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Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace

Time to Face the Hard Realities of a Global Energy Crisis Time to Face the Hard Realities of a Global Energy Crisis

Nicholas von Hoffman, The Nation. July 12, 2008.
America needs a comprehensive plan to deal with post-peak oil -- and that is going to involve some serious long-term thinking.

From the blogs

'Foreclosure Phil' Gramm: How John McCain's Closest Economic Advisor Helped Engineer the Morgage Crisis

Journalists Nomi Prins and David Corn discuss the housing crisis and its link to the lobbyist writing McCain's economic policy.

Rachel Maddow on the FISA Capitulation

Maddow blasts Bush appeasers in the Senate on Olbermann's Countdown.

G8 Dispatches: Amid Repression, Spider Web of Protests Expand in Japan

Networks grow as the G8 plots to destroy the planet.

McCain’s Flea-Market Economy

Candidate pushes more of Bush's "eBay economics" instead of jobs and high standards.

AT&T; Whistleblower Gets Cold Shoulder from Democrats in Congress

"The Democratic Party and the Congress, in general, has been unfriendly to me..."

Wal-Mart Broke MN Labor Laws Over 2 Million Times

Settlement will cost retail giant less than $3.25 per law-breaking incident.

Americans Want NAFTA Renegotiated

New polling shows a majority across party lines favors scrapping the current deal.

Marriage Counselling Can Hurt Your Credit

Company secretly discriminating based on purchasing, lawsuit alleges.

Fisa Fiasco, Continued

Firedoglake liveblogs the House debate.

Blackwater Asks To Be Tried Under Islamic Law

Military contractor asks to be judged by Shar'ia in deaths of American troops.

Obama-Care Versus McCain-Care: Real Differences in Plans for Our Health System Obama-Care Versus McCain-Care: Real Differences in Plans for Our Health System

Dean Baker, TruthOut.org. July 11, 2008.
The two candidates are worlds apart on the most pressing domestic issue of our time.

Brilliant Plans to Destroy the Planet: The World Bank Tackles Climate Change Brilliant Plans to Destroy the Planet: The World Bank Tackles Climate Change

Janet Redman, Institute for Policy Studies. July 11, 2008.
The World Bank's new Climate Investment Funds will do nothing to help the climate; they'll just give the bank more clout.

Does Greed Fuel Stupidity in Corporate America? Does Greed Fuel Stupidity in Corporate America?

Sam Pizzigati, Too Much: A Commentary on Excess and Inequality. July 10, 2008.
It's good to reward the best and the brightest, but when those rewards are too great they become incentives for bad, and dumb, behavior.

50 More Years of Women Making Less Money Than Men? 50 More Years of Women Making Less Money Than Men?

Jennifer Waldref, Women's eNews. July 10, 2008.
Research shows pay discrimination isn't going anywhere soon. Neither are promotion barriers, sexual harassment or bias against mothers.

The World Must Brace for Oil Beyond $150 per Barrel The World Must Brace for Oil Beyond $150 per Barrel

Alastair Sharp, Reuters. July 9, 2008.
There may be speculation built into today's sky-high oil prices, but don't expect the bubble to burst.

Markets in Crisis: Inside the Commodities Bubble Markets in Crisis: Inside the Commodities Bubble

Sameer Dossani, Foreign Policy in Focus. July 8, 2008.
The story of rising food costs and the simultaneous collapse in many financial markets is unlikely to be a coincidence.

Supreme Court Dashes Hopes for Justice Against Exxon Supreme Court Dashes Hopes for Justice Against Exxon

Riki Ott, AlterNet. July 8, 2008.
The people of Cordova, Alaska were screwed once by Exxon in 1989 and then again by the Supreme Court last month.

Unions Need to do a Better Job Talking to Their Members About Immigration Unions Need to do a Better Job Talking to Their Members About Immigration

Tiffany Ten Eyck, Labor Notes. July 8, 2008.
Labor's leaders understand that immigrant workers are valuable as allies, not competitors, but they haven't done enough to educate the rank-and-file.

Will Richmond, Calif., Be the First to Stand Up to Chevron? Will Richmond, Calif., Be the First to Stand Up to Chevron?

Bill Gallegos, New America Media. July 8, 2008.
Richmond could be the first US city to decide to stand up to the Chevron oil company and impose a cap on its plans for further expansion.

Bush Gives Big Iron a Steely Grip on a Key Sector of the Economy Bush Gives Big Iron a Steely Grip on a Key Sector of the Economy

Thomas Palley, Thomaspalley.com. July 8, 2008.
The Iron-ore industry was already concentrated in the hands of a few mega-firms -- now it will be an even smaller group.

Is the GOP Cooking the Books to Avoid Recession Until After Election Day? Is the GOP Cooking the Books to Avoid Recession Until After Election Day?

James Galbraith, Mother Jones. July 8, 2008.
Two enormous clouds remain for whoever becomes president: the housing slump and the banking crisis. Both are far from being finished yet.

