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Asian American Empowerment: Dating and Sexuality

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Racial Preferences in the Dating World
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, May 01 @ 05:06:03 EDT (4319 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Steve Penner
©2007 Seacoast Media Group
May 11, 2007

One of the more delicate areas I dealt with while running a dating service for more than two decades was the issue of race, and more specifically racial stereotyping by prospective members.

Stereotyping in itself is a volatile issue, and at some point during intake interviews, I often repeated the phrase “While there is some truth to all stereotypes, there are certainly many exceptions to every single one.”

However, when one is dealing with a sample of more than 20,000 single, divorced, and widowed men and women, I feel confident and comfortable making certain statements in a column titled The Truth about Dating.

Yet I was still hesitant to write this column, until a reader sent me an article from The New York Times, in which the author, John Tierney, published a story about racial preferences in the dating world.

Moreover, the article cited a study titled Racial Preferences in Dating that documented the preferences of more than 400 participants in speed dating sessions at Columbia University. A quick reading of both the Times article and the Columbia study seemed to support my own anecdotal findings.

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Beware the Oriental Fantasy
Posted by Andrew on Saturday, August 05 @ 03:34:04 EDT (10115 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Will Jory
©2006 The Daily Telegraph
August 3, 2006

Many Westerners holiday in South-East Asia and return home with a spouse. Will Jory tells of his own traumatic experience

Regular visitors to Thailand will know the sight well: a wealthy, older Englishman arm in arm with the attractive Bangkok bar girl for whom he has fallen. Unfortunately, for 41-year-old, Marlborough-educated Toby Charnaud, his Oriental fantasy ended in bloody murder, according to reports now emerging from a Thai court.

Among the accused is his ex-wife, Pannada Laoruang, whom Charnaud met - yes - in a Bangkok bar, having sold his £2.5 million estate in Wiltshire to go travelling. The couple married in 1997 and lived for a time with his parents in England. When this didn't pan out, they returned to Thailand, where Charnaud bought two bars in the resort of Hua Hin.

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Color Line Cuts Through the Heart
Posted by Andrew on Tuesday, July 25 @ 18:00:58 EDT (14845 reads)
Dating and Sexuality dac writes "By Lois E. Beckett
The Harvard Crimson
March 22, 2006

Jimmy Zhao ’08 says his parents used to joke that if he ever brought a white girl home, at least they could be glad she wasn’t African American.

If Zhao, who is Chinese American, did bring an African-American girlfriend back to his New Jersey home, it wouldn’t only surprise his parents. It would be a statistical anomaly. "

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The Yellow Fever Pages
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, February 08 @ 00:54:33 EST (22061 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Karen Eng
August 2002

Not long ago, I ran into an ex-boyfriend’s brother. This particular boyfriend — let’s call him Marvin — had moved to Japan five years ago, midway into our relationship. Things were never quite resolved between us, and I’d bitterly cut off all friendly relations after he backed way out after leading me very deeply in. Now I wanted to know what had become of him.

I panicked, but smiled. I managed to ask about the brother’s job, his music, his wife, their dog. Finally, heart pounding, I got up the nerve to ask him about Marvin. "Oh," he said brightly, as though he’d just remembered. "Marvin actually got married last week!"

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Asian Wonder Women
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, November 24 @ 10:00:00 EST (11216 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Emil Guerrero
©1998 AsianWeek
January 15, 1998

Thank goodness Michelle Yeoh is on the scene in that new James Bond film, Tomorrow Never Dies. Extreme feminists might say they should have made her James Bond and ditched the hair-helmeted, spy mannequin, and all his techno-gizmos.

But honestly, isn't giving Yeoh the Bruce Lee part revolutionary enough? Please, one major paradigm shift at a time.

Frankly, to this Asian American male observer, the thought of Yeoh as "Bond Girl," kicking some white male ass in the Battle of the Sexes, is oddly satisfying.

