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Our Lady of Weight Loss Our Lady of Weight Loss

Wednesday August 27, 2008

Categories: Weight Loss Tips, happiness, inspiration, motivation, weight loss, weight loss words

Ever-Increasing Waistline: Latest Report says 37 States Fatter than Ever

F as in Big FAT Paradigm Shift Needed - FAST! NOW! HURRY! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, 50-pound Big-Time-Loser

I'm not surprised that America is fatter than ever! Or that the latest report, F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America, 2008 from the Trust for America's Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation indicates that obesity rates increased in 37 states.

To those "in-charge," who are implementing food and exercise programs, I'd like to say, you've got it all wrong.

What did you expect? You guys keep feeding us the same old stale information over and over again. If it didn't work last year or the year before, why would it work this year?

Thus far, your approach to "weight loss" has only served to "Keep America Fat," so much so that could be your slogan!

Here follows my top permanent fat removal tips in hopes that the tectonic plates in your collective minds will loosen, shift and lift, and you awake with clear view and a new perspective on 'weight loss.

Fatten the Statistical Pie or Permanently Remove Fat:
Your Choice

Ten Tips from Janice Taylor, Maverick Weight Loss Coach and Author

1. Let's move away from the usual weight loss dialogue, speak a new language, and I don't mean French.

Your Words. As I mentioned above, permanent fat removal is different than losing weight. If you lose weight, you will find it.

Think about the word 'loss.' If we lose something, we search for it. We mourn it. We feel loss. We tend to hold on to things in fear of loss. And further who wants to lose their weight. Weight can equal substance, importance.

If the word 'fat' jars you, get over it. Let me ask you. Would you prefer to lose weight or permanently remove fat? Speaking of which, do patients say to their plastic surgeons, "I'd like to lose weight." No, they say, "suck that fat outta' me."

More on words (or moron words): 'Try' to lose weight. If I say I'm going to try and make your dinner party, don't set a place for me. When one tries, it is a way (weigh) out! As Yoda from Star Wars says, "Do or do not. There is no try."

"I struggle" with my weight. You have just identified yourself with struggle. "Try" getting someone to give up their identity! That, my friends, is "difficult." While I won't say Permanent Fat Removal is easy, it's as "difficult" or "hard" as you want to make it.

That's just for starters (like the first course). Plenty more words floating out there that are used that do not support our permanent fat removal efforts.

Words organize our reality and have more power than you might realize.

2. Add Laughter and Fun to Your Statistical Pie. "What IS she talking about? Laughter, fun, permanent fat removal?" Puzzled are you?

You are all so serious merious about the whole thing. Who'd want to jump on the proverbial bandwagon with you?

According to the legendary Bob Newhart, "Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with and then move on." Humor and laughter also activate the will to live, lower stress, elevate mood, improve brain function, dissolve anger, burn calories and exercise muscles.

Isn't that something that should be added to America's Permanent Fat Removal recipe?

3. Permanent Fat Removal Is a HOLISTIC Event. What about the rest of the pie? You keep focusing on food and exercise as THE way to lose weight.

Like hello. Food and exercise are merely two slivers of the pie. Permanent Fat Removal encompasses all areas of life. It's about how each and every part of our life affects our healthy lifestyle and how our healthy lifestyle affects each and every part of our life. Further, if one is lacking and lagging and troubled in their relationship, finance, career, spirituality, creativity, physical environment slices of life pie, how will they gather enough strength and fortitude to make meaningful lifestyle changes? Let's focus on, talk about all of life as we permanently remove fat!

4. Permanent Fat Removal Is a Creative Process. People tell me that they are not creative. PEOPLE (Yes, I'm fired up and almost yelling - well, speaking in a strong and amplified manner)... PEOPLE create their lives. Whether we want to look at life squarely in the face and waist or not, we created our lives. Creativity is an essential part of the human experience. It helps us to create balance and order and a sense of control. And, I'd like to point out that those who have being 'trying' to get America to lose weight and get fit, are somehow creating the opposite.

