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Thursday 19 June 2008

A vicious monster rises in Iraq's sectarian war – 'the Shia Zarqawi'

As the White House begins to rethink its policy on Iraq, savage new warlords are battling for power and the country is starting to splinter

As the self-appointed defender of his Shia kith and kin, his nom de guerre is "The Shield". But to his Sunni foes – and many of his own people – only one name does justice to the savagery with which Abu Deraa wages Iraq's sectarian war. He is, they say, the "Shia Zarqawi".

Less than six months after an American airstrike ended Abu Musab al Zarqawi's campaign of Sunni terror, an equally brutal fanatic has emerged on the other side of the religious divide. Abu Deraa's trademark method of killing is a drill through the skull rather than a sword to the neck, but his work rate is just as prolific as the former al-Qaeda leader's and shows the same diabolical artistry.

A photograph of Moqtada al-Sadr
A photograph of Moqtada al-Sadr worn by a Shia militiaman

In the past year, he and his followers are thought to have murdered thousands of Sunnis, their victims' bodies symbolically dumped in road craters left by al-Qaeda car bombs. The rise of monsters such as Abu Deraa is another blow to American hopes that Zarqawi's death, in June, would halt the sectarian violence, which now regularly claims 100 lives a day.


In the strategy rooms of Baghdad's Green Zone, the question of how to stop the violence escalating into civil war has acquired renewed urgency since President George W Bush's losses in last week's US midterm elections, and his sacking of the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld.

Yet, according to diplomats, the Green Zone is no longer the powerhouse of bright ideas for the future of Iraq that it once was. Until as recently as last year, every ambitious state department intern and junior Foreign Office mandarin was keen to do at least a six-month stint there, keen to help forge democracy in one of the toughest environments ever. Today, though, the brightest and the best and have left, giving it the atmosphere of a place being wound down. Few up-and-coming diplomats, it seems, want "Iraq 2006" on their CVs, much less "Iraq 2007".

"Working there is becoming like an albatross around people's necks," said one insider. "The feeling is that it doesn't matter how many hours a day they do, it won't make any difference. And nobody wants to be around if they end up getting helicoptered out, Saigon-style."

Meanwhile, out in the "Red Zone", as those diplomats now call it, residents face a future in which thugs such as Abu Deraa play an ever more prominent role. So great is the risk of being killed in tit-for-tat violence that Iraqi tattoo parlours are offering "death tags", showing names and next of kin. Such inkings are a safeguard against ending up among the countless -unidentified bodies in Baghdad's morgue.

Yet, while Abu Deraa may have replaced Zarqawi at the top of the American wanted list, Iraq's Shia-dominated government has shown a marked reluctance to sanction the kind of large-scale operation necessary to arrest him in his stronghold of Sadr City, a vast Shia slum in east Baghdad. Taking action against him could cost it valuable support among other Shia militias who, despite official disdain for Abu Deraa's bloodthirstiness, value the fear that such a loose cannon inspires in their enemies.

"We are proud of leaders like Abu Deraa," said Hassan Allami, 25, a fighter with the Shia cleric Moqtada al Sadr's Mehdi army, which Abu Deraa quit earlier this year to form his own faction. "His drills destroy the crazy minds of the Sunnis."

The worsening of inter-religious- bloodshed reflects badly on the Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose chief task when he took power in June was to win back Sunni confidence in the political process by stamping out the state's tacit backing of Shia militias such as the Mehdi Army.

Yet, increasingly, men such as Abu Deraa appear to operate beyond anyone's control at all. He is among at least 20 former Mehdi Army commanders who are pursuing their own agendas, sometimes sectarian, often simply criminal. The former commander, Moqtada al Sadr, may be a thug himself, but at least he represented a single, identifiable authority. If dozens of freelance players emerge alongside him, negotiation becomes impossible.

"The whole thing is becoming increasingly localised, with people like Sadr being outflanked by extremists whom he can't control," said Dr Eric Herring, the British author of Iraq in Fragments, a study released last year which charts Iraq's break-up into innumerable competing factions. "It's possible that we may eventually remember Sadr as a moderate."

The emergence of local warlords with their own agendas is not confined to the sectarian front lines of Baghdad. In the city of Amara, in Shia-dominated southern Iraq, local Sadrists are in a violent power struggle with the Badr Brigade, a rival Shia militia backed by Iran.

In the capital, the two factions sit together as fellow members of the Shia Unity parliamentary block. But in Amara, they have been fighting pitched battles ever since the British Army ended its permanent presence in the city in August.

Both factions have tried to stake political territory by introducing rafts of Taliban-style restrictions, including banning music at weddings, segregating schools, shutting internet cafes and stopping people watching Western satellite channels. "The Mehdi Army heard I had a satellite dish that was tuned to the Western channels," said Abu Fadl, 45, a teacher. "They went up to my roof, removed it and then beat me. Then they sold the receiver in the central market. They aren't doing this for God, just to show who is in power."

Major Charlie Burbridge, a British forces spokesman, insists that such complaints are not widespread. But he agreed that if they were happening, it was more a product of territorial squabbling than any genuine Islamisation.

"I think if someone gets their satellite dish smashed up by the Mehdi Army, it is probably because they belonged to the Badr Brigade," he said.

But was it wise for the British Army to take such a back seat? "The situation in Amara is a significant test of the Iraqi government and security forces, but we believe they can cope," he said.

"We are having to taking the wheels off the bike, but we are confident that in time, the Iraqis will be able to ride it perfectly adequately."

For the likes of Abu Fadl, however, the prospect of sitting and suffering while armed factions fight it out to rule over him has tarnished his dreams of a free Iraq.

"It sounds bad, but I wish the British would come back," he said.

Many options are being considered in the Green Zone, in Washington and in Downing- Street – but that particular scenario is not among them.

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