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Telegraph RSS feeds
Saturday 14 June 2008
telegraph.co.uk Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards

How to use telegraph.co.uk - FAQ

Why does my new password not work?

New passwords may take up to 15 minutes to arrive by email, having been requested by you using the 'forgotten password' option on the login page. When you receive a new password, please type it in rather than cutting and pasting it into the login box. Please check whether you have asked windows to remember your previous password and disable that facility, otherwise your own system will not recognise the new password. We also recommend that you disable the 'Please tick this box to switch on automatic login' option as this will also cause a conflict between the old and new password.

Why am I being prompted to logon?

Sessions are invalidated 30 minutes after logging in, this means that you will be prompted to login every 30 minutes. In addition, some users may also experience problems due to the server rotations used by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to maximise their performance. There is little that we can do about this 'rotating proxy' method.

Why am I constantly being asked to register?

There is a distinction between logging in if you are already registered and being asked to register. If you are already registered all you need do is login using the email address and password that you registered with. If you are prompted to sign in despite having ticked 'Don't Ask Me Again Box' this could be because your cookie security setting is too high and is not allowing a cookie to your machine. This means that the prompts are caused by our servers having to authenticate you every time you wish to read a page. Please take a look at your browser's settings using the 'tools' options as this is a localised problem.

How can I edit my details?

As a registered user you can access your personal homepage to edit your profile at any time. The following steps outline how you can do this.

Access www.telegraph.co.uk
Click on the 'Login or Register' option at the top left of the screen
Login using your email address and the password you registered with - you will now be re-directed to your personal homepage
Towards the top of your homepage - next to the message 'first name surname's telegraph' and in brackets - are the words [edit my details]
Click on [edit my details] to access your personal profile - the details you registered with
At this point, select 'edit' against whichever option you wish to edit and process with updating your details.

Finally, remember to re-submit your changes. Failure to do so will negate the changes you have made and may well cause a login conflict next time you wish to access your personal homepage.

Click here to return to the login/registration screen

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