5. Pushing Off the Proverbial Pool. Have you ever watched an Olympic swimmer push off the side of the pool? (How about Michael Phelps?) It is quite amazing, isn't it? The thrust, the power, their determination is enormous. Often the strength of this one solitary push can propel the Olympian right straight the middle of the Olympic sized pool.

When we decide to go on a 'diet,' we essentially push off from the side of the pool of discontent. We gather a vast amount of energy from not liking ourselves, being disgusted, and ashamed of how we look. We don't like ourselves. No, we sure don't. Sometimes this energy takes us half way to our goal weight. Sometimes all the way ... 10, 20, 30, 100, 200 pounds lost. Then what?

Unlike the Olympic swimmer who has a plan; who is moving toward her big win; who sees herself as a champion and knows with every cell and fiber of her being that she is the victor, we only know ourselves to be losers. We are basing this attempt on past attempts to lose, which have failed.

It is easy to get lost if you don't know where you are going.
If we want to be victorious at the game of Permanent Fat Removal, then we need to focus on our compelling future. We need to know where we are going; what we want. We need to be moving toward something positive instead of expending enormous energy pushing away from negativity. Go with the flow of life. Negativity is like swimming with lead weights tied to your ankles.

6. Speaking of the often-dreaded "E" word. A good number of Americans do not exercise at all. "Can we please start croquet teams across America?" I ask, in an exasperated tone. Let's just get people out of their homes, away from their televisions and computers and have some fun while doing it. Oh, NO! There's that fun word again.

Do you think going to a gym and walking on a treadmill is fun for the majority of us? Like HELLO again. Croquet teams would be great! Jackets that say Kick in the Tush Club* (that's a fun name) on them! Miniature golf and bowling are other possibilities. Think 'getting out' first. What fun and inspiring activities can we create that will get people out and having fun? Let's talk about aerobics and exercise later (maybe). I'm not saying that exercise isn't vital to one's health. I'm just saying, let's captivate imaginations, excite people, bring the energy up, and get people out and moving first.

*The Kick in the Tush Club is a club that I created. Members receive a weekly e-letter from Our Lady of Weight Loss via my website (www.ourladyofweightloss.com). Over 14,000 people across the nation signed-up for their weekly Kick. Truly, who couldn't use a kick in the tush?

7. Permanent Fat Removal Is a Spiritual Event. It is about self-love, forgiveness, connecting to and manifesting your higher-self - a new self. It's about taking care of yourself; being kind to yourself ... being gentle and embracing self.

It's not about saying self-deprecating things to self, heaping platters of guilt on oneself or feeling sad that you're not a super-model, or even a model, or even a large-sized model for that fact. It's about acceptance.

8. The Collective Fat Removal Consciousness. There's a lot of industry and money floating out there that support 'weight loss.' Yes, they support your losing weight and finding it. The weight loss industry alone (diet programs and products) brings in more than $40 billion per year. Add in the pharmaceuticals, the food industry, and those who make those less-than-healthy ingredients for the food industry (i.e. high fructose corn syrup, enrich flour, et al.) and geeze louise, you've got the economy hanging itself by a fat rope. A new industry that makes more money has to be born.

9. The Fair Grounds. Please stop deep frying Twinkies. Please stop going out of your creative way to deep fry everything, sometimes double deep fried. Please stop putting caffeine in chips. Or crispy fried chicken skins in little colorful bags that say 90 calories per serving on the nutritional label (4 servings per bag). Why not just put the full calorie count? Why be so dubious? Play nice. Be fair!

10. The After Math. What will you do after you lose weight, aside from find it? A member of my Kick in the Tush Club wrote me and asked what I thought about gastric bypass surgery. I told her that this was her personal choice. And then I asked her what she was going to do after she lost the weight. How would her life be different? How might she feel to be half (the size) of what she was? What might look like, sound like? How might her experience of herself and her life change? What is it that she was really after? Her response was "Wow, no one has asked me any of those questions. I don't know the answers. I need to think about those questions." Yes, we all need to think past the weight loss, lest we find it. What will you do after you permanently remove your excess fat? And I'm not talking about your maintenance plan, wherein you get to eat an additional 100 calories per day, maybe 200.

