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Politics up to the Minute

Obama-Bayh to Take Indiana Wednesday


The Indiana Senator widely thought to be on the veep shortlist will introduce the candidate at his Elkhart morning town hall meeting.

Keeping with his theme of the week, Obama will again focus on energy.

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McCain Treks Through West Virginia, Ohio Wednesday

Associated Press

The presumptive GOP nominee starts off in the Mountain State Wednesday, stopping by the football practice at Marshall University.

Then he’ll head to Ohio, where he’ll stop at the Merrilatt plant in Jackson and potentially make another private stop in Chilicothe.

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Michelle Obama to Talk With Military Families Wednesday


The potential first lady will hold a midday town hall meeting with military families in Norfolk, Virginia.

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Where They Are Wednesday


Obama: Elkhart, IN

McCain: Huntington, WV; Jackson, Chilicothe, OH Permalink

Bayh Tries to Tamp Down Veep Buzz


The Indiana Senator tells the Indianapolis Star Obama hasn’t asked him to be his running mate and he’s not expecting him to announce his veep pick while in Indiana Wednesday.

And/But: Asked if he’ll be Obama’s vice presidential choice, Bayh says “I have no idea. You’d have to ask him.”

Interview comes the day before Bayh introduces Obama at a town hall meeting in Elkhart.

Plus: Insiders tell the Financial Times Obama is unlikely to announce a pick until after he returns from his vacation at the end of next week. Also say Plouffe, Axelrod and Gibbs are the only ones in “the inner circle.” Permalink

Evening News Roundup

Various Networks

ABC: Led with Chicago tornado. Seven minutes in, covered candidates “pounding away at each other” over energy. Recapped McCain “ridiculing” Obama’s plan at a nuclear power plant and Obama “firing back” during Ohio town halls.

CBS: Led with dropping oil and gas prices. Covered back-and-forth over energy, including McCain’s “Maverick” ad and nuclear plant visit. Recapped Obama town halls in Ohio, mentioned the Pledge of Allegiance heckler. Jeff Greenfield reported on “wounded” Clinton supporters, counted Bill Clinton in that group.

NBC: Led with debate over prostate cancer screening, turned to energy battle. Covered Obama tying McCain to Cheney and McCain highlighting Obama’s vote for Bush-Cheney energy bill. Said both candidates have “shifted with the political winds” on energy proposals. Permalink

Balz on Veepstakes: Only Time Will Tell


The WashPost sage says the VP process is likely to remain a mystery for both candidates.

“The speculation is entertaining for sure and sometimes accurate. But the process is anything but transparent….”

Also says the process takes far longer than “the hurry-up world of 24/7 media and blogs assumes.”

Plus: Read the prospects Balz mentions in his piece– click here. Permalink



Romney does afternoon rounds on cable news, hits Obama on energy. Read transcript of CNN interview here.

McCain veep prospect Alaska Gov. Palin praises Obama’s energy plan in press release. Permalink

Obama Weighs His Options: Fritters or Peaches

Associated Press

Both sweets catch his eye during an unscheduled stop at a roadside market in Ravena, Ohio Tuesday.

He ends up buying three boxes of peaches — two to take with him on the bus and the other for the media.

And/but he couldn’t resist the apple fritters, decides to add them to his purchase last-minute. Permalink



Celebrity heiress tapes video response to McCain’s attack on Obama, complete with her own energy policy and veep float.

“I want America to know that I’m, like, totally ready to lead.”

Click above to watch.

McCain camp responds: “In reality, Paris Hilton may have a more substantive energy policy than Barack Obama.” Permalink

Obama Slaps Back on Tire Gauges

Speaking in Berera, Ohio, the Senator offers a strong defense of his comments about tire inflation being an effective conservation tool. Watch video above.

“They think it is funny that they are making fun of something that is actually true… It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.”

Republicans have spent days mocking Obama’s comments and distributing tire gauges marked “Barack Obama’s energy plan.”

McCain camp responds here.

Plus: A heckler wearing press credentials convinces Obama to recite the Pledge of Allegiance during event. Permalink

Pawlenty: Obama “Lacking” on Energy Policy


The Minnesota Governor and oft-mentioned McCain veep candidate hits the Illinois Senator on Tuesday RNC media call.

“Senator Obama is scrambling to make up for his lack of experience and lack of judgment [on energy policy].”

Criticizes him for stances on nuclear power, offshore drilling and the gas tax holiday.

The call preempts Obama’s visit to Minnesota to talk energy. Permalink

New National Numbers

Associated Press/Ipsos

From AP-Ipsos poll:

Obama 47, McCain 41

Read more — including which party voters want to control Congress — here.

Dates conducted: July 31-August 4. Error margin: 3.1 points. Permalink

McCain: It’s Time to Get Serious About Energy Independence

Associated Press/istockphoto.com

Speaking at the Enrico Fermi Nuclear Plant in Newport, Michigan Tuesday, the Arizonan reiterates his “all of the above” energy proposal, berate his rival for not advocating the same.

“Senator Obama has said that expanding our nuclear power plants ‘doesn’t make sense for America.’ He also says no to nuclear storage and reprocessing. I couldn’t disagree more.”

Read more excerpts from his prepared remarks here. Permalink

Poll: Obama Edges Out McCain Among Women


From Lifetime Networks national poll of women:

Obama 49, McCain 38, undecided 10.

Read more — including what Clinton supporters are thinking — here.

Dates conducted July 25-29. Error margin: 4.4 points. Permalink

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*all times Eastern

Wednesday, August 6

    • Morning
    • Barack Obama holds a “New Energy for America” town hall in Elkhart, Indiana
    • 11:30 am
    • Michelle Obama holds a town hall meeting with military families in Norfolk, Virginia

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