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Asian Wonder Women
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, November 24 @ 10:00:00 EST
Dating and Sexuality By Emil Guerrero
©1998 AsianWeek
January 15, 1998

Thank goodness Michelle Yeoh is on the scene in that new James Bond film, Tomorrow Never Dies. Extreme feminists might say they should have made her James Bond and ditched the hair-helmeted, spy mannequin, and all his techno-gizmos.

But honestly, isn't giving Yeoh the Bruce Lee part revolutionary enough? Please, one major paradigm shift at a time.

Frankly, to this Asian American male observer, the thought of Yeoh as "Bond Girl," kicking some white male ass in the Battle of the Sexes, is oddly satisfying.

A foot in the groin is just what some of these guys need to break free of their outdated notion of Asian women. Guys like Terry Nichols and the late Larry Hillblom.

Nichols you know as the convicted bomber and managing general partner in the bombing firm Nichols/McVeigh, coming soon to a penitentiary near you.

Hillblom was a reclusive multi-millionaire and founder of the DHL air courier service, who died in a 1995 plane crash in Saipan, probably in search of virgins.

Both Nichols and Hillblom are the latest examples of White Male Swine who share a common vision of Asian womanhood. The problem is these guys got the wrong 'hood. The only way the bespectacled Nichols and Hillblom could have gotten it so wrong was to have smeared Vaseline on their glasses first.

How else could they have envisioned Asia as the last depository, the mother lode if you will, for black-haired beauties who are the perfect examples of servile, virginal, uncorrupted femaleness? What attributes! All that and they have the look of exotic porcelain dolls!

It's become the new chauvinist ideal of feminine virtue--especially among white males. Why be stuck with some sagging, aging "girl next door" who has transformed herself into a whiny, complaining "equality monger" hell bent on redefining the term "community property"?

Dump her now and go Asian, where the women are compliant participants in the traditional male/female equation, the "Me Tarzan, You Jane" idea of gender fairness, where women learn that it's their right to be thankful that men have soiled enough items to make a decent load of laundry.

Less than a full load? Don't despair. Laundry is but a portion of an unrelenting day that includes cooking, child care, and cleaning. But it's all worthwhile come the end of the day when the benefits of the job kick in. That's when the Asian woman greets her imperial man and performs her duty of loving, husband service. All done gratefully with a smile. The Asian female way.

When you actually find this fantasy, let me know.

The Case Against Mail-Order Brides

Nichols thought it was all attainable with a few postage stamps. Why settle for an inflatable doll when you can get a mail-order bride? In 1990, Nichols was a typical candidate. Fresh from divorce at age 35, he was looking for some loyalty and warmth. Someone or something that didn't require rabies shots and flea powder. He went straight to the Philippines and registered with a mail-order bride agency. In Cebu City, he found the perfect Asian woman--Marife Torres, the virginal 17-year-old daughter of a traffic police officer.

Unfortunately, when his order arrived a year later, Torres was practically postage due. She was six months pregnant with another man's child. This is called getting the mail-order marriage off on the wrong foot.

But there is no money back guarantee in this game. You can't complain to the Federal Trade Commission. The Nichols trudged on. And after seven years of marriage, the true test of love came during Marife Nichols' testimony at her husband's bombing trial.

She was the trial's best witness. But not for the defense.

Marife testified that in 1995 she was back in the Philippines considering ending the marriage and returning to school. She made a condition of her return that Nichols not spend time with McVeigh.

"I got jealous of him ... Terry would spend time with him," she said. It's one thing to be a football widow. But a survivalist/militia widow?

Marife also testified that she traveled to gun shows with her anti-government husband. She sold guns, boxes of those gourmet-packaged military meals, and 8-ounce plastic bottles of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. The kind that could be made to go boom.

But most damning of all, she told prosecutors Nichols lied to her and kept her in the dark about hanging out with McVeigh. Bye-bye alibi.