Well, there you have it. My top ten list of ways we no longer have to wait to weigh less, how to permanently remove fat, have fun while doing same and create a paradigm shift.

Spread the word, NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor

Write Janice for free 'life' consult!
Follow Janice on Twitter! Food facts. tips and motivation throughout the day!
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For more motivation and inspiration, join the Kick in the Tush Club: Beliefnet Chapter.

Pick up a copy of Janice's latest: All Is Forgiven, Move ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville!

" . . . . kooky genius ~ see if her idiosyncratic diet plan will work for you." ~ O, The Oprah Magazine

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Filed Under: Coach, F as in Fat, Happiness, Health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, Life, Lose Weight, Love, Obesity Statistics, Our Lady of Weight Loss, Reinvention, Transformation, Weight Loss, Well-Being, Wellness

Tuesday August 26, 2008

Categories: Food News, Outrage, health, weight loss

Betty Boop: Sexy, Dangerous and Spreading Sugar In the Ghetto

ART betty boop.jpg
Betty Boop No Longer Virtuous by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author of the Our Lady of Weight Loss books, and 50-pound big-time-loser.

Betty Boop, the first and quite possibly the most famous animated sex symbol was first served up and dished out during the Depression era; debuting on August 9, 1930, in the cartoon Dizzy Dishes.

Betty, sporting high heels, garter belt, short dress, and false eyelashes was the first cartoon to fully represent a sexual woman. Betty's virtue was often challenged, but in the end, on film - in animated form - she proved to be a good girl.

Fast forward to August, 2008 - some 78 years later - Betty Boop is alive and well ... she's living in East Harlem.

Is Betty still a dishy-dish? Is her virtue still being challenged? Has she ultimately remained a good girl?

I stopped by the local Bodega on my home late last night, hoping against all hope that I might find a fresh container of skim milk or even 1% or 2% (for my morning coffee). Alas, I had to settle for full fat.

As I approached the 'check-out' counter, there stood Betty Boop ... tall (great posture), winking at me, big head, red lips and all ... luring me in, 'check me out!' The label promised "Betty Boop Lip Gloss is 'au'some.'" I'm pulled in; this will be a fun gift for my friend's daughter who loves to get into her mommy's lipsticks and play dress-up.

$1.99 later, at home, at closer examination I realize that the lip gloss is, in fact, candy! Corn syrup and sugar, its first ingredients!

Betty Boop
Lip Gloss.
Wink and a Kiss

Betty Boop is contributing to the fattening of America; to the obesity of our children. All cute and fun, but no longer the good girl - she spreads sugar through-out the ghetto, straight onto the lips of our children (3 and over - see small print on back label).

I feel betrayed - saddened, in fact. Betty, who in the days of yore held to some level of integrity, sold out. She's still a cute and alluring dishy-dish, but she has lost her innocence and is no longer virtuous.

Be outraged with me! Write Au'Some, Inc., 2031 Route 130, Ste. E., Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852, USA. Tell them that you want more for your children and they should, too!

Betty is distributed by Au'some, Inc. A King Features Syndicate, Inc./Fleischer Studios, Inc. ™ Hearst Holdings, Inc./Fleisher Studios, Inc. product.

Spread the word, NOT the icing,

Follow Janice on Twitter! Food facts. tips and motivation throughout the day!
Workshops! Come, play with me!
Free Our Lady of Weight Loss E-Cards! Spread the FUN word!

For more motivation and inspiration, join the Kick in the Tush Club: Beliefnet Chapter.

Pick up a copy of Janice's latest: All Is Forgiven, Move ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville!

