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Frank Zappa Day in Baltimore

After reading this you might consider pondering the fact that History as we know it could easily have been written otherwise.  Had we bothered at any point to revel in Otherness and appreciate the Absurd then perhaps more cities (across this great land of ours) would be remembering their own Denizens of the Universe and not August 9th as the day of infamy that it is for most - the resignation of Richard Nixon.  Ah well.

All the more reason (as in mental process as opposed to excuse) to value the actions of The Honorable Sheila Dixon and others who are responsible for initiating this Proclamation in the best sense of a tribute to Frank Zappa - Anything Anywhere Anytime For No Reason At All.

We as a family are grateful and tickled too!

Gail Zappa

Happy Frank Zappa Day!