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On ''The Asian Female Mystique''
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, June 15 @ 10:00:00 EDT (10080 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Dan
The Marmot's Hole
May 31, 2005

Daniel Hong’s piece came off as inflammatory. At the same time, I agreed with many of its points.

The following is long, but try to suffer through it and honestly think about its points.

It often boils down to this:

White men enjoy a “halo effect” due to western global domination in economics, entertainment, etc., derived from the lands and resources (which their ancestors stole from indigenous peoples). Some then exploit this power in unequal relationships.

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The Asian Female Mystique
Posted by Andrew on Tuesday, May 31 @ 10:00:00 EDT (16514 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Daniel Hong
©2005 The Korea Times
May 28, 2005

I had never paid attention to the arrangement of the evening news anchors, a young Korean woman paired off with an old white man, at my local TV channel in Seattle until I heard Sheridan Prasso's lecture at the University of Washington the other day. "Have you seen an Asian man teamed with a white woman on the news?" she prodded. Prasso, a former Business Week Asia editor, in her new book, "The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls & Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient," asserted that the Westerners' misconstrued perception of Asian women made it impossible to create the odd pair.

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Forgotten Racism
Posted by Andrew on Tuesday, April 19 @ 10:00:00 EDT (8931 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Maria Jeong
©2005 The Cavalier Daily (University of Virginia)
April 13, 2005

Although Asians are the largest minority group at the University, making up approximately 12 percent of the student population, many students and faculty say they are oftentimes marginalized in the typical dichotomy of black and white race relations.

Coinciding with Asian-Pacific-American Heritage Month and Take Back the Night, two facebook groups about Asian women have had attention called to them by various students. One group was formerly called "Americans for the Increased Importation of Asian Women" and the second was titled "People for the Propagation of Asian Fetish."

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Imagining North American Masculinities Against Asian Femininities
Posted by Andrew on Tuesday, April 05 @ 10:00:00 EDT (5636 reads)
Dating and Sexuality ©2003 By Soo-Young Chin
Excerpted from "Seeking 'Single Asian Females': Consuming Class, Race and Desire in America"
University of Southern California, Department of Anthropology

In the latter part of the 20th century, hegemonic North American masculinity has come under both ideological and institutional attack. Despite the steady, incremental erosion to male privilege that the women’s movement have brought upon men, some gay and feminist theorists continue to link heterosexual, mainstream masculinity with power and “the exercise of power in its most naked forms,” asserting that masculinity is organized for domination, and hence, resistant to change because of power relations” (Connell 1995:42). [1]  These ideological assaults on heterosexual masculinity have occurred at the same time that global capitalist practices have altered the positioning of the male protector/provider. With American manufacturing moving off shore and targeting a predominantly female labor pool (Nash 1983; Ong 1987, 1991), jobs that once marked working class American masculinities have been reassigned, both re-located and re-gendered. [2]  Not only has decentralized production rendered once-secure blue collar jobs almost extinct, over the past 15 years, wages for men in the unskilled-labor market dropped over 25% (Swoboda 1992). The number of male white collar workers has also declined, and in the American employment frontier, growing service sector jobs increasingly target women whose lower wages undercut men’s employment opportunities. [3]  Indeed, statistics indicate that in 1984 only 42% of men between the ages of twenty to twenty-four could keep a family of three out of poverty compared to the 60% in 1963 who could do so (Pfeil, 1995). So despite women’s lagging wages, material conditions no longer permit men to construct and valorize a protector/provider masculinity for themselves.

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Portraying Queer Asian-Americans
Posted by Andrew on Friday, March 11 @ 10:00:00 EST (8215 reads)
Dating and Sexuality

Task Force, Asians groups team up on groundbreaking report aimed at dispelling invisibility

By Michael White
©2005 Gay City
February 17, 2005

Americans of Asian and Pacific Island descent are among the fastest growing minority groups in the nation and among them an increasing number of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people are coming out of the closet.

Nevertheless, say community activists, Asian and Pacific Islanders living in the United States, even in major metropolitan area like New York City, still confront issues of cultural isolation and racist stereotyping, even within the queer community.

