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American GIs Frequented Japan's ''Comfort Women''
Posted by Andrew on Friday, April 27 @ 16:24:18 EDT
History By Eric Talmadge
©2007 Associated Press
April 25, 2007

Japan's abhorrent practice of enslaving women to provide sex for its troops in World War II has a little-known sequel: After its surrender -- with tacit approval from the U.S. occupation authorities -- Japan set up a similar "comfort women" system for American GIs.

An Associated Press review of historical documents and records shows American authorities permitted the official brothel system to operate despite internal reports that women were being coerced into prostitution. The Americans also had full knowledge by then of Japan's atrocious treatment of women in countries across Asia that it conquered during the war.

Tens of thousands of women were employed to provide cheap sex to U.S. troops until the spring of 1946, when Gen. Douglas MacArthur shut the brothels down.

The documents show the brothels were rushed into operation as American forces poured into Japan beginning in August 1945.

"Sadly, we police had to set up sexual comfort stations for the occupation troops," recounts the official history of the Ibaraki Prefectural Police Department, whose jurisdiction is just northeast of Tokyo. "The strategy was, through the special work of experienced women, to create a breakwater to protect regular women and girls."

The orders from the Ministry of the Interior came on Aug. 18, 1945, one day before a Japanese delegation flew to the Philippines to negotiate the terms of their country's surrender and occupation.

The Ibaraki police immediately set to work. The only suitable facility was a dormitory for single police officers, which they quickly converted into a brothel. Bedding from the navy was brought in, along with 20 comfort women. The brothel opened for business Sept. 20.

"As expected, after it opened it was elbow to elbow," the history says. "The comfort women ... had some resistance to selling themselves to men who just yesterday were the enemy, and because of differences in language and race, there were a great deal of apprehensions at first. But they were paid highly, and they gradually came to accept their work peacefully."

Police officials and Tokyo businessmen established a network of brothels under the auspices of the Recreation and Amusement Association, which operated with government funds. On Aug. 28, 1945, an advance wave of occupation troops arrived in Atsugi, just south of Tokyo. By nightfall, the troops found the RAA's first brothel.

"I rushed there with two or three RAA executives, and was surprised to see 500 or 600 soldiers standing in line on the street," Seiichi Kaburagi, the chief of public relations for the RAA, wrote in a 1972 memoir. He said American MPs were barely able to keep the troops under control.

Though arranged and supervised by the police and civilian government, the system mirrored the comfort stations established by the Japanese military abroad during the war.

Kaburagi wrote that occupation GIs paid upfront and were given tickets and condoms. The first RAA brothel, called Komachien — The Babe Garden — had 38 women, but due to high demand that was quickly increased to 100. Each woman serviced from 15 to 60 clients a day.

American historian John Dower, in his book "Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of WWII," says the charge for a short session with a prostitute was 15 yen, or about a dollar, roughly the cost of half a pack of cigarettes.

Kaburagi said the sudden demand forced brothel operators to advertise for women who were not licensed prostitutes.

Natsue Takita, a 19-year-old Komachien worker whose relatives had been killed in the war, responded to an ad seeking an office worker. She was told the only positions available were for comfort women and was persuaded to accept the offer.

According to Kaburagi's memoirs, Takita jumped in front of a train a few days after the brothel started operations.

"The worst victims ... were the women who, with no previous experience, answered the ads calling for `Women of the New Japan,'" he wrote.

By the end of 1945, about 350,000 U.S. troops were occupying Japan. At its peak, Kaburagi wrote, the RAA employed 70,000 prostitutes to serve them. Although there are suspicions, there is not clear evidence non-Japanese comfort women were imported to Japan as part of the program.

Toshiyuki Tanaka, a history professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute, cautioned that Kaburagi's number is hard to document. But he added the RAA was also only part of the picture — the number of private brothels outside the official system was likely even higher.

