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HC Strache about immigrants and Austrias social system

stracheHeinz Christian Strache, who is the prime candidate of the Freedom Party for the election at the end of this month, delivered a speech in the inner yard of the Fortress Salzburg.

The Austrian broadcasting station “ORF” reported about a nagging sermon against immigrants in Austria. It was told the speech was a very emotional one, and some noninvolved listeners were quite upset about that.

Strache criticized the prime candidate of the Socialdemocrats Werner Faymann, and called him a rascal, because he has opened Viennas council homes for immigrants.

The speech lasted 45 minutes. About 400 of his party members, friends, and fans celebrated him with standing ovations.

Strache accused the immigrants for the financial crisis of Austrias social system. “They take expensive services, and don’t want to pay for it”, he told. Strache thinks that immigrants should pay the dues of the social insurance for 10 years, until they are allowed to take the first social welfare benefits.

- link: picture gallery of the Fortress Salzburg

2 Kommentare zu “HC Strache about immigrants and Austrias social system”

  1. jackie young

    we have been here before when we start pointing at minorities for the problems in a country we are going down a route well trodden and ends up with very bad solutions .Please change direction .Jackie

  2. Michael

    Obgleich ich kein osterreicher bin, will ich sagen, dass wir westeuropaische Leute zu schwach vor immigranten sind. Warum vorbringt irgendjemand Einwand gegen H.C.Strache oder Jorg Haider? Sie sprechen die Wahrheit um diese fremde Auslander, die unsre europaische Zivilisation und christliche Werten angreifen.

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