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Brothers, Can You Spare Some Spine?
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, March 10 @ 10:00:00 EST (12368 reads)
Dating and Sexuality OmegaSupreme writes "By Rick Sha
©2003 Rick Sha

Taking the Easy Way Out is a great article but Sister, Can You Lend An Ear is one of my favorite articles ever written by an Asian American woman on Asian America because the article covers bases that's often ignored when the subject of community and activism are discussed.

Like the author noted, I too am disturbed when I hear a "politically aware" Asian woman talk about the dynamics of race, gender, and politics when she’s involved with a white man. This sort of back talking is something I have seen time and time again with so-called politically active Asian women, and it smacks of hypocrisy and contradiction. "

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Asian-Americans Seeking Love Connection That Clicks
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, February 16 @ 10:00:00 EST (7650 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Yung Kim
©2005 North Jersey Media Group Inc.
February 14, 2005

Marsha doesn't want to be known as the woman who used a dating service.

The 29-year-old Jersey City resident felt even more uneasy about the potential pool of guys that she would meet through a dating service.

But after 10 six-minute "speed dates" she had a list of potential suitors.

"There were a lot of surprises," said Marsha, who did not want to give her last name.

Like other minorities, many Asian-Americans feel pressured to marry within their culture. But meeting potential dates can be difficult when ethnicity is a factor, even in areas with large Asian-American communities.

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The Great Divide
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, January 26 @ 10:00:00 EST (12750 reads)
Dating and Sexuality OmegaSupreme writes "

Interracial Romance Divides Asian Americans

By Soyon Im
©2000 PopPolitics
December 19, 2000

All kinds of women have been sexualized: white women, black women, skinny women, fat women, older, younger, big-breasted, small-breasted, submissive, dominant.

So when someone argues that a woman like Lucy Liu, who plays a sexy lawyer named Ling Woo on FOX TV's Ally McBeal, reinforces stereotypes of Asian women as exotic sexual beings, the complaint seems to ignore the larger reality that women - especially women in film and television - are constantly portrayed as erotic subjects. "
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A Sustainable World Through Prostitution
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, December 30 @ 10:00:00 EST (4147 reads)
Dating and Sexuality Why has the Bush Administration hesitated this week to commit more than $35 million (equivalent to the cost of a few hours of the Iraq War) to the South Asian tsunami disaster relief effort?  Perhaps it is because the economic value to the West of the Asian communities at risk has not been fully appreciated and commodified.  Given the U.S. media's disproportionate coverage of the perspectives of Western tourists in Phuket and Patong Beach, Thailand -- infamous havens for sex tourism, though this fact has gone unmentioned this week -- Anita Pleumarom's satirical proposal might be worth considering as the most plausible source of emergency funds for the Third World during the age of Bush.

And why has the administration taken the decidedly un-Christian approach of measuring our foreign aid in terms of absolute dollars rather than relative to our nation's ability to contribute? Recall: [Jesus] looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury; and he saw a poor widow put in two copper coins. And he said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; for they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all the living that she had." (Luke 21:1-4)

Take a real pro-life position. Shame the Bush Administration with your copper coins. Give to Oxfam.

(Editor's Note: After a week of sustained criticism of U.S. contributions to the relief effort, Bush announced a further commitment of $315 million on Dec. 31.)

By Anita Pleumarom
©1997 The Nation (Bangkok)
March 9, 1997

Equipped with the concept of sustainable development and Agenda 21 - the central document of the Rio Earth Summit - it has become possible to turn virtually every development activity into an environmentally friendly venture. With the arrival of sustainable industrial and agricultural production, sustainable logging, and sustainably managed wood plantations, hydro-power dams and golf courses, we seem to have made a big leap forward to save the Earth.

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Men's Guide to Phuket
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, December 29 @ 10:00:00 EST (10507 reads)
Dating and Sexuality American media coverage of the South Asian tsunami disaster has focused disproportionately (but, fortunately, not exclusively) on the perspectives of the western tourists affected, most of whom were in Phuket and Patong Beach, Thailand. With the cable news networks indulging in saturation coverage (while marginalizing the voices of the worst-off victims), here's an ugly aspect of the tourists' story you can be sure they won't be covering. -- Ed.