We Can't Even Tell Who's Speculating the Cost of Oil Through the Roof We Can't Even Tell Who's Speculating the Cost of Oil Through the Roof

Nomi Prins, AlterNet. July 8, 2008.
Oil prices won't be dropping any time soon. Not until the first mandatory and detailed trade reports cover the entire global futures trading markets.

Can Bush Attack Iran With Oil at $140 per Barrel? Can Bush Attack Iran With Oil at $140 per Barrel?

Jim Lobe, IPS News. July 7, 2008.
Forswearing military action against Tehran would ease the upwards pressure on world oil prices.

Economy: Small Comfort in Manufacturing Uptick Economy: Small Comfort in Manufacturing Uptick

Abid Aslam, IPS News. July 5, 2008.
An unexpected spurt in manufacturing activity is doing little to dispel the gloom that envelopes the U.S. economy midway through the year.

Bush Economy Sheds 62K Jobs in June; Sixth Straight Monthly Decline Bush Economy Sheds 62K Jobs in June; Sixth Straight Monthly Decline

Dean Baker, TruthOut.org. July 5, 2008.
Private sector job gains in the Bush years may fall below 3 million by November.

Gulf States: If Western Countries Won't Take Our Money, We'll Invest in the East Gulf States: If Western Countries Won't Take Our Money, We'll Invest in the East

Meena Janardhan, IPS News. July 2, 2008.
Western governments need to remember that access to markets is not a one-way street.

Women Have the Voting Power to Control This Election Women Have the Voting Power to Control This Election

Martha Burk, Ms. Magazine. June 30, 2008.
The economy, war, the health care crisis and tax policies all affect women differently than men. And women have the power to change them all.

The 'Mortgage Meltdown' Was No Accident The 'Mortgage Meltdown' Was No Accident

Kai Wright, The Nation. June 30, 2008.
How the mortgage industry stole black America's hard-won wealth.

The Speculation Explanation: Framing the Energy Crisis The Speculation Explanation: Framing the Energy Crisis

Matthew S. Miller, AlterNet. June 28, 2008.
The speculation explanation blurs the issues involved in our present energy crisis.

At the Height of an Energy Crisis, Fat-Cat CEOs Still Litter the Skies with Private Jets At the Height of an Energy Crisis, Fat-Cat CEOs Still Litter the Skies with Private Jets

Chuck Collins, Sarah Anderson, The Baltimore Sun. June 28, 2008.
The private-jet perk is -- literally and figuratively -- a high-profile sign of an executive reward system out of control.

The Oddly Powerless 'Global Power Elite' The Oddly Powerless 'Global Power Elite'

Doug Henwood, Truthdig. June 28, 2008.
Are we now ruled by an international elite that has left national borders far behind? Don't bother asking author David Rothkopf.

Beating the Oil Barrons Beating the Oil Barrons

Thomas Palley, Project Syndicate. June 27, 2008.
The scale of the oil price spike exceeds normal demand and supply factors, pointing to the role of speculation.

Why the Oil Industry Benefits from Bottled Water Sales Why the Oil Industry Benefits from Bottled Water Sales

Richard Girard, Polaris Institute. June 26, 2008.
The PET plastic bottles used for bottled water can all be traced back the world's biggest oil giants.

Why Aren't Corporate Interests Organizing Against Policies that Hurt Them? Why Aren't Corporate Interests Organizing Against Policies that Hurt Them?

Nader.org. June 26, 2008.
No matter how much economic gain is at stake, business groups stick together -- it's all about the power.

Remittances to the Rescue? Remittances to the Rescue?

Alissa Thuotte, Dollars and Sense. June 26, 2008.
Remittances decrease poverty in developing countries, but also makes them vulnerable to shifting political and economic winds abroad.

The Chamber of Commerce's Perverse Corporate Culture Continues to Shine The Chamber of Commerce's Perverse Corporate Culture Continues to Shine

Sam Pizzigati, Too Much: A Commentary on Excess and Inequality. June 25, 2008.
There was a day when the Chamber was more than an ideological organization.

The American Workplace Is Stuck in the '50s The American Workplace Is Stuck in the '50s

Sarah Sattelmeyer , Margy Waller, AlterNet. June 25, 2008.
Wages are in the gutter. Work-life balance is out of whack. When will workplace policy catch up with the changing landscape of America's workforce?

Why Subsidize Purchases Made on the Internet? Why Subsidize Purchases Made on the Internet?

Mark Weisbrot, AlterNet. June 24, 2008.
If your local sporting goods store can collect and pay a sales tax on the running shoes that it sells, the big internet retailers can do the same.

Obama's Clearest Path to the Presidency: Talk About Wages Obama's Clearest Path to the Presidency: Talk About Wages

David Sirota, Creators Syndicate. June 24, 2008.
If Obama counters the GOP's race-baiting by promoting working-class interests and a fairer trade agenda, he will win the White House.

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