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Results for tag: Motoring
Posted by: Brian on Jun 29, 2008 at 01:41:12 PM

I drive a Volkswagen Touran.That's not a very exciting thing to say, but it's amazing how little attention some car manufacturers pay to their customer needs.

Unfortunately, some of the bigger car review sites seem to completely overlook the same issues. Perhaps there are too many single men reviewing family cars?

For example, a small MPV is essentially going to be a family car, so there a few basic requirements, which all boil down to making your children comfortable and safe.

So why on earth does What Car? place the Toyota Verso as one of the top 5 new MPV's?

I've sat my kids in one and even on a child safety seat none of them could see out of the back windows in a Corolla Verso!!

Sure, my 3 children are young, with the eldest at 8 years old - but god forbid any parent should dare

Posted by: n1gel65 on Jun 17, 2008 at 05:12:20 PM

Whilst I have given up all hope of ever seeing a government department who prioritises common sense, I had hoped that during my lifetime the population of our homeland would allow it to prevail.

We sit and watch as our economy plummets and basic household needs such as food, heating, lighting and fuel sky rocket out of all proportion, blaming everyone from George Bush to Road hauliers and yet our current incumbants at No.10 appear to be able aportion blame to business greed, International terrorism and the the cost of the middle east barrel.

While it is possible to show that all of these, are having an effect on any given item at anytime especially given enough spin. the greed of our government appears to go unchecked.

The current increases in Fuel prices at the pump are having a catastrophic

Posted by: twarres on Jun 16, 2008 at 08:33:29 PM

If you were to think of a measure which caused you to travel 1 mile to go 100 yards then you have a one-way system like the one in Leeds around the train station. How stupid is that? 

Posted by: Mark Cole on Jun 15, 2008 at 03:34:23 PM

Nice car, mate. But I'd sooner get my knee down on this...

James Toseland was pleased with his Valentino Rossi's new bike; it was clearly built for speed...

Posted by: grumpylarry on Jun 15, 2008 at 03:19:48 PM

The government is telling us not to panic buy fuel, That in itself is enough to start a rush. I don't regard it as panic buying, merely being prudent, making provision for an uncertain future. Something Brown Bottler talks about but knows nothing about.

I liked this colour better, so I swapped

I was going to write a much longer blog, but I have to rush and top up by 4x4 with another 10 liters of fuel, before it all runs out, at the pumps

Posted by: grumpylarry on Jun 15, 2008 at 03:04:41 PM

A petition has been started on the governments web site asking the chancellor to think again on the retrospective part of the proposed increase in the road tax on larger cars. As many signatures are required so if you haven't already follow the link and sign and tell all your friends, those that have any    :-)



Posted by: Shanghai on Jun 11, 2008 at 09:55:04 PM

On Monday 16th George W is to visit Belfast. Ideal opportunity for the wilder fringes of the Army and Malice of Shanghai to "Get Bush!". I now look forward to having my door (and head) kicked in by secret police/Special Branch. Perhaps I can continue on the run with HRH Prince Jefri of Brunei?Finally poor Araminta was done by the Thames Valley filth.My commiserations.

Aramintas car.

Posted by: Araminta on Jun 11, 2008 at 07:22:57 PM

The Thames Valley police are absolute idiots! They are so amazingly stupid that they deserve to be totally blitzed to oblivion. I have a good mind to go out and drive over one of the blithering fools just to lower my blood pressure!

I was driving into Henley this morning, minding my own business and with no criminal intent whatsoever, when one of the above lunatics stepped out and pointed some sort of horrid device at my car. What the hell did he think he was doing? The speed limit on that particular stretch is a totally inappropriate 30 mph. No houses, school, nursing homes: JUST TREES! It's just typical South Oxfordshire woodland. It's the country for goodness sake, not some urban built up area. I thoughtfully stood on the brake just to avoid running over him, but instantly regretted

Posted by: LFAJ on Jun 10, 2008 at 07:06:11 PM

I was interested to read this morning that blue badges are fetching up to 5,000.  Mine is definitely not for sale.   I have held a blue badge for the last 7 or 8 years. There are not many positives in getting cancer at 39 then just when I think I can resume some sort of  normality I develop lymphoedema in not one but both legs. My blue badge is a small bonus.  I am, however, amazed at the attitude towards me both by my 'fellow badge holders' and members of the public.   The public seem quite happy to accept that anyone over a certain age and more than likely driving a Skoda will have a blue badge, young mothers with cars adapted to carry wheelchairs for a disabled child are given sympathetic looks but when I drive into a disabled bay in my Freelander with two healthy teenagers

Posted by: James Wolfe on Jun 9, 2008 at 01:42:39 PM

even their code de la route insists you have to stop at a red light. It's not been a good week for the Hamiltons, father and son. Poppa stuffed his Porsche into someone's garden and then Lewis ran his Merc up a Ferrari's chuff. Nuls points all round, although Lewis should have at least three on his licence. Formula One has become polarised. The full race report will be filed later by The Great One or Flighteng.

Copyright Bernard Cahier