" . . . . kooky genius ~ see if her idiosyncratic diet plan will work for you." ~ O, The Oprah Magazine

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Need a coach? Write Janice for a Free Consult!

Filed Under: Betty Boop, Coach, Corn, Diet, Dieting, Health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, Life Coach, Lip Gloss, Lose Weight, Our Lady of Weight Loss, Sugar, Syrup, Weight Loss, Well-Being, Wellness

Monday August 25, 2008

Categories: happiness, health, inspiration, motivation, weight loss

Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken

I've Got to Be Me! You've Got to be You! By Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner, Author, Blogger and 50-pound big-time-loser. (write Janice for free consult)

I've 'borrowed' the above classic Oscar Wilde quote, "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken," more than once (like every 10 minutes - thank YOU, Oscar), and it always gets a laugh and produces an a-HA moment.

It is soooo the truth! Some of us embrace the idea of being ourselves - a freeing concept - while others 'try' to be themselves - not exactly knowing who they are and a bit reluctant to put it out there!

Here follow some kick-tush suggestions on how to be you! I recommend that you first listen and watch these YouTube specials before diving head first into 'you.' All belting out "I've Got to Be Me," one of these truly unique 'characters' is sure to inspire, motivate and pump you up!

Clay Aiken: I've Got to Be Me
Sammy Davis, Jr. : I've Got to Be Me
Michael Jackson: I've Got to Be Me
King of Drags : I've Got to Be Me

And now ... without further ado ~

Our Lady of Weight Loss's Top Eight Tips on How to Be You
... apparently, more difficult than one might imagine!

1. Take Stock: In order to be yourself, you do have to know, understand and accept yourself. The best way to do that is to take time to contemplate your life, your choices and your naval. (Back in the day, people would ask, "What are you doing?" to which you might respond, "Contemplating my naval.")

2. Accept Your Mistakes: Know that there is no such thing as failure; only feedback. Take a good look at your choices. While feedback is a useful commodity, there's no reason to repeat mistakes and failed attempts.

3. Let Go of Caring About What Other People Think: The fact of the matter is that it really doesn't matter how people perceive you and worrying about what others think is a brick wall of your own making! It is virtually impossible to be the person that everyone likes. (There are even a few who don't like Oprah. No joke!)

4. Be Open and Honest. A bold move, but nonetheless, ask yourself, "What have I got to hide? Do I feel ashamed or insecure about any aspect of myself?" If yes, if you are loaded with 'flaws,' note what they are, come to terms with them and then transform them into quirks ... in my case 'kookiness!' (In case you didn't know, O, the Oprah magazine deemed me a 'kooky genius.' I succeeded in utilizing my flaws to the max!)

5. Laugh At Yourself. So what if you are a mess. We all are and are secretly terrified that we're going to be undone by our misfortunes and flaws. Imagine how relieved everyone will be to know that you (and in turn, they) can turn their unfortunate stories into something funny. They will laugh with you! Oh my ... laughter does feel good!

6. Develop Your Individuality. What's your style? In form, fashion, thoughts, and manner of speaking? If you are a round and luscious goddess who wears red and thinks 'interesting' thoughts and speaks in a NuYawk accent, go for it! Stand tall, be proud, be your character.

7. Play in Traffic. If you don't play in traffic, you can't get hit by a truck. Ha! In other words, if you don't get out there and risk getting crapped on by a pigeon, you'll never be yourself. Be sure to carry those nifty clean wipes. Something splatters on you; clean yourself up and play some more.

8. You and You - Side by Side: Ultimately, you are hanging out with you all day long. So, be your best, most interesting and fun self. Hang tight with you!

Spread the word, NOT the icing,

Follow Janice on Twitter! Food facts. tips and motivation throughout the day!
Workshops! Come, play with me!
Free Our Lady of Weight Loss E-Cards! Spread the FUN word!

For more motivation and inspiration, join the Kick in the Tush Club: Beliefnet Chapter.

Pick up a copy of Janice's latest: All Is Forgiven, Move ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville!

