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Haider offers minority government to Socialdemocrats

austriaIn an interview of todays published newspaper called “Österreich”, the minister president of Carinthia Jörg Haider, offers the Socialdemocrats to support a minority government under Socialdemocratic leadership.

“Everything which stops that horrible government is wonderful”, says Haider in that interiview.

Haider thinks that his orange BZÖ-party can make “intelligent things” in a minority government with the Socialdemocrats.

The minister president of Carinthia also talks about the idea of the Socialdemocratic chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer to give one time 100 Euro for every poor Austrian. Haider says this is a good idea, but he would increase the sum up to 200 Euro.

Haider confirms that there are already talks between his party and the Socialdemocrats about a cooperation.

The big coalition between Socialdemocrats and Peoples Party is in a disastrous condition. Both parties hate and distrust eachother, but they have to build a working government together. It seems the end of this political marriage is coming closer and closer.

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