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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Italians are not allowed to collect mushrooms in Carinthia

carinthiaCarinthian policemen have caught an 61-year-old Italian tourist in the forest collecting mushrooms.

The people of Carinthia are very proud about their mushrooms, and cannot stand if tourists from the neighbour country are taking away their precious treasure.

In the course of the police check, the street wardens found even more of the sumptuous plant from the forest. The Italian citizen had 41 kilogram in his car.

Pure consternation was the reaction of the shocked policemen. They sentenced the Italian delinquent to a fine of 275 Euro, and took away all his arduous collected mushrooms.

The police brought the mushrooms to the district commission of Feldkirch. They delivered it to the next retirement home. The senior citizens had a delicious meal.

Verdict of guilty for Peter Westenthaler

Still bad luck for BZÖ (the Orange ones) politican Peter Westenthaler.
Yesterday he was sentenced because of a wrong witness report to 9 months prison on probation.

The judge Peter Liebtreu explained his decision because of clear proofs of evidence. The sentence is not legally binding. Westenthalers defending lawyer promised a full notice of appeal.
Peter Westenthaler was [...]

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Südbahnhof Vienna is Austrias most ugliest railway station

The Südbahnhof in Vienna was elected by regular passengers of the Austrian railway to Austrias most ugliest railway station.
Also the railway station in Salzburg seems to be not that popular as expected. Its disillusioning placement was the second last place of the ranking.

The most beautiful railway station in Austria can be found in Upper Austrias [...]

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HC Strache is angry about Socialdemocrats once again

In his last press release, Freedom Party chairman Heinz Christian Strache levels criticism at the two Socialdemocratic top politicians Werner Faymann and Michael Häupl.
Strache believes that those two politicans are not honest to the Austrian population. “They are cheating”, says Strache.

The controversial politican of the Freedom Party claims that the Austrian Socialdemocrats have failed at [...]

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Deportations of asylum seekers in Carinthia

Carinthias prime minister Jörg Haider has a serious problem with asylum seekers.
Already some years ago he declared that he don’t want to take the commanded amount he received from the government in Vienna.

Now he started to deport the unpopular refugees from his federal state to the federal province of Lower Austria.
In the past days Haider [...]

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Mugging and murder attempt as “thanks” for help

Another very special way of saying “thank you” had an 18-year old man from the city of Salzburg.
He tried to rob and kill his own uncle after the receipt of financial support. The nephew also wanted to have uncles precious wristwatch, which has a value of 20.000 Euro.

The unthankful rascal even tried two times. The [...]

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Werner Faymann wants to become Austrias new chancellor

Yesterday evening the Socialdemocratic chairman Werner Faymann declared on Austrian TV, that he wants to be the new chancellor of Austria.
He also confirmed that he don’t want to create a coalition with the Freedom Party. In cases of the European Union, Faymann promise to allow an “open discussion”.

The new hope of Austrias Socialdemocrats wants [...]

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Maria Fekter: “It’s not discrimination to follow our laws”

“It’s no discrimination for asylum seekers if they have to follow our laws”, says Peoples Party Interior Minister Maria Fekter.
Fekter was criticized by immigration supporters about her new idea to abjudicate the asylum status, if asylum seekers break the Austrian law.

“Some asylum seekers use their asylum status for raids in Austria”, says Fekter and confirms [...]

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Violent car drivers refused to pay for Austrian motorway

Two Turkish car drivers with French country code refused to pay for using the Austrian motorway.
When two members of Austrias motorway security acengy from Tirol asked them politely for the amount payable, they were attacked and seriously hurt by the aggressive bill dodgers.

The perpetrators of violence escaped without paying the Austrian motorway toll, but were [...]

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Gay Cops Austria: no homosexuals in Salzburgs police?

“Gay Cops” is an organisation for all homosexual policemen and women in Austria.
1.500 cops in Austria are homosexual, and proud members of their organisation. But there is one thing which causes some worries for their affectivity.

Homosexual policemen and woman of all Austrian federal states are represented in the club, with only one exception. The organisation [...]