Help the worst-off. Give to Oxfam.

©2003 MensAsia.com


Phuket is still tying to find its place in the tourism market of Thailand. It was known in the past by foreigners as the place for beautiful beaches, backpacker heaven, and where they filmed James Bond's famous beach scene in The Man With the Golden Gun. It does have incredible beaches and little island hideaways where you could spend weeks without ever seeing another living person. But increasingly it is becoming known as the second Pattaya both by foreigners and Thais alike.

The local economy has seen a large increase in sex tourism and a large decrease in "normal" tourism. The Phuket government is attempting to bring back "normal" tourism (as is all of Thailand) by really cracking down on the sex industry. They have made some major closures of well known establishments and deported some well known expats. All this lends itself to looking over your shoulder to see what's next.

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Asian American Dating: Important Factors in Partner Choice
Posted by Andrew on Tuesday, December 28 @ 10:00:00 EST (7676 reads)
Dating and Sexuality ©1999 By T.A. Mok
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Volume 5, Pages 103-117

The majority of research on romantic relationships has tended to focus on marriage, with relatively less attention paid to dating. This study examined the relationship between Asian American dating, both interracial and intraracial, and a variety of factors thought to be associated with dating in this population, including acculturation, ethnic identity, attractiveness, interracial dating experience, ethnicity of friends, parental influence over dating, and density. Participants were administered measures of these variables and were asked questions regarding their likelihood of dating both Asian Americans and White Americans. An interesting pattern of results emerged when the variables were put into regression equations to predict both interracial and intraracial dating. Findings are presented and implications discussed.

The United States population is increasingly becoming more racially and ethnically diverse; indeed, a special issue of Time magazine (Jamieson & Seaman, 1993) spoke of "The New Face of America: How Immigrants Are Shaping the World's First Multicultural Society." This special issue addressed not only the changing demographics of the United States but also the way members of this multicultural society have increasingly interacted with one another in different facets of life, including marriage. Interracial relationships have been discussed in a number of forums, from scholarly journals and books to mass market magazines and newspapers, where the topic has ranged from the academic to the emotional. A general conclusion is that interracial marriage in the United States is increasing and that Asian Americans make up a significant proportion of people who are involved in such relationships.

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What Japanese Women Want: A Western Husband
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, December 08 @ 10:00:00 EST (9753 reads)
Dating and Sexuality DalaiWu writes "By Bennett Richardson
©2004 The Christian Science Monitor
December 6, 2004

TOKYO - The Japanese government wants women like Taeko Mizuguchi to get married and start doing something about the nation's plunging birthrate. But she's not interested.

At least, not if her prospective husband is Japanese.

A growing number of Japanese women are giving up on their male counterparts, and taking a gamble that looking abroad for love will bring them the qualities in a partner that seem rare at home. Mr. Right, as the hope goes, is often an American or European, a man appreciative of a wife's career and more of a partner in daily tasks. "
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A Slap in the Face
Posted by Andrew on Friday, December 03 @ 10:00:00 EST (6690 reads)
Dating and Sexuality OmegaSupreme writes "By Shi Chen
©1999 The Paradox (University of Wisconsin at Madison)
Spring 1999

What is wrong with our Asian men? Why do so many Asian women choose to date out of their race? Recent statistics have shown that a larger percentage of Asian women date out of their race than any other minority group. This would certainly warrant the sense of betrayal felt by many Asian men. After all, Asian men tend to surpass the national average in long-term virtues: industry, self-restraint, and law-abidance. These were once looked upon as ideal qualities in a man. In a time of open-mindedness and freedom, young women listen less to the traditional wisdom of how to pick Mr. Right, and listen more to their hormones. This has created a society in which men predisposed to being tall, with great physiques can more easily get away with acting like Mr. Wrong. Asian men generally are not as predisposed to having these characteristics. This is a slap to their face. "
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Asian Males Face Contradictory Stereotypes
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, October 21 @ 10:00:00 EDT (6423 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Jon Chang
©2000 Daily Bruin Online (UCLA)
April 4, 2000

This is in response to the column, "Stereotypes of Asian Americans limit dating scene" (Viewpoint, March 2). I'd like to comment that although Annalisa Burgos begins by mentioning how the stereotypes of Asian American females and males are analogous, she ends by stereotyping Asian American males herself.

