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Results for tag: Brown
Posted by: Daniel Furr on Aug 3, 2008 at 07:34:34 PM

A group of ex-Labour ministers are to set out their own policy agenda to fill what they see as a "vacuum" at the heart of government.

The unnamed former ministers told the BBC their list of four or five initiatives would distinguish Labour from David Cameron's Conservatives. The move, expected within weeks, will increase the pressure on Gordon Brown


Posted by: Daniel Furr on Aug 3, 2008 at 11:48:12 AM

The poll for the Mail on Sunday finds the Conservatives on 47%, Labour 24% and the LDs 16%: Majority of the public said Brown is the worst post-war Prime Minister. Also, a memo has been leaked in which Tony Blair accused Brown of "vanity" last summer and lacked any clear policies.

Tony Blair went on to say Brown has played straight into David Cameron's hands. When it rains, it pours eh?

Also, Stephen Byers repeated the words of David Miliband and believes Labour has a "mountain to climb" in order to win the next election. As for Cabinet Ministers, only three managed to rally around the Prime Minister today - including John Denham who believes Labour are on course to win the next election?!?

Yesterday, John McDonnell called for a leadership election and Miliband is planning his "phase

Posted by: Mark Anthony Taylor on Aug 1, 2008 at 09:50:26 PM

I remember Brown being lauded as some sort of genius, what with his PhD. in History (the history of a former Labour prime minister). Now it is quite evident the man does not have a clue. Whenever he appears in a news conference he is always six months behind is audience. He still speaks of housing as a 'market' and of the housing 'ladder'. It is a wonder he does not refer to it as 'Kick-starting the Great Pyramid Scheme' How they have baffled thee, Mr Brown.

If Brown is as mediocre as he appears, and he is not cleverly feigning a bumpkin like ignorance, for some devious and perhaps supernatural ambition, then we must deam him utterly unfit not only to be a Prime Minister, but to be in any kind of authority. It is yet another example of Scottish ineptitude, from his former employer, the

Posted by: Henry Cave Devine on Aug 1, 2008 at 06:24:00 PM

It would seem now that the markets have had time to digest some of the reports during this week: a peak-to-trough decline of 25-30% is a reasonable expectation, and refinements to either end of the range are a function of demographics and the location/property itself.

The swing downward may also be closer to 35% for certain marginal properties particularly those in high-taxation, poor-infrastructure areas. The influences of other costs such as petrol used for commuting to work and for shopping come into significant play now, particularly if there is no paracticable alternative to single-activity car use (e.g. a trip to the off-license because it's too far to walk or bicycle). And the excessive discressionary household expenditures which were largely facilitated by Mr. Brown's artificial

Posted by: Daniel Furr on Aug 1, 2008 at 11:12:48 AM

If you are a Labour voter, the new opinion poll in The Telegraph is horrible to read.

Even though the Tories have a 22% lead  - it gets much worse. Nobody in the Labour party can beat Cameron (according to the public), Miliband would make no difference and Ed Balls would increase the Tories lead to 50%. Under Balls, Labour will drop to 17% in the polls.

The poll is clear - Labour are the new Liberal party.

Some readers have asked for my opinion over the last few days - I believe Labour are finished for good. I believe the party will never govern again in it's current form. At first, I couldn't see Brown being removed but we've passed the point of no return for the Prime Minister. The TUC conference could finish him and the Labour party off - If GMB and UNITE vote to stop funding

Posted by: Daniel Furr on Jul 31, 2008 at 11:10:13 AM

The fallout from Miliband has picked up. Brownites want him sacked and Health Minister Ivan Lewis has called the Prime Minister "too timid". Ed Balls, James Purnell and Andy Burnham have been silent since Glasgow - Charles Clarke and Alan Milburn are reported to be planning statements in the next few days. Even Tony Blair is rumoured to step in at some point - now THAT would be a nuclear strike on Brown.

So, will Miliband take the Crown at the end?

I'm still in the belief system that Miliband only wants the leadership in opposition (who wants to be the shortest PM in history?). His statement was designed to weaken Brown and allow the main candidate to provide the killer blow - probably Jack Straw.

...but remember, Jacqui Smith only needs a tiny swing (3.8%) and she's out of Parliament.

Posted by: Daniel Furr on Jul 30, 2008 at 05:23:42 PM

A political execution is coming. The lack of senior Ministers going public today and "spinning" the so called leadership bid is a portent. Miliband's article was not a "call to arms", but a statement of ambition and a coded call to remove Brown.

Brownites are spinning the article and blaming the media, the Blairites and the left are saying the opposite. David Miliband wants someone to execute the Prime Minister - he doesn't want to carry the blade himself.

Sacking Miliband makes him a maverick and a powerful individual who can create a rebellion on the back bench. Ignoring his comments will make Brown look even more weak and not in control - adding to the reasons to remove the Prime Minister.

The question is this: who will make the final move?


Posted by: Daniel Furr on Jul 30, 2008 at 11:39:12 AM

What to make of David Miliband's article in the Guardian. Hmm. First point of interest; Gordon Brown is not mentioned in name nor is he defended either. "New Labour" is what Miliband is defending and calling a return to, not the left - which will anger those in the party who want to return to core values.

It does translate into the belief that Miliband believes Gordon Brown is not radical enough and is not "New Labour". If so, is the Foreign Secretary trying to force the Prime Minister's hand? "sack me if you dare" approach? Brownites are calling for Miliband's head.

Nevertheless, the media believes the article is "Miliband's manifesto" and are failing to understand why Brown has been so silent on it. Really, if Brown is not going to resign then it's time to kill off speculation and deal

Posted by: Baron Laurence de Quietzappple on Jul 29, 2008 at 06:58:00 PM

It is reported that Lib-Dem  £2m donor Michael Brown has jumped bail. This is another in a line of payola scandals which have rocked British politics in the past few years.


Lords Ashcroft and Laidlaw have both been warned by David "Pinnochio" Cameron that they must reside and pay tax in the UK to retain the titles which the tory leader has brought them.

Mr Brown was resident in Spain - the Costa Del Crime -  as are many well off UK retired folk, and unlike the majority, bankrolled the Lib Dems. Mr Brown wasn't registered to vote in the UK, as he should have been if he wished to make donations.


According to the Grauniard:

"A City of London police spokeswoman said: "A judge at Southwark crown court issued an arrest warrant today for Michael Brown.


Posted by: Daniel Furr on Jul 29, 2008 at 03:39:47 PM

What I commented on earlier this morning has picked up speed. The Standard is reporting 10 ministers are ready to resign now - Miliband and Harman are both planning bids for the Premiership.

Brown is a dead man walking, but I do not reckon he will step down. He'll prefer to destroy the party than sit on the backbench for two years. Expect a threat of a general eletion to occur in the next 48 hours.
