometimes mean investment opportunities
Investing: Allure fades for shares of drug makers their shine
Fundamentally: The rate cuts that passed Wall Street by
INVESTING: Despite interest rate reductions, inflation is still an economic threat

In Business
U.S. lawmakers rebel against bailout plan
Impact of global credit crunch expands in Europe
U.S. stocks fall sharply after measure fails
Crisis reaches Europe as institutions in four countries teeter
Oil falls sharply on renewed economic fears
Citigroup to acquire Wachovia's banking operations
U.S. authorities investigating Fannie and Freddie
Wall Street seeks signs of response in markets
Morgan Stanley completes Mitsubishi deal
Jostling over new financial legislation may be first test for next U.S. president