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Science & Religion

Science and Belief
Richard Dawkins: 'Why I Am Hostile Toward Religion'
Gregg Easterbrook Reviews 'The God Delusion'
Deepak Chopra: Debunking Dawkins' Notion of God

Gene Researcher, Bible Believer
'God is not threatened by our scientific adventures,' says author Francis Collins.

Daniel Dennett: 'Life Is Meaningful Without God'
Audio: Can science and religion coexist?

Why People Believe in God
Michael Shermer surveys beliefs about the divine.

Is Science a 'Satisfying Replacement' for Religion?
A conversation with E.O. Wilson

Einstein's Leap of Faith
The physicist abandoned religion early on--but WWII helped him rediscover Judaism.
Debating Origins
What's Intelligent Design?
A brief FAQ

Quiz: Your Evolution Beliefs

The Case for Intelligent Design
God guides evolution. By Lee Strobel

ID: Bad Science, Bad for Religion
Good science does not mean appealing to miracles when the going gets rough. By Michael Ruse

Intelligent Design Isn't 'Stealth Creationism'
It's compatible with evolution. By William Dembski

Fine-Tuning the Universe
Physical constants prove a designer's at work. By Ralph Muncaster

Choose One: God or Darwinism
If you have faith in God as the Creator, you can't embrace Darwinism too. By David Klinghoffer

'Evolution Is Not Inherently Atheistic'
A random natural process can fall within God's plan. By Kenneth Miller

Poll: What Should Be Taught in Public Schools?

The Problem with Darwinism
It's not just "gaps"--it's about the entire fossil record's pattern of sudden appearance of new phyla. By Jay Richards

Photo Gallery: Inside a Creationism Museum
The museum counters the Big Bang and evolution with exhibits based on the Bible's book of Genesis.

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Visions of God
"A professor of neuroscience ...create[d] electromagnetic fields in the wearer's temporal lobes. ...80% had some sort of supernatural experience.....If the experience of God can be induced with electricity and a helmet, what does this indicate about the general God experiences people have?"--redwood_myst

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