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    Jah Wibble

Black and white telly

Thursday, July 17, 2008, 01:18 PM GMT [General]

Several people have already commented on the report that says telly is still too white

Several people have chuntered on, conflating skin colour with nationality - blah blah, usual guff. 

This is not the point.  Black and minority ethnic people are part of the landscape of Britain - get over it. 

What they fail to grasp are two simple facts: -

1) Identity politics, based in grievance, needs constantly to rattle those grievances and even discover new ones in order to survive.

2) People who have made a living out of identity politics and whose snouts are firmly dunked in the grievance gravy need constantly to justify the existence of the various organisations that employ them.

The sooner Trev and his chums realise that these kinds of reports only serve to enhance the impression that the struggle against racism and discrimination is just so much whining and frivolous complaint, the better.

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Jolly good! Just as we have all tired of the topic and "moved on", you have to drag it up again.

Where were you ealier on, old chap?

July 17, 2008
01:29 PM GMT


July 17, 2008
01:29 PM GMT

By the by, you will see that my avatar is suitably multi ethnic. There is nothing bigoted about me.

July 17, 2008
01:31 PM GMT


I think you had better leave that to Wibblamada, the Bigot finder General. He can sniff you out wherever you are.

July 17, 2008
01:36 PM GMT

JW, I agree with you completely with regards to those 'two simple facts'. But do you perhaps not see any similarity between the race lobby and the gay lobby? To my mind, their campaigns are very similar.

July 17, 2008
01:42 PM GMT

Sipu - there are certainly some people who make a career out of their identity as a gay man or gay woman, and I find them just as tedious as Phillips.

I should point out though, that my beef is not with the struggle against racism and homophobia, only with the issue of identity politics and its professional practitioners.

Jah Wibble
July 17, 2008
01:51 PM GMT

'This is not the point. Black and minority ethnic people are part of the landscape of Britain - get over it.'

Nonsense! Every time I go outside I see all my white compatriots picking their woad stains!
Anyway woad doesn't show up on black skins and they don't like the rain!
Stupid creature.

I shall make immediate complaint, why no 'woad stained' on the TV, we are all victims!!

Christina Osborne
July 17, 2008
01:57 PM GMT


We are not only all victims, we are all GUILTY!

the Badger
July 17, 2008
02:03 PM GMT

Oh Badger, what a relief!

I can curl up and lick/pick my woad stains in peace and quiet secure in the knowledge that I'm guilty and 'getting over it'!
How very avant garde that such provincial 'atavistas' should be in the vanguard of the 21st Century for a change!

Christina Osborne
July 17, 2008
02:10 PM GMT

'This is not the point. Black and minority ethnic people are part of the landscape of Britain - get over it. '

Agreed. But also depends on what part of Britain you live in.

City Chick
July 17, 2008
02:10 PM GMT

Sipu-You are wrong there.The race lobby is fighting from a moral ground.The gay lobby does not operate from the same stance.They are godless,hate filled and evil.Race is a better issue to fight for than homosexuality.Bugger all homosexuals.

July 17, 2008
02:15 PM GMT

Badger - a Peter Simple fan I see. Good Man.

The Bulletin
July 17, 2008
02:16 PM GMT

The Bulletin-Good morning.How is the news today?.

July 17, 2008
02:17 PM GMT

Landscapes are man made. Landscapes can be changed. Where is Capability Brown when you need him? Not in No. 10. That's for sure!

July 17, 2008
02:20 PM GMT

Black and minority ethnic people are part of the landscape of Britain. Too true...and they are much more appealing than bloody wind turbines. More blacks...less windmills !!

July 17, 2008
02:23 PM GMT


Are you trying to see how quickly you can get yourself barred?

July 17, 2008
02:23 PM GMT

razsputin = idiot.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Jah Wibble
July 17, 2008
02:38 PM GMT

This really is a pile of cock! Issues of gender, race, sexuality, blah, blah, etc is undoubtedly the political arena of the middle classes. People, not the chattering NW London classes, of assoretd variances tend to get on with life and only realise there is a proble when someone tells them there is. Just for once be honest; all people are racist, homophobic, men are all misogonists, women are men haters (when they are not living off their husbands incomes) and everyone hates eveyone else, especially Ford Mondeo drivers. The minority groups are smokers, drinkers and drivers of 4x4s and any vehicle over 8 years old. So once we have errected baricades, laid down strings of barbed wire and locked ourselves into our bomb proof shelters then we will all be happy - bored with 1970s politics in 2008!

July 17, 2008
02:42 PM GMT

Whose bloody income should I be living on then if not my husband's?
Well I declare!

Christina Osborne
July 17, 2008
03:09 PM GMT

Stephen - nah. The only people I really hate are Crystal Palace supporters. Oh yeah, and the fucking masons, of course.

The Bulletin
July 17, 2008
03:15 PM GMT
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