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Friday 8 August 2008
telegraph.co.uk Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards
Welcome to telegraph.co.uk horoscopes, where you'll find insightful weekly readings by the brilliant astrologer Catherine Tennant.

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July 24 - August 23

A new phase starts this week, triggered by the Sun’s eclipse in Leo, so be open to the possibilities around you for change, adventure and romance. Do not let existing friendships take up too much time, or give into demands from someone close. A chance meeting later in the week could transform your view of a recent setback or financial problem. Starline 0906 8 951 452
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August 24 - September 23

You may be determined to find out where you stand with a close friend or colleague, but be diplomatic and let others feel they call the tune. With persuasive Venus in your sign from Friday, you can overcome their doubts, so bide your time. You could also discover that what you want from a relationship is changing. Be sure of what you want before you act. Starline 0906 8 951 453
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September 24 - October 23

Changes in the company you keep are due from this weekend, so do not hold on to friendships that you have outgrown, or try to guess the outcome of a certain situation. Someone you are due to meet in the near future could help you find the way forward that you have been looking for. Deal with a domestic problem and give yourself more freedom to manoeuvre. Starline 0906 8 951 454
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October 24 - November 22

Stand back and reassess your career goals this week and do not be afraid to change direction. The time has come to branch out on your own and use your creative gifts more fully, so do not sell yourself short or let others tell you how to live your life. A new friendship takes an unexpected turn midweek. Starline 0906 8 951 455
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November 23 - December 21

With so much action in the area of your chart that rules travel and adventure, hopes and dreams, the importance of being open to new people and ideas is strongly stressed. If you are decisive, you can also bring about important career changes that you have postponed. Do not let your home life take up too much time, or turn down an unexpected invitation. Starline 0906 8 951 456
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December 22 - January 20

Your existing ties and work commitments are not cast in stone, so do not hesitate to give up on a project or situation that you find restrictive. The time has come to cut out the dead wood and concentrate on personal goals that you were forced to shelve, so let no one put you under pressure. Streamline your routine and do as you want for a change. Starline 0906 8 951 457
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January 21 - February 19

A new chapter in a close relationship begins this week. What you want, and need, from someone else is changing, so do not make decisions or commitments yet. You will find the right way forward if you give yourself a break, so relax and take each situation as it comes. Diplomatic, sympathetic Venus eases tensions later in the week. Starline 0906 8 951 458
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Feb 20-Mar 20

Do not let a friend or colleague put you under pressure this weekend. How you spend your time, and what you want from life, is your decision, so make it clear you have your own agenda. You also need to keep your options open. A chance to break new ground is due to come your way midweek, so do not plan too far ahead or be overcautious. Starline 0906 8 951 459
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Mar 21-April 20

Events this week are due to throw new light on recent changes in a relationship or friendship. Make your own decisions and ignore advice. If you let someone else make the running, you will find out what you need to know, so do not try to take control. From Thursday, when creative Venus enters your chart’s zone of work, you can reach a new agreement with a colleague. Starline 0906 8 951 448
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April 21-May 21

With the action planet Mars travelling through your chart’s zone of adventure, you may not be in the mood to concentrate on home life this week. But if you deal with a domestic problem that you have ignored, you will be able to take full advantage of a lucky break that comes your way midweek. A more dynamic time is starting. Starline 0906 8 951 449
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May 22 - June 21

The successful outcome of a current project or a new idea could depend on how you play your hand this week. Do not assume that you have all the facts. Yesterday’s eclipse in your chart’s communication zone suggests that there is something that you badly need to know. Someone you meet midweek could supply you with the last piece of the jigsaw. Starline 0906 8 951 450
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June 22 - July 23

Your financial situation is due to undergo unexpected and far-reaching changes. What matters most this week is confidence, so be proud of what you have to offer. If you believe in your creative talents, and in your ability to solve any problems that come your way, the rest will follow. Home life and romance are linked from Thursday, when Venus moves into your chart’s domestic zone. Starline 0906 8 951 451
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