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Keeping a simple spiritual journal

by Mata H at 10:50pm Tue, 5 Aug 2008 under Religion & Spirituality, Writing, writing, journal, spiritual journal
Keeping a Journal - probably most of us have attempted it, with varying degrees of success. A journal is so different from a blog. Like a blog, it may have a theme, but it has more intense focus and is entirely private. We start journals with the fervor of New Year's Resolutions. And, most of us stumble. The demands of the journal loom larger than the time on the clock. The day's priorities shift. The grand plan sinks under the weight of the reality of a congested and busy day.

Dyslogistic Speech – Are You A Woman?

I was sitting at a table sipping tea when I heard a man say to another, “You know he’s a little b**tch, right?” Um, gee what was he trying to say? That the man was gay? That the man expressed feelings? Perhaps the person in question was on the rag, metaphorically speaking. Not the first time I’ve heard men using the B-word to refer to another man in such a manner. Dyslogistic speech is a word or group of words used to express disapproval or intended as an insult. Now any word could be a pejorative term so context is extremely important. Here is an example:

Media roundup: Bloggers demand ABC come clean, reporter protest station's "sensationalism;" Martin Bashir apologizes

by Kim Pearson at 8:18pm Tue, 5 Aug 2008 under Media & Journalism, sexism, terrorism, journalism ethics, AAJA
There's a lot going on in the mediaverse these days, and bloggers have a lot to say about all of it. Here's a cooks' tour of some of the issues and stories attracting comment from blogging women (and some men):

AIDS in the USA: It's Worse Than We Thought

Have you heard about the "new" CDC surveillance system used for tracking new HIV infections? Did you notice that the infection rate is considerably higher than originally reported? Our Bodies, Our Blog has an overview of the CDC's revised HIV infection estimates.

Jealousy Isn't Always An Ugly Emotion

by Rita Arens at 8:23am Mon, 4 Aug 2008 under Media & Journalism, Mommy & Family, Writing
Ever since BlogHer '08 I've seen a lot of posts popping up here and there about jealousy, particularly among mommybloggers.  And lo, it happens. It's real. I've felt it, sure I have!  I am not going to sit here in my contributing editor ivory tower and lie to you about it.  How do you think I got here in the first place? So pull up a chair, and let's discuss.

Behind the Woman Behind the Bomb

Saturday's New York Times print edition prominently featured an op-ed by Lindsey O'Rourke titled, "Behind the Woman Behind the Bomb." It caught my eye for two reasons. First, the graphic was huge (6.5 inches high and 6 inches wide, which is a lot of space to take up on the op-ed page) and an interesting portrayal of what I construed to be a dangerous vamp.