" . . . . kooky genius ~ see if her idiosyncratic diet plan will work for you." ~ O, The Oprah Magazine

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Filed Under: Be Yourself, Coach, Confidence, Diet, Dieting, Happiness, Health, Humor, Inspiration, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, Lose Weight, Motivation, Our Lady of Weight Loss, Weight Loss, Well-Being, Wellness

Sunday August 24, 2008

Categories: Puzzles, Weight Loss Art, humor, inspiration, weight loss

Get Jiggy: Seeing Red

Click to Mix and Solve

Our Lady Sees Red is illustrated by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author and blogger. (write Janice for a free consult)

"Out of the ash I rise with my red hair and eat men like air." ~ Sylvia Plath

This JigSaw art piece was inspired by my red kitchen wall. (just one wall; not the entire kitchen) When I look at it I actually see 'red.' Plain and simple. No meaning attached.

Seeing 'red' without meaning, got me to thinking about the various meanings and associations to the color red!

The Red Carpet ... for celebrities (and for you, Step #1 in All Is Forgiven, Move On)
Flashing red lights denotes danger!!! Emergency!!!
STOP!!! signs and lights.

In China, red is the color of prosperity and happiness; the color of mourning in South Africa. The Red Ruby is the traditional 40th Wedding Anniversary gift.
And, of course, Dorothy did click her Ruby Red Heels together three times and was magically brought home! Kansas! Kansas! Kansas!

What does the color red mean to you?

Spread the word, NOT the icing!

Follow Janice on Twitter! Food facts. tips and motivation throughout the day!
Workshops! Come, play with me!
Free Our Lady of Weight Loss E-Cards! Spread the FUN word!

For more motivation and inspiration, join the Kick in the Tush Club: Beliefnet Chapter.

Pick up a copy of Janice's latest: All Is Forgiven, Move ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville!

" . . . . kooky genius ~ see if her idiosyncratic diet plan will work for you." ~ O, The Oprah Magazine

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Filed Under: All Is Forgiven, China, Coach, Danger, Diet, Dieting, Happiness, Health, Inspiration, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, Life, Lose Weight, Motivation, Motivational Musings, Move On, Our Lady of Weight Loss, Seeing Red, Weight Loss, Well-Being, Wellness

Friday August 22, 2008

Categories: Weight Loss Tips, happiness, health, weight loss

POWER NAP: Promote Health and Happiness

Nap! Create Down-Time! Energize Thyself! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist and 50-pound big-time-loser. (write Janice for a free consult)

"Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap." ~ Barbara Jordan
faToid: Workplace accidents and errors peak at exactly the same times that our circadian rhythms cause a drop in alertness - between 2 and 5 p.m.!

The Exhausted Modern World.
The modern world puts enormous value on being as productive as humanly possible, which translates into working through lunch, staying late at the office, scheduling play-dates up the wazoo (or is it gazoo?), taking extra classes. .... You name it, and we're trying to fit it into our schedules. Our calendars are about to go up in smoke!

It almost feels punishing, doesn't it?
When exhausted you function less efficiently, feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and guess what ... you eat way more. Your body is sending signals that you are low on energy, because it needs more fuel to keep going!

Downtime/Nap Time: A Natural Part of Your Day.
Napping is an opportunity for our minds and body to take a break. Many mammals take naps; and in other parts of the world, napping a.k.a. siestas are worked into the daily routine.

Napping Promotes Health and Well-Being:
30 minute naps promote physical well-being, improve memory and mood;
20 minute naps sharpen your senses and revitalize you; and
10 minute naps can improve mood ... feel happy!

If possible, take a nap at the same time every day and use an alarm clock (initially, anyway, until it becomes a part of your routine).

New point of view: Napping is essential to my well-being. It's okay to crawl up in a corner for a few minutes and close my eyes.

Spread the word, NOT the icing!

Follow Janice on Twitter! Food facts. tips and motivation throughout the day!
Workshops! Come, play with me!
Free Our Lady of Weight Loss E-Cards! Spread the FUN word!