Burgos implies that the lack of interracial dating by many Asian American males is due to their lack of intelligence and character. For example, she writes, "If more Asian American men would approach women outside of their race in the first place and prove that they are intelligent and worthwhile boyfriends, maybe there'd be more of these types of couples."

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Stop Being The Victim, Do Something About It!
Posted by Andrew on Friday, September 10 @ 10:00:00 EDT (5228 reads)
Dating and Sexuality jxu writes "By JXu
Special to ModelMinority.com
July 2004

Let me share some personal experience with my fellow Asian men. We have seen a lot of anger in Asian men toward their Asian female sisters for choosing White men over them. I have the same feelings as well. There was a time when I was naive enough to think that if I treat my Asian sisters with more care and respect than their white boyfriends, and pretent to be perfectly comfortable with being taken for granted and discriminated against by Asian women, that eventually they will treat us with the same respect. "

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Hot or Not?
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, September 08 @ 10:00:00 EDT (7187 reads)
Dating and Sexuality DalaiWu writes "©2004 Audrey
June/July 2004

Paying more than just lip-service to the de-masculinization of the Asian male in popular American culture, Audrey magazine searches high and low for answers about where our perceptions of the sexuality of the Asian American male came from, and how much, if at all, they've really changed.

Apparently, Asian males in America are the newest ethnic fetish. Like the latest Prada bag or Juicy Couture outfit, the Asian boyfriend may well be the new arm candy for non-Asian women on the cutting edge. At the same time, Details magazine, in their latest issue, displayed an Asian male in metrosexual garb and proceeded to list unflattering stereotypes (to say the least) under the headline “Gay Or Asian?” So how can we reconcile these contradictory conceptions of Asian males? And what is this “Asian Male Fetish,” and where are the women who have it?"

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Beauty of the Exotic Kind
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, August 05 @ 10:00:00 EDT (7283 reads)
Dating and Sexuality By Bryce Feng
©1995 Chinese Community Forum
March 22, 1995

Several years ago I saw an article but now can't recall the name of the author, except that it was an Asian American woman who was married to a Caucasian male, and she was writing to defend the integrity of inter-racial marriage. I have tremendous respect for those who are willing to speak their minds thus admire her a great deal for her courage.

I have nothing against romance, be it inter-racial or not. It's only natural, in my opinion, that romance often starts with some physical attraction that ends up with marriage. In terms of mating and sex, we humans haven't really evolved away from the animal kingdom yet. Or have we? If two kids grow up and gain their maturity through their love and marriage, it's nothing but a beautiful story. If an a woman falls in love with a man with passion and live happily thereafter, I wish them the best as I do to everyone. Love shouldn't have any skin color or cultural boundaries.

But before you start complimenting my open-mindedness, I have to tell you that there was one sentence written by that woman that has lingered in my mind for quite some time: the most beautiful aspect of her marriage, I am paraphrasing her, is that her husband "John thinks that I'm exotic." If I remember it right, she also said that was also the beginning or almost of the basis of their marriage. To be frank with you, I did not like the message conveyed in that sentence.

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Finding a Mate Offshore
Posted by Andrew on Tuesday, August 03 @ 10:00:00 EDT (3638 reads)
Dating and Sexuality

'Love Boat' tour program is about more than study

By William Lin
©2004 The Toronto Star
August 3, 2004

Jay Su had to travel 12,000 kilometres to find his true love.

