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TV confrontation: HC Strache vs Jörg Haider

strache haiderIt’s a tradition that the Austrian broadcasting station is doing TV live confrontations between prime candidates of parties in the parliament before elections.

Last Friday was the starting shot for the confrontations of the new election. HC Strache of the Freedom Party, and Jörg Haider of the “orange ones” called BZÖ were discussing their ideas and promises for the voters.

Their ideas and visions for Austria were quite much the same. This is no surprise as both were once members of the Freedom Party. Jörg Haider was the one who left the Freedom Party to create a new political movement called “the orange ones”.

It seemed Jörg Haiders role model was the “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine, which was quite popular in those times.

Althought Haider tried to be polite and nice to Strache, the chairman of the Freedom Party had no sympathies for the “orange revolutionist”. Strache accused Haider that he wanted to destroy the Freedom Party. “This is inexcusable”, said Strache.

Both politicans are against immigration. Both want to do more against high prices, and both want to support and discharge families.

The confrontation was characterized by personal animosities. Strache forbade Haider to address him with the familiar “Du word”. Haider claimed that he was drinking good sparkling wine with Strache not long time ago during a ball in Carinthia.

Haider still wants a reunion between two parties, but Strache promised to stay ironclad and refuse such kind of courtship. According to pollsters, both parties together could win the election and become the number one in Austria. The Freedom Party could receive 20 percent of votes, and the BZÖ up to 6.

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