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After 19 years: freedom for “killer nurses”

19 years instead of life imprisonment. The two so called “killer nurses” are happy about an unexpected release from prison.
In April 1989 both women were arrested and accused of killing 20 patients in the Viennese hospital “Lainz”.

It turned out that they have killed their patients by “mouth care”, infusions, and injections, if the people in [...]

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Austrian politican accused of rioting after football match

BZÖ politican Peter Westenthaler is a case for the judiciary again.
He is accused of rioting after the football match during the Euro 2008 “Germany vs Austria”, and hurting a policeman with his car. Westenthaler denies all reprovals.

The unlucky 0:1 defeat of Austria against Germany, because of a brillant free kick by Michael Ballack, let the [...]

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Showdown of asylum seekers: Chechens vs Afghans

A showndown of asylum seekers took place yesterday afternoon in the Lower Austrian town of Traiskirchen.
About 40 people who were coming from Chechenia and Afghanistan wanted to find out which of those two ethnic group is the stronger one.

The fight took place with batons, feet, and fists, close to the railway station. Austrian police was [...]

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Police operation after farmer caught fiance having sex

A 25-year-old Lower Austrian farmer caught his 20-year-old fiance having sexual intercourse with a 40-year-old man.
While the farmer was repairing his car with some friends, the secret lover of his fiance went into the farm to make love with her on the attic.

When the farmer caught his girl in the act of love, he was [...]

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Urinating on the leg as thanks for help

A very special form of saying “thank you”, had a 58-year-old man from the Carinthian city of Villach.
The 58-year-old stumbled and fell to the ground. A 48-year-old dental technician was so friendly and helped him out of the miserable situtation.

When the 58-year-old was on his feet again, he dropped his trousers and urinated the 48-year-old [...]

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Racism in Tirol: taxi driver vs German TV presenter

A racist attack is reported from the famous Tirolean holiday destination of Ischgl.
The victim was a German TV presenter. A local taxi driver said a racist word to him. Maybe it was the offensive word “Piefke”, which is a depreciative expression in Austria for someone from Germany.

This is only a supposition, because more details [...]

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Lower Austria headhunts Viennese kindergarten teachers

Vienna is afraid to lose the majority of its kindergarten teachers.
The neighbour state of Lower Austria attracts kindergarten teachers from Vienna with better job opportunities.

Because of a new law in the federal state of Lower Austria, children are allowed to attend kindergarten with 2 1/2 years. This causes a desperate need for kindergarten teachers in [...]

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New elections! Peoples Party cancels big coalition.

Surprising press conference yesterday at lunchtime. Peoples Party vice chancellor Willy Molterer delcares literally “It’s enough!”
The big coalition is history. Molterer explains that a cooperation with the Socialdemocrats was not possible anymore, and quits the coalition.

The reaction of the Socialdemocrats follows soon. Their chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer resigns, and opens the way for his party fellow [...]

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Murderer moans about too mild sentence

A lot of people are not happy about the mild justice for dangerous criminals in Austria.
But this time a dangerous criminal himself moans about a too mild sentence for his act. The man from Turkey has killed an 58-year-old man with a gun in Lower Austria and cut his penis off, because he was smiling [...]

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Coffee taster world cup: no luck for Austria in Copenhagen

The world cup competiton for coffee taster in Copenhagen brought no success for Austria.
Austrias participant already failed in the first round. Quite a disaster for the proud coffee scene in Vienna.

The exuses of the Austrian coffee expert are reasonable. “I was sick, and had strong sore throat which leaded to a affected sense of taste [...]

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66-year-old cyclist killed two couples in Lower Austria

Strasshof, the Lower Austrian village where Natascha Kampusch was locked up for 8 years, is again the location of an incredible crime.
Yesterday a 66-year-old man killed two couples, his sister and his brother with their spouses. He escaped by his old bicycle. The police was not able to catch him until now. The cyclist is [...]

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Women minister promises more money for Austrian women

Austria has its own ministry for women. The new women minister is a woman, and comes from the Socialdemocrats.
A female women minister is not a matter of course in Austria. There were also men as women ministers in the past.

In a press conference the new minister for the female gender promised more money for women [...]

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