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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Austrian homosexuals against pope visit

homosexualsThe pope is coming to Austria, but homosexuals are not excited about that.

On the contrary.

They are upset and going to protest against the holy man.

A homosexual organisation made posters to express their rage and disappointment about the famous visitor from the Vatican state. “Cave Benedictum” is the title of the protest, which is taken from the Latin warning sign “Cave Canem”, and means “Beware of the dog!”

Homosexuals criticize the conservative sights of the pope, and his difficult relation to homosexuality. “He should fight for love, not for discrimination of homosexuals”, they say.

Cannibal was crying like a wolf during the nights

The people who lived in the same building with the cannibal are upset about the authorities.
“How it’s possible to let a lunatic live with normal people?”, asks a man. A woman says: “Here are living a lot of children. If the authorities would have listened to me, this would have never happened.”

The cannibal was already [...]

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Cannibalism in Vienna: German cannibal eats 49-year-old man

A 19-year-old man from Germany was arrested by the police, because he killed and ate his 49-year-old inmate of a homeless asylum, close to the castle of Schönbrunn, in the Western part of Vienna.

The 49-year-old man from Vienna was knocked down and killed by the 19-year-old cannibal from Germany with a dumbbell.
Later the 19-year-old started [...]

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Vienna has the lowest economic growth in Austria

The politicans of Vienna are shocked: according to the latest knowledge of the “Austrian Insitute For Economic Research”, Vienna takes the last place of Austrias federal states in economic growth.

Mourners of such a result are the citizens of Vienna. High charges are still increased, to balance the mismanagement. Another result of the disaster is the [...]

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Overwhelming majority: 87,5% of Austrians want to release prisoners

The latest survey about releasing prisoners from Austrian prisons showed an overwhelming result: 87,5% of the Austrians think the prisoners should work in freedom instead of sitting in prison.

The Austrian justice minister Maria Berger (Socialdemocrats) had the idea to take the pressure off Austrian prisons. The prisoners should be released and work in freedom for [...]

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Diocesan bishop: Islam should not build too big mosques in Austria

“As long Christians have to hide in Islamic countries, Muslims should not build too big mosques in countries like ours”, says the Styrian diocesan bishop Egon Kapellari.

Kapellari underlines he is in favour of Islamic regligion and culture in Austria. “Islam should represent the democratic legal system in Austria”, he says.
The only things which bothers Kapellari [...]

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Krems tried to calm down rioting teenagers with classical music

The Lower Austrian city has a big problem with rioting teenagers during the night. Politicans of Krems had the idea to fill the centre of the town with classical music, to calm down the aggressive and drunken youngsters.

The unconventional project was stopped now.
Since the beginning of June the town centre of Krems was filled with [...]

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Brickbat: Austrian Mail wants to cut 1.500 jobs

The Austrian Mail wants to continue its policy to close small post offices in the countryside, and decrease its staff.
1.500 employees should leave the Austrian Mail now.

A matter of delicacy for the Austrian government, as the Socialdemocrats who are the leading part in the government with the chancellor, promised the contrary before the last election, [...]

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From Vienna to Innsbruck: flight or railway?

The Austrian railway does not care about the cheap airline tickets from Vienna to Innsbruck. “We won’t decrease our fares”, says the spokesman of the Austrian railway “ÖBB”.

The airlines of SkyEurope and Tyrolean offer very cheap tickets to fly from Vienna to Innsbruck and back. One flight is possible for 29 EUR. By way of [...]

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Football: Austria - Czech Republic 1:1 (0:1)

The draw in a friendly match against our neighbours from Czech Republic is a decent result for the Austrian football team.
After all Czech Republic is on the 9th place of the FIFA world ranking.

The hero of the Austrians was Martin Harnik who played his first match for Austria. He came into the match in the [...]

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Many Austrians feel healthy but aren’t

According to a new survey of Statistik Austria, 75,5 percent of Austrians feel “very good” or at least “good”.
This is quite a suprising result, as most of the Austrians suffer under many medical conditions and chronic diseases.

2,3 mio Austrians over 15 years have backbone troubles, 1,3 mio blood-pressure, 1,1 mio always problems with allergies, 500.000 [...]