The U.S. occupation leadership provided the Japanese government with penicillin for comfort women servicing occupation troops, established prophylactic stations near the RAA brothels and, initially, condoned the troops' use of them, according to documents discovered by Tanaka.

Occupation leaders were not blind to the similarities between the comfort women procured by Japan for its own troops and those it recruited for the GIs.

A Dec. 6, 1945, memorandum from Lt. Col. Hugh McDonald, a senior officer with the Public Health and Welfare Division of the occupation's General Headquarters, shows U.S. occupation forces were aware the Japanese comfort women were often coerced.

"The girl is impressed into contracting by the desperate financial straits of her parents and their urging, occasionally supplemented by her willingness to make such a sacrifice to help her family," he wrote. "It is the belief of our informants, however, that in urban districts the practice of enslaving girls, while much less prevalent than in the past, still exists."

Amid complaints from military chaplains and concerns that disclosure of the brothels would embarrass the occupation forces back in the U.S., on March 25, 1946, MacArthur placed all brothels, comfort stations and other places of prostitution off limits. The RAA soon collapsed.

MacArthur's primary concern was not only a moral one.

By that time, Tanaka says, more than a quarter of all American GIs in the occupation forces had a sexually transmitted disease.

"The nationwide off-limits policy suddenly put more than 150,000 Japanese women out of a job," Tanaka wrote in a 2002 book on sexual slavery. Most continued to serve the troops illegally. Many had VD and were destitute, he wrote.

Under intense pressure, Japan's government apologized in 1993 for its role in running brothels around Asia and coercing women into serving its troops. The issue remains controversial today.

In January, California Rep. Mike Honda offered a resolution in the House condemning Japan's use of sex slaves, in part to renew pressure on Japan ahead of the closure of the Asian Women's Fund, a private foundation created two years after the apology to compensate comfort women.

The fund compensated only 285 women in the Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan, out of an estimated 50,000-200,000 comfort women enslaved by Japan's military in those countries during the war. Each received 2 million yen, about $17,800. A handful of Dutch and Indonesian women were also given assistance.

The fund closed, as scheduled, on March 31.

Haruki Wada, the fund's executive director, said its creation marked an important change in attitude among Japan's leadership and represented the will of Japan's "silent majority" to see that justice is done. He also noted that although it was a private organization, the government was its main sponsor, kicking in 4.625 billion yen, about $40 million.

Even so, he admitted it fell short of expectations.

"The vast majority of the women did not come forward," he said.

As a step toward acknowledging and resolving the exploitation of Japanese women, however, it was a complete failure.

Though they were free to do so, no Japanese women sought compensation.

"Not one Japanese woman has come forward to seek compensation or an apology," Wada said. "Unless they feel they can say they were completely forced against their will, they feel they cannot come forward."

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Re: American GIs Frequented Japan's ''Comfort Women'' (Score: 1)
by Nagai on Monday, April 30 @ 00:07:03 EDT
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This article is a little dishonest and only uses a sliver of the information that John Dower covers in his book. They neglect to mention that the Japanese government started the whole exercise on its own initiative during the two weeks between the surrender and the official arrival of the occupation forces on the belief that US and Allied soldiers would behave in a manner similar to their own in conquered territories (i.e. collecting and raping local women as a spoil of war). They even went and made a whole patriotic campaign out of it, making posters and hiring campaigns to protect the "purity" of Japanese women. They then made up the brothels as "Friendship Centers" and catered only to the GIs (Japanese men were not allowed) as if they were some kind of USO entertainment center (complete with refreshment, music, games, etc.) with a "bonus" of sexual services. The police were simply tasked with making sure things didn't get out of hand. Unfortunately, the situation began and ended badly - with numerous girls committing suicide just after the first day and many of the veterans unable to reintegrate back into society (creating the "panpan" culture that arguably still exists today in Japan).

