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Smallville Scoop, Part 1: Chloe's Challenges and More!

Allison Mack and Tom Welling in Smallville by Michael Courtney/The CW
There's so much Smallville action coming up in Season 8 (premiering Sept. 18, at 8 pm/ET) that TVGuide.com broke its Q&A with three of the executive producers into two parts. First up, Darren Swimmer shares a look at new developments for Chloe, ponders Clark's heritage, and hints at more guest stars from other Superman productions. — Michael Maloney

TVGuide.com: Fans are thrilled that Allison Mack (Chloe) is back this season. With Lana no longer a regular character on the canvas, might the door open for a Clark/Chloe romance?
Darren Swimmer:
Jimmy has asked Chloe to marry him. We'll find out the answer to that question early on in the season. Chloe's love for Clark will never go away, but [those two] as a couple this year is pretty unlikely. All the "Chlark" fans out there will have to keep waiting.

TVGuide.com: Chloe has always been Clark's "go to" person when things get tough.
And that will continue. There are some changes ahead for her and some challenges she's going to face. There are also some romantic twists she'll deal with this year. She's definitely not going to be wanting for a date — [but] it may not be Clark.

TVGuide.com: Will we continue to see Chloe's meteor-freak powers?
She has powers, but they've changed. They won't manifest in the same way that they did before.

TVGuide.com: Chloe has struck such a chord with viewers that there's even fan fiction out there that has Lois dying and Chloe taking her cousin's name so that she would wind up becoming the woman in Clark's life.
Yes. There is that theory that Chloe is Lois, but she is not Lois. Lois is Lois, as crazy as that may seem. We hear the fans and we understand where that comes from. But unfortunately, it's not the way that the show is going.

TVGuide.com: Are you influenced by fan response on the Internet?
We definitely hear what the fans say and we can't help but be influenced by it, but I don't think that we're guided by it in the sense that we let it dictate anything, obviously. I don't think that fans would necessarily want that either. But we read it and we're in touch with what the fans are saying. They're our core fans. I think sometimes when somebody says they don't like something they still may find it entertaining, so we have to gauge how much of that is a response to the characters or a response to the way the story is being told.

TVGuide.com: Little touches like Chloe giving Jimmy a bowtie are a nice nod to fans who are familiar with the comic.
Yes. It's a year of challenges that Jimmy's going to have to go through. Chloe's going to have to go through them. Clark will, too. It's the year of "double identity." That's the theme. Clark's starting to understand he's got to have a double identity or he's not going to be able to move on with what his destiny is.

TVGuide.com: Might we see Clark with trademark dark-rimmed glasses?
No. [Pauses] Well, we may, but it won't be in the way that [you might expect].

TVGuide.com: We saw lots of Clark's Kryptonian background last year with his cousin Kara, mother Lara and Uncle Zor-El. Will we be seeing more of that influence this year?
I think we're moving away from the Kryptonian story. Last year we focused a lot on that and aspects of Clark's past. Clark can't escape his Kryptonian roots and that's definitely going to come back and haunt him this season, but this year will be more about moving forward with his destiny as becoming Superman in a way that we've never done before.

TVGuide.com: Helen Slater, Dean Cain, Margot Kidder.… So many actors from other Superman film and TV adaptations have guest-starred on Smallville. Do you have a wish list for this season?
Well, there's very few people left at this point [we haven't used]. We'd love to bring some of them back, but it's too early to talk in terms of scheduling. We're grateful to have had a chance to have all these great actors visit our show.

TVGuide.com: You're going into Season 8. Does it feel like there's no end in sight?
It's too soon to say. Eventually, Clark is going to become Superman, but he still has a ways to go before that happens. As long as the show keeps going, we want to see [his journey] continue.

Later this week, in Part 2: Smallville exec producers Brian Peterson and Todd Slavkin talk about the other friends (Lana!) and foes (Lex!) in Clark's life, and what their roles will be in Season 8.

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Posted by TV Guide News
Jul 21, 2008 12:12 PM
Posted by grandadmiraldad
Jul 21, 2008 1:08 PM
This may seem a little trivial, but in the interview you said, "Uncle Jor-El" when, in fact, his uncle was Zor-El.
Posted by sscott1988
Jul 21, 2008 1:34 PM
Viva Smallville!!! This season is gonna be the best of all. I love Lois and Chloe.
Posted by carlomato
Jul 21, 2008 1:45 PM
I have been a loyal fan of the show since the beginning, but the producers need to wake up and let Clark become Superman once and for all. Patience is growing thin. By now, it is just plain rude to keep us waiting to see him fly and embrace his destiny. I want to see Clark dressed as an adult and working full-time as a reporter for the Daily News. Eight years is a long time to wait! Please show more respect for your loyal viewers!
Posted by chattypatra
Jul 21, 2008 1:49 PM
I really think the Chloe, Lois switch would work, I think they could do it well and honestly it's the first thing i thought of when she showed her powers last year,but if it happened right b4 the series ended so we didn't miss out on Lois now it could work
Posted by Sycokatt
Jul 21, 2008 2:07 PM
Hopefully this interview will put to rest the idea that Chloe isn't important anymore. It looks like she will have the same amount of involvement that she has always had.