Revenge of the Third World Virgins

As for the late multi-millionaire Hillblom, he was a man who had become totally obsessed with young teenage virgins from the Philippines, Vietnam, and Saipan. He was quite productive too. Four young women who worked in bars and nightclubs in Asia claimed to have been impregnated by him. Hillblom's untimely death in a 1995 plane crash started the "Have you been with Larry?" fan club. The charter members--the kids of these tycoon/go-go dancer relationships, including two Filipino girls, a Vietnamese boy, and a Palauan teenager--all claimed a share of Hillblom's multi-million dollar estate. And they had DNA tests to prove it.

While the kids lived on just over $100 a month in Asia, Hillblom's estate contested their claims in court. Finally, after nearly two years, the estate settled for a reported sum of $90 million per child. Four others whose mothers claimed relationships with Hillblom will get $1 million each.

Do you think at the very least Hillblom's estate wishes he had used condoms?

These stories of the last few weeks may read like the "Revenge of the Asian Virgins," but it's far from a Male Swine wake-up call. Don't bet on things changing significantly. Impoverished Asian girls are still working in bars, all too willing to sell their bodies to get to a better place, orgasmic or otherwise. Others are still more than willing to go postal, taking their chances that their mail-order prince will be Johnny Depp and not Terry Nichols.

But one wonders if they'd all go legit if there wasn't this prevalent strain of fantasy--a White Male/Asian Female thing--lurking out there looking to be fulfilled.

That's where Yeoh-mama, Michelle Bond-Fu, comes in. She can be of service to mail-order fantasists and virgin conquistadors everywhere. Nothing like a well-timed heel to the groin.

Guillermo is host of NCM: New California Media and a regular contributor to AsianWeek.

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Re: Asian Wonder Women (Score: 1)
by sinsoldier on Thursday, November 24 @ 15:18:26 EST
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I remember a review with the male critic saying her nervousness was palpable. Not very flattering. But I like her as an actor.

Re: Asian Wonder Women (Score: 1)
by treehouse on Thursday, November 24 @ 16:01:06 EST
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In real life Mr. Guillermo is married to a White lady of Irish decent, but that's ok, because he's a man right?

Re: Asian Wonder Women (Score: 1)
by rover on Sunday, November 27 @ 15:25:25 EST
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"I got jealous of him ... Terry would spend time with him," she said. It's one thing to be a football widow. But a survivalist/militia widow?" "Marife also testified that she traveled to gun shows with her anti-government husband. She sold guns, boxes of those gourmet-packaged military meals, and 8-ounce plastic bottles of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. The kind that could be made to go boom."
"...she told prosecutors Nichols lied to her and kept her in the dark about hanging out with McVeigh. "

Well, well, well now, there you have it. The AF mail order bride helped her separatist/white supremacist hubby sell ammo and food to make money for his anti-government campaign. I think this is disgusting, that's why white supremacists like AFs so much. The sell outs will do just about anything to get the thumbs up from whites. AFs are actually one of the biggest threats to equality in this century, more and more of them are defending the staus quo quite simply because they don't give a damn about the rest of us. It's all about Billy Bob White.

As for Michelle Yeoh, didn't Emil notice that she was with Bond at the end of the movie, TYPICAL Bond girl style?


Re: Asian Wonder Women (Score: 1)
by Mazing on Monday, December 05 @ 22:31:49 EST
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hey this is my first post -
anyway its ironic this be one of the first articles i see because i just saw the movie a week ago on tv. now when i saw Michelle Yeoh kicking ass i was impressed and whatnot - but as expected, in the end, after all the action and whatnot the 'imperialist white westerner' ends up getting the girl anyway. I dont know but that kinda implied to me that in the end the asian woman (or maybe all women in general) will fall for the white guy with enough push. just an observation

hi (Score: 1)
by rose100 on Wednesday, May 10 @ 09:22:41 EDT
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Re: Asian Wonder Women (Score: 1)
by fersnugriniffle (myname@noone.com) on Monday, February 12 @ 12:13:06 EST
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This I've gotta see. Michelle Yeoh is bloody awesome as it is. To see her as a bond girl...right on.

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