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Chancellor Gusenbauer can’t wait for Football Euro 2008 in Austria

Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer, who is also the minister of sport, informed the public about the stage of the preparatory operations for the UEFA European Football Championship next year in Austria.

Gusenbauer met with national coach Josef Hickersberger, and the players Martin Stranzl (Spartak Moscow) and Sebastian Prödl (Sturm Graz).
Gusenbauer wallows in felicity about the big event [...]

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Three tons of tomatoes stolen in Burgenland

In a village called Pamhagen, in Austrias federal state of Burgenland, a farmer became a victim of the “vitamin gang”.
Three tons of tomatoes were stolen from his field. The damage of the crime amounts 1.500 EUR.

The farmer was quite surprised when he came to his field and wanted to reap the tomatoes. Somebody already did [...]

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Choose your accommodation in Austria at austriahotelstay.com

Austria is considered one of the most visited European countries year-round.
The magnificent Alps attract millions of visitors with its beauty and possibilities for all kinds of winter sports and mountain hiking during the summer.
Besides the rich cultural heritage of the big Austrian cities, such as its capital city of Vienna or the birthplace of Mozart [...]

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UEFA search 1.000 volunteers for EURO 2008 who work for free

The UEFA searches for next years European Football Championship in Austria and Switzerland volunteers who work for free.
The UEFA European Football Championship is the third biggest sport event in the world, which makes astronomical amounts of money, but the volunteers should work for free.

The wanted persons should be over 18 years old, have knowledge in [...]

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Sensational birth of identical triplet in Vorarlberg

In Feldkirch, a little town in the province of Voralberg, on Monday, the 6th of August, the monozygotic (appeared from one fertilized egg) triplet of girls is born.

The probability to give a birth to such an identical triplet is only 1 to 200 million… This phenomenon is possible to achieve only by natural way, the [...]

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Peter Westenthaler thinks about leaving politics

The leader of the parliamentary group of the orange BZÖ (Alliance for the future of Austria) Peter Westenthaler told, he is thinking about leaving the political stage.
His party members would show their understanding for such a decision. “The politicans of Socialdemocrats and Peoples Party are not nice to him”, says one insider.

The minister president of [...]

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Mother of Natascha Kampusch presents book

It was one year ago, when Natascha Kampusch escaped from 8 years of imprisonment.
Now her mother, Brigitta Sirny, wants to present her sight of the case in a book. The presentation is today.

The book has the title: “Mein Leben ohne Natascha (My life without Natascha)”. Brigitta Sirny describes the day of the kidnapping, and the [...]

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Hungry 18-year-old lady went mad in Klagenfurt

A sunny Sunday morning in the Carinthian capital of Klagenfurt.
An 18-year-old lady with empty stomach is waiting infront of the entrance of a fast food restaurant.
The restaurant is closed and should open in some minutes. But she is too hungry to wait. She wants in now, and knocks several times violently on the door.
The employees [...]

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Aptitude test for medical study: Germans better than Austrians

The aptitude tests for the medical study are evaluated.
The best result had a young lady from Vienna, but applicants from Germany were averaged better than Austrians.
2.581 people applied in the test. 740 places at university are available. Two third of the applicants were Austrians, 28% Germans, and the rest came from several countries around the [...]

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Airport Klagenfurt with record: 3.000 passengers in one day

The 28th July 2007 was an historical date for the airport in Klagenfurt. 3.000 passengers were dispatched. This is the highest amount of passengers in the history of the airport.

Reason of the high appearance of passengers was the high season during summer, and a lot of departures and arrivals of scheduled flights. Usually from and [...]

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Religious protest in Tirol: village wants to keep priest in love

Catholic priests are not allowed to have love affairs. The one in a little Tirolean village had, and received the request to leave his holy place of work.
The people of the village don’t want to accept that. “This would be a loss for our church”, says one enraged citizen of Leutasch.

It was the diocese of [...]

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70 EUR debts: woman feigned rape

To avoid the payback of 70 EUR debts, a woman from Burgenland feigned a rape.
The 38-year-old woman went to the police and told she was raped by her 53-year-old creditor.
The Federal Criminal Department took on the case, and came to inconsistencies during the questioning with the supposed victim.

Finally the woman confessed her lie. She was [...]

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