For more motivation and inspiration, join the Kick in the Tush Club: Beliefnet Chapter.

Pick up a copy of Janice's latest: All Is Forgiven, Move ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville!

" . . . . kooky genius ~ see if her idiosyncratic diet plan will work for you." ~ O, The Oprah Magazine

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Filed Under: Barbara Jordan, diet, dieting, fitness, Health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Nap, Our Lady of Weight Loss, weight loss, weight loss coach, weight loss tips, Well-Being

Thursday August 21, 2008

Michael Phelps Flakes Out!

And the sugar-coated gold medal goes to . . . by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, and 50-pound big-time-loser. (write Janice for a free consult) Did you hear? Michael Phelps is going to share top billing with...

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Filed Under: diet, diet coach, dieting, health, Janice Taylor, Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Michael Phelps, nutrition, Olympic Gold, Our Lady of Weight Loss, sugar, weight loss, weight loss coach, wellness

Wednesday August 20, 2008

Categories: happiness, inspiration, motivation, weight loss

"Katrina Pounds": Broken Zippers, Broken Dreams

Devastation, Hopelessness, FEMA Food and Fat... Three years later. by Janice Taylor, Renegade Weight Loss Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, Blogger and 50-pound big-time-loser. (Write Janice for Free Consult) On August 23, 2005, Hurricane Katrina pounded her way through the...

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Filed Under: All Is Forgiven, diet, diet coach, dieting, FEMA, happiness, health, Hurricane Katrina, Janice Taylor, Katrina Pounds, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Louisiana, Move On, New Orleans, Our Lady of Weight Loss, Pauline's Books and Media, weight loss, weight loss coach, well-being

Tuesday August 19, 2008

Categories: Food News, Weight Loss Tips, diet, recipes, weight loss

The Belly Fat Cure: Three Punch Knock-Out (Recipes Included)

Belly Fat Leads to More Belly Fat by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist and 50-pound big-time-loser. Write Janice for Free Consult! Despite my (successful) diet attempts, healthy lifestyle, prayers and screams, my mid-section has grown...

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Filed Under: belly fat, brown rice, chicken, health, healthy living, hummus, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, lose weight, Our Lady of Weight Loss, recipes, weight loss, weight loss coach, wellness

Monday August 18, 2008

Categories: happiness, health, inspiration, weight loss

Fatty Liver: Might YOU Have One?

Try On Health: See how it fits! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, 50-pound big-time-loser. (Write Janice for Free Consultation) Fatty Liver Disease This past week, Kick in the Tush Club member Pat L. wrote...

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Filed Under: Fatty Liver, Happiness, Health, Janice Taylor, Kick in the Tush Club, Lose Weight, Obesity, Our Lady of Weight Loss, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Coach, Wellness

Sunday August 17, 2008

Categories: Weight Loss Art, inspiration, motivation, weight loss

Consciousness: An Artful Puzzle Worth Pondering

Optical Delusion of Consciousness by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, 50-pound big-time-loser and artist, was inspired by the following quote from Albert Einstein. (write Janice for free consultation) "A human being is a part...

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Filed Under: Albert Einstein quote, conscious mind, diet, diet coach, dieting, fun, happiness, health, healthy lifestyle, healthy living, lose weight, subconscious, unconscious, weight loss, weight loss coach, well-being, wellness

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About Our Lady of Weight Loss

"Janice Taylor is a 'kooky genius'"
~ O, The Oprah Magazine

Janice Taylor is a Weight Loss Coach and Certified Hypnotist, author, artist and motivational speaker. She is the author of Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational Musings from the Patron Saint of Permanent Fat Removal and All Is Forgiven, Move On: Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville (publication date May 15, 2008). Janice is also the creator of the popular e-newsletter Kick in the Tush Club and a 50-pound big-time-loser.

Books By Janice:

book_ourlady2.jpg   book_allisforgiven2.jpg

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