At first, the Oakville resident refused to visit his native land, where his parents were born. But at their insistence, he went on a summer study tour to Taiwan in 2001 to reacquaint himself with a culture that was always present but still somewhat foreign.

Little did he know that he would end up with his girlfriend of three years and a realization of just how Canadian he was.

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Responding To Those With An Asian Fetish
Posted by Andrew on Friday, July 23 @ 10:00:00 EDT (8402 reads)
Dating and Sexuality DalaiWu writes "By Shera Liming Wu
Special to ModelMinority.com
July 23, 2004

I have always wondered why non-Asian men stare at me. It gets me so angry. I assume that they have never seen a female Asian face before. I think to myself, “Hey!…have you never seen an Asian woman before?… What? …Is there a problem with being Asian?”

I have heard that many non-Asian men look at Asian women as being exotic and great lovers. They believe that Asian women are subservient—that they are to obey them at all times. Do people stereotype based upon their own insecurities or their insecurities regarding their own ethnicity? Should they not seek out the truth? They are so ignorant! The subject of the so called “Asian ‘Gook’ Fetish” comes up all of the time. This fetish is when a non-Asian male is attracted to an Asian female based solely upon the fact that she is Asian, not upon who she is. It is already bad enough that men objectify women. The exotification of women is even more preposterous. "

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Colorblind Dating
Posted by Andrew on Thursday, July 22 @ 10:00:00 EDT (4865 reads)
Dating and Sexuality

Parents Often Care More About Race than Teens Do

By Henry Barmeier and Tarah Knaresboro
©2004 San Jose Mercury News
July 6, 2004

Celeste Acain had a steady boyfriend for nearly half a year. It didn't matter that he was white and she was Filipino -- neither really cared.

To his parents, however, their relationship was unacceptable.

``They pretended to like me, and I seriously thought they did, until he told me that they hated me,'' said Acain, a junior at Santa Teresa High School in San Jose. ``I was astonished, not only because they lied and tried to hide what they really felt about me, but because they didn't like me for a really stupid reason.''

Although Acain and her boyfriend eventually broke up, they are part of a growing trend in the United States. According to a USA Today poll conducted in the late '90s, almost 60 percent of teens have dated outside of their race.

While this figure suggests the nation's teens are becoming more open to interracial dating, some parents have yet to reach the same level of tolerance. Many still insist their children find ``a special someone'' of the same ethnicity.

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Asian Male Bashing in American Media
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, June 23 @ 10:00:00 EDT (6784 reads)
Dating and Sexuality ©1995 By Jason Rabbitt-Tomita
Chinese Community Forum
May 25, 1995

I think the dating imbalance, i.e. more Caucasian males with Asian Females versus Asian males with Caucasian females, is caused by a racist media in America that portrays Asian male as undesirable, asexual, nerdy, and so on, and Asian female as the ready toy for any white guy, no matter how dorky, as Wayne's World or Star Trek amply illustrate for us.

For instance, there are eight hundred Asian female anchors, one for each major metropolitan area in the United States. But there is only one Asian male news anchor in the entire United states. There are eight hundred thousand films and movies with Asian female love interests with white guys; there are about three films with Asian guys as the love interest of any ethnicity. Usually, if Asian males appear in films, he usually comes out as the dorky underling of a white man. If you are puzzled by what I mean, go rent the video tapes of Gung Ho, Mr. Baseball, and others.

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A Case of Yellow Fever
Posted by Andrew on Friday, June 18 @ 10:00:00 EDT (11357 reads)
Dating and Sexuality khim writes "By Khim
Special to ModelMinority.com
June 18, 2004

OK – I am repulsed by this sickness – this “yellow fever” from sick, misinformed, socially inept, racially stereotyping loser white men. Ladies (sorry, Asian ladies only), let me share with you an encounter with a reject of the white male dominated world.