If Chloe IS Lois, of course they're not going to come out and admit that! I'm skeptical that's where it's really going though, I think that's simply a wish of "Chlark" shippers.
Posted by Dianora
Jul 21, 2008 2:15 PM
I want to know if we'll see Martha or Perry again. Martha should lose the political stuff though. Ruined her character.

Also, I wonder if there's any chance that Chloe will be working for the government. Checkmate, anyone? Maybe Department of Meta-Human Affairs?
Posted by Informant
Jul 21, 2008 2:17 PM
I, for one, am going to just sit back and relax and enjoy the ride.

Do I want to see Clark finally fly? Without a doubt.

Does he have to be SUPERMAN, with cape and tights? No. He learned to fly BEFORE he donned the costume.

And although the creators/writers of this show played fast and loose with Supes' history for Smallville, I like the idea that Clark will finally embrace his powers and do the 'double identity' thing.

Yes, it's been 8 years, but I think, think mind you, that Clark was in his late 20's when he became SUPERMAN. And yes, though they dropped the whole college thing, Clark is only 21 right now. I can wait till he wears the cape. But that's just me.

In addition to Martha, I'd like to see Jonathan again. Yeah, yeah, he's dead, but in Flashbacks, maybe? or just show Clark "talking" to him, with new scenes WITH John Scheider? THAT won't happen, I'm sure.

And yes, since Clark and Lois will be working at the Daily Planet, I'd like to see Perry come back. I wouldn't mind if they recast him.

Still drunk on euphoria from watching THE DARK KNIGHT.
Posted by Geets226
Jul 21, 2008 2:26 PM
The Jor-El/Zor-El error has been fixed. - MWM
Posted by TV Guide News
Jul 21, 2008 2:34 PM
[quote]Chloe's love for Clark will never
> go away, but [those two] as a couple this year is
> pretty unlikely. All the "Chlark" fans out there will
> have to keep waiting.

Is Darren Swimmer actually implying that Smallville could go beyond season eight? OMG.
Posted by sharpie7782
Jul 21, 2008 2:39 PM
Is this the Chloe show now? I like Chloe, but someone needs to tell Michael Maloney that she is NOT the main character of the show. Jesus dude, how about spreading the questions around a bit? Not to mention trying to remember that the main character on the show is CLARK KENT!! Chloe's powers and romantic misadventures aren't really that fascinating to many of SV's fans out there.

Other then that, mostly what I got from this Q&A is that the plan for S8 is stall, Stall, STALL in the hopes for more seasons, even though this is a show that should be wrapping it up. Just the sort of mindset that has mired SV down for 2+ seasons now. Your main character can't move forward on a show that you are bound and determined to keep in the same darn place.

I hope the next Q&A is more Clark-centric.
Posted by vmangan
Jul 21, 2008 2:51 PM
I don't know what's more upsetting, the "No Chlark" comments or the "this won't be the last season" comments.

The show is going into it's 8th season. The best season of the series was arguably the fifth, when it seemed like the show was coming to an end. Now it's just dragging out and dragging down all my favorite characters.

As for Chloe, TV Guide has it right: The character has struck a HUGE chord with the fans. To say there won't be a payoff for the longtime fans who have always wanted Chloe and Clark to get together is an insult. And to take such an exciting character with so many Lois Lane-type characteristics and then push her aside and stick her with Jimmy Olsen is an insult.

Honestly, all this talk from the producers that this won't be the last season just makes me not want to watch.
Posted by turtlegirl
Jul 21, 2008 2:51 PM
There is absolutely no reason for me to watch this show any more.

But, I'm glad that Swimmer was honest and let fans know they're not going to be happy rather than try to string people along.
Posted by ms.curious
Jul 21, 2008 3:01 PM
I like Chloe, but someone needs to tell Michael Maloney that she is NOT the main character of the show.

Mr. Maloney was specifically instructed by me to focus on Chloe for Part 1 of this interview, since Ms. Mack's fans have been so patiently waiting for any news since The Press Release came out.

Part 2 will, indeed, "spread the questions around." - MWM
Posted by TV Guide News
Jul 21, 2008 3:01 PM
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