As far as the occupation authorities were concerned, they were welcome centers for their men which happened to have a lot of loose women along with professionals present. Apparently the concept got so out of hand that the SCAP began to view [i]all Japanese women as potential whores[/i] - demonstrated when an entire streetcar was stopped and all the women tested for STDs simply because of the explosion of infections in the occupation GIs. Eventually, with the mutual cooperation of Japanese authorities the centers were closed down but it has been argued that there was little change in the situation overall since many women ended up turning to prostituting themselves to GIs for food in order to feed their families (it didn't help that the only places in Japan where people had a steady and overwhelming supply of food was the PX on military bases).

Nevertheless, all of this sordid business is supposedly the primary contributing factor to the Japanese sexual revolution after the war - the idea that sexual freedom for women equated some sort of liberation from patriarchal control. Arguably, the repressive "purity" imposed on women during the intense imperial military period may have caused an immense pendulum swing after the surrender. However, considering that the sexual liberation eventually stabilized in the 60's and then continues on today (along with insidious STD infection rates due in part to public scoffing of condom use), along with the inclusion of women from all over the world servicing men for money on the streets and inside storefronts with entertainment visas issued by the Japanese government - has anything really changed? As far as I can see, just the customer base.

Re: American GIs Frequented Japan's ''Comfort Women'' (Score: 1)
by Kunaizel on Sunday, August 05 @ 19:37:55 EDT
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I love these slanted articles. "America is the devil! I can't believe they let those poor women whore themselves out!!!"

Geez, two wrongs don't make a right, but at least these women were all paid and not, say, RAPED, as the women were in Nanking by the Japanese, as the women in Korea were by the Japanese, as just about every conquered area was raped by the Japanese. Nagai here said it himself: they created those institutes expecting to be treated the way they had treated others. Like a band of bloodthirsty vikings, raping, killing, and pillaging. Instead they were simply occupied by a CIVILIZED force who didn't believe they were the Sun God's chosen people and thus were allowed to violate and destroy people. The only thing that really ended up getting raped in Japan was their culture. Now they're our buddies and they use our words all the time, love baseball, hot dogs and rap music, etc. etc., it's all gravy.

Anyway, this has been a great laugh.

Re: American GIs Frequented Japan's ''Comfort Women'' (Score: 1)
by rover on Tuesday, August 21 @ 15:39:08 EDT
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This story is sad but in ways it's almost like the chickens coming home to roost. The Japanese government enslaved tens of thousands of women to satisfy the sexual cravings of Japanese military men. After they became occupied they feared that their women would be violated in much the same way they had violated others. Nonetheless it is tragic that so many women regardless of nationality were so violated. That woman who flung herself in front of a train is very sad, she had nothing to live for since her family had been killed in the war. And selling one's body for food showed how bad things were for many of the survivors of the war. The thing is as much as some people (myself included) find all of this repulsive and tragic it is unfortunately part of human nature to abuse and exploit those who are weaker and less fortunate. Injustices like this one continue to happen all around the world and will continue until people come to VALUE the life of another as they would their own.


related article (Score: 1)
by salloy on Tuesday, August 28 @ 14:31:08 EDT
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found this article on IR relationships recently that refers to the GI thing. intersting


Re: American GIs Frequented Japan's ''Comfort Women'' (Score: 1)
by carlwebb (carlwebb@gmail.com) on Friday, November 23 @ 14:51:55 EST
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For those of you that have left comments expressing how hard it is for you to believe this I can give personal testimony that this practice has continued to this very day in Asia. Asian women are being forced into prostitution against there will to service US troops.

Carl Webb
US Army Korea

Re: American GIs Frequented Japan's ''Comfort Women'' (Score: 1)
by TigerClaw_247 on Friday, November 23 @ 15:30:30 EST
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carlwebb brought up a crucial point - up to this day we have AF's and other young women of color lured into slavery in the US/UK sex trade. In countries like Japan, Korea, India, and Thailand just to name a few.

Its a very f**ked up situation. This sh*t has got to stop somewhere ..........

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