I was at the gym yesterday afternoon, at the indoor pool, supervising my children swimming, dressed in jeans, a cream colored tee shirt and brown heeled sandals (I rarely wear a bathing suit unless we’re at the outdoor pool). I was hoping to begin reading my new book, coincidentally titled, “Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White“ by Frank H. Wu – when I was approached by this white guy, whom in less than 30 seconds revealed himself as racially ignorant idiot. Thus began the most bizarre, offensive, yet typical (of this sick type) discourse based solely on my features. "

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APA Men and Women: Can't We All Just Get Along?
Posted by Andrew on Monday, June 07 @ 10:00:00 EDT (5673 reads)
Dating and Sexuality missmel writes "By Miss Mel
Special to ModelMinority.com
June 6, 2004

When I first decided to write my Ode to Smart, Strong and Sexy Asian American Men, I did not imagine it would receive as much attention as it did. Just goes to show how deprived we all are of those kinds of images and tributes to AAMs. Since its first publication here on my Xanga, it has actually been taken out of context. My reason for composing the Ode was simple: there are not enough (what is traditionally considered) sexy images of Asian American men out there to counter the ones that have invariably been catapulted into the spotlight (i.e. the nerd, the villain). The Ode, then, was a verbal portrait of the kind of Asian American men you can't find in the American media, my homage to the hidden strength and my not-so-private rebellion against the oppressive tyranny of the media as an ideological tool, meant to counter the already-prevalent images of the aforementioned men. I hoped to give a few props, and to educate those who had never been exposed to such images (though they were only verbal) if only via link love. "

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Subjugated Sisters
Posted by Andrew on Friday, May 14 @ 10:00:00 EDT (5275 reads)
Dating and Sexuality clwong writes "By CLWong
Special to ModelMinority.com
May 15, 2004

Okay, we are going to have to face the fact that there is interracial dating. There are all types as this country is a “melting pot” of cultures and fantasies. But I’d like to narrow down to the issues that deal with couples that involve one partner being of Asian decent. The combination of an Asian female and a white male seems to strike a chord. The combination of an Asian male and a white female strikes a chord, but in a different manner.

First of all, I hate the way I feel. I don’t know how to not feel this way but not open my eyes to the world, or cut my eyeballs out of my sockets. I have lots of opinions and feelings. Sometimes I don’t want to go outside of my house or walk around the city or even drive around. I get sick of seeing sisters subjugated over and over. Sometimes I even rush home so I don’t have to stand the sight of another, and low and be hold some BMW will be in the next lane with a sister in the passenger seat, looking lost. More times than not I see a sister driving them around, because she is of servitude to him. Sometimes I shop for groceries at 3pm to avoid it all. "

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Ode to Smart, Strong and Sexy Asian American Men
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, May 05 @ 10:00:00 EDT (30829 reads)
Dating and Sexuality missmel writes "By Miss Mel
Special to ModelMinority.com
May 5, 2004

I'm tired of hearing people diss on my smart, strong and sexy Asian American brothers out there. And I there are enough people who complain or write about it. There are not enough, however, who pay homage to these extraordinary men. So here I profess my love to them. No Long Duk Donging or Fu Manchuing allowed here!

It must be hard, my Asian American brother, being told that to be a "real man" you must be big, brawny, and not too booksmart (as streetsmarts are infinitely sexier). Every time you go to the movies or turn on the television, the leading men, the heroes: none of them look like you. And when you do see someone who looks like you, you see Long Duk Dong or Fu Manchu. You cannot speak English, but if you do, your tongue must be a little warped at all times, as you hardly ever speak sans accent, even if you, the actor, have lived in America and spoken English all your life. You are the stingy and racist Korean grocer, the stingy and racist Indian 7-11 owner, the nerdy and sexless egghead, the horny foreign exchange student who wants nothing but White American girl ass, the cold and heartless killer from the Hong Kong Triad, the kickass but goofy (and totally unsexy) cop (who must be teamed with a "real American" because he cannot possibly be American with that accent of his!), the good guy master martial artist (who still never gets to kiss the girl in the end)."

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Compared with whites, to get ahead in America Asian Americans have to work:

much harder
somewhat harder
equally hard
less hard


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