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Gustav wind runs out of puff

Big wet ? a man walks beside the New Orleans flood wall.

Big wet … a man walks beside the New Orleans flood wall.
Photo: Reuters

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David Zucchino, Richard Fausset and Stephen Braun in New Orleans
September 3, 2008

HURRICANE GUSTAV scoured southern Louisiana with blistering winds and dangerous storm surges, but New Orleans endured its latest encounter with natural disaster, emerging with a strained levee system that mostly held after a tense day of uncertainty.

Ploughing in from the Gulf of Mexico across coastal lowlands dominated by oil pipelines and fishing wharves, Gustav quickly weakened west of New Orleans on Monday, spinning towards eastern Texas.

Even as Gustav moved into Louisiana's interior, Hurricane Hanna was forming over the Bahamas. Hurricane experts predicted the new storm could reach the south-eastern US within days.

By day's end, New Orleans clearly had escaped a catastrophic replay of the destruction left by Hurricane Katrina three years ago. The unprecedented mass evacuation of 1.9 million people emptied the hurricane zone and appeared to have spared the region from heavy casualties.

Stern warnings by Louisiana's Governor, Bobby Jindal, and the Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, led most New Orleans residents to evacuate, leaving fewer than 10,000 who "stayed indoors", Mr Nagin said.

Police reported only one storm-related death and three other fatalities that occurred during the evacuation.

A dusk-to-dawn curfew remained in force in New Orleans and Mr Nagin reported only one arrest for looting.

Despite winds that gusted above 100kmh and sent rain slanting sideways, the city avoided heavy structural damage. Officials remained guarded in their assessments as Monday drew to a close but grew optimistic that the city had missed the brunt of the storm. A relaxed Mr Nagin said he felt "really good" about the city's status.

By early yesterday Gustav had been downgraded to a tropical depression, the US National Hurricane Centre said.

The Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff, said boats, helicopters and military aircraft had searched for stranded people.

The city's most anxious moments came as water streamed over levee walls along the Industrial Canal, the artery that connects the Mississippi River with Lake Pontchartrain.

Los Angeles Times, Agence France-Presse

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