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Brown Skin Lady
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, August 11 @ 10:00:00 EDT
Identity By Andy Doan
July 28, 2005

You will never know what it's like to be the only kid with black hair and slanted eyes in your kindergarten class.

You will never know what it's like to be called Chinky Chinaman on the playground at 5 years old.

You will never know what it's like to ask your 1st grade teacher about Vietnam.

Only to have her tell you that all humans are created equal.


You will never know how dehumanizing it feels when your grade school friends ask if you can see when you laugh.

You will never know what it feels like when those same grade school friends tell you that all Asian People are rich.

You will never know what it feels like to see your cousin, aunt, and uncle immigrate to this country and try to survive off welfare.

You will never know what it feels like to want to be something more than just the "Asian Kid."

You will never know what it feels like to be told that, "you don't even act Asian."

You will never know what it feels like to be stigmatized as the model minority.

You will never know what it feels like when somebody asks you while standing in the buffet line, "Do Japanese people like gravy?".

You will never know what it feels like to be held at gunpoint by Asian Gang Members.

You will never know what racial harassment feels like as you get pulled over by cops and get accused of being part of the Asian Mafia.

(Asian Mafia? Oh that's right, they're upstairs in the Chinatown restaurant. Just like Rush Hour.)

You will never know the true meaning of identity crisis.

You will never know what it feels like to be plagued by the small dick Asian Man rumor.

You will never know what it feels like to have this desire to whip it out on stage and say, "Ha! We are gigantic!"

You think you know.

But you have no idea.

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· News by Andrew

Most read story about Identity:
Chinese Tattoos

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Re: Brown Skin Lady (Score: 1)
by feebe on Friday, October 05 @ 13:32:07 EDT
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if you are Asian American, please support Ron Paul!
affirmative action is the worse thing ever, it introduces reverse discrimination against Asian American and White American, Google reverse discrimination by yourself
Ron Paul is the only one who brave enough to stand out against the real Racist -- Government
here is his words:
"In fact it is the federal government more than anything else that divides us along race, class, religion, and gender lines. Government, through its taxes, restrictive regulations, corporate subsidies, racial set-asides, and welfare programs, plays far too large a role in determining who succeeds and who fails in our society. This government "benevolence" crowds out genuine goodwill between men by institutionalizing group thinking, thus making each group suspicious that others are receiving more of the government loot. This leads to resentment and hostility between us."
and link http://unofficial-ronpaul2008blog.blogspot.com/2007/06/from-archives-government-and-racism.html

I believe he is the one who will Remove Reverse discrimination against Asian American and White, please help Ron Paul and help Asian American

As a Asian American, you have to score 200 more in SAT in order to get into same Univ as Black,

Support Ron Paul to remove Reverse discrimination
支持Ron Paul, 废除平权法案

只有Ron Paul才能帮助亚裔摆脱歧视,
支持Ron Paul,就是支持亚裔在美国的将来

Re: Brown Skin Lady (Score: 1)
by UsAgainstThem on Saturday, August 13 @ 01:31:55 EDT
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very true words, brotha.

i know and experienced everything you wrote.

but you know what? i dont give a ***** anymore if others have no idea. it wont change a thing about life. you gotta make the life you want.

small dicked asian? go get a girl and prove everyone wrong. yea, chinky chinaman is a usual occurence.

grow thick skin, strong backbone, and confidence and all of that shit goes out the window.

dont be a victim of the white man's insecurities, be the cause of it.

Re: Brown Skin Lady (Score: 1)
by Adamantium on Saturday, August 13 @ 02:52:33 EDT
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"You will never know what it's like to be the only kid with black hair and slanted eyes in your kindergarten class."

heh heh, hell no..i remember in my kindergarten class, we outnumbered the white kids. Even our teacher was japanese

Re: Brown Skin Lady (Score: 1)
by TheWesSide (phathamstar@yahoo.com) on Wednesday, August 17 @ 02:37:31 EDT
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Man, I totally feel you. I mean, I was the asian kid in our kindergarden class, I hear the small asian dick crap all the time and of course I get told I don't act Asian by everyone.

But who cares? Kindergarden kids are stupid, size matters in the bedroom, not what dumbass white folks think you have when they're joking with their buddies, and I don't act Asian? Sorry I don't go ching-chong-ching-chong and open a laundramat and instead I'm boning some hot white chick and I play football better than my white friends. yeah, my bad

I use my asian-ness as a weapon, not a weakness. People underestimate me because of it and think they know me... well I come around and surprise them.

Re: Brown Skin Lady (Score: 1)
by 100903 on Sunday, August 28 @ 18:43:19 EDT
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You're not the only one singled out for being different. All children go through racism, being fat, being ugly, its all the same in the end, people take differences and make them into social group bigotry.

There are just as many kids just as insecure as you, please dont tell us we dont have any idea, we sure as hell do, there are good and bad people spread throughout the entire race. Don't make how some people treat you your righteous religious crusade under the banner of racism, everybody is racist, how many times do I hear asians calling white people fat ugly americans? or what about the attitude that foreigners are whining victims in japan?

You may want to look into the causes of social disorder, one of the spectre's of lack of strength and backbone in the world, you need to have infinite compassion for the less mature and develop human beings on this planet despite their gross ignorance and intolerance, the way to a better world isn't through making your hatreds and divisions justified, its through standing up against the ignorance in those human individuals that undo the work to make the world a better place for everyones children.

A competitive spirit that capitalism and competition for resources breeds among families of strangers who loosely come together to form a nation, purposely divide themselves against one another, even within the same ethnic group.

I empthize but you're not the only one being discriminated against, after all racism is just the tip of the discrimination iceberg that happens to every single human being on the planet, old, fat, white, asian, black, whatever.

Do your best to seek out like minded human beings and see past the ethnic sectarianism used to make an "Us versus them" world.

Re: Brown Skin Lady (Score: 1)
by bkso on Saturday, September 10 @ 14:58:10 EDT
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Hi Andy,

As people of ethnic origin in a predominantly white country, we have all faced similar experiences.

When I was a child and teenager, these experiences troubled me. When I encountered racism, thoughts would go through my mind, such as 'Gee this is heartbreaking, I've accepted this country as mine, but it hasn't excepted me..'

I'm now 26, and I've reached a stage where I embrace being different and accept that people may try to use it as a means to upset me.

Quite frankly, I just don't care! :)

Don't let yourself get dispirited by people use your ethnicity as a way of stigmatising you. Keep your chin up and remember all the things that you're good at and you like about yourself.

The person trying to offend you is nothing more than that - a loser! Your ethinicity is just a 'soft' target.

Rejoice in being different and ignore losers who try and upset you...



  • hi andy! by kimchee on Sunday, September 11 @ 11:08:33 EDT
  • sorry! by kimchee on Sunday, September 11 @ 11:32:15 EDT

Re: Brown Skin Lady (Score: 1)
by ilaneb on Sunday, September 11 @ 04:03:08 EDT
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I think a lot of people deny they're racist because it's not politically correct and they like to think they're open minded.

Re: Brown Skin Lady (Score: 1)
by snorkel1 on Saturday, September 17 @ 12:01:18 EDT
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how about this one - u'll never know what it's like to see a white child get made fun of because he's not mexican.....

oh but wait a minute....if there more white people then ur in a better neighborhood unless it in the boonies somewhere.

good revenge to hear about a white kid being discriminated upon? sad to hear about any kid being downed. but kids are cruel. and the world is also cruel.

no matter what kind of crap a person has gone through we it's always important try to take the higher road.

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