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Person of the Year 2007

Platon for TIME

Vladimir Putin

His final year as Russia's President has been his most successful yet. At home, he secured his political future. Abroad, he expanded his outsize—if not always benign—influence on global affairs


Al Gore

Nobel laureate, minding the environment


J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter creator, finally telling secrets


Hu Jintao

China's leader depends on both ancient wisdom and communist doctrine as guides to action


David Petraeus

The commanding general in Iraq fought America's most difficult foreign war — and one at home

Web Exclusive

People Who Mattered

The defiant monks of Burma became an online sensation. Rupert Murdoch got the newspaper of his dreams. Barry Bonds broke a historic record, while Britney Spears just broke down. Read about them and others who left their mark on 2007

Fond Farewell

In Tribute

Evel Knievel, Norman Mailer, Lady Bird Johnson, Max Roach, Ingmar Bergman, Beverly Sills, Yolanda King, Robert Goulet, Phil Rizzuto and many others left us—but not before making a distinct impression


TIME's Interview with Vladimir Putin

At his dacha outside Moscow, the Russian President spoke candidly about corruption, religion and how he thinks the war in Iraq should end


Russia & China: A Common Cause

Should the two giants stand against the U.S. together? How long can Russia control nearly one-third of the Asian continent while its population dwindles? Here's a look at the bear and the dragon, side by side

More Stories

The Year of Them

You had a great run as Person of the Year 2006. But what have You done for us lately?

It's Payback Time

What will history make of 2007? That a lot of Big People met their match in the Little People

Striving Valiantly

The annual Teddy Awards honor bravery — including that shown every day by those in uniform

Q & A: Talking with Al Gore

The complete transcript of Al Gore's interview with TIME's Bryan Walsh