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Obama Faces His Overseas Audition

On his first trip abroad as the presumptive nominee, Obama must show he's in command of both symbolism and substance

Emmy Nods: It's Not HBO, It's TV

The nominations are in, and James Poniewozik surveys a list heavy on basic cable, low on prestigious pay shows and full of the usual outrageous omissions

Frenemies: The McCain-Bush Dance

McCain has defied the President more than any other Republican, yet he can't escape Bush's shadow. A close look at the political relationship that could cost McCain the election

French Combat Youth Binge-Drinking

When it comes to alcohol, the French have long been known as masters of moderation. But les kids today are different

Cell Phones on the Road: What Goes?

Can you dial while driving? Make an emergency call? With a patchwork of new laws, it depends on the state you're in

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Bill Clinton: I'll Campaign for Obama

The former president tells reporters that after his recent "good talk" with Obama, he is ready to campaign with him "whenever he asks." Get details and your 24/7 political news on The Page



Three Things

More after the jump on: al-Qaeda and U.S. torture tactics, the nonboycott of the Beijing Olympics and Obama's gym fetish.

The Middle East Blog

The Funerals of Two Soldiers and a Newsman

As Israel buried its two missing soldiers, journalists took time to mourn the passing of an elegant colleague — and TIME contributor.

The Curious Capitalist

The Great Deflation of 2009

Yeah, inflation's the highest it's been in 17 years. But there are signs of a price slowdown ahead.


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No Sugar for a Town's Bitter Pill

The plan to save the Florida Everglades by closing down U.S. Sugar will leave a company town with no livelihood

São Paulo

Brazil Wants Its Soccer Team Back

They may be perennial World Cup favorites, but the fact that Brazil's national soccer team is dominated by players based in Europe has created an identity crisis for the country's fans


Open quoteWe're obviously not going to turn away help on a front as important as this.Close quote

  • a spokeswoman for Chicago mayor Richard Daley, on reports that Governor Rod Blagojevich plans to send state troopers and National Guard helicopters to help patrol the city's streets

Special Report

Best (and Worst) Sports Executives

From the NBA to the Olympics, TIME.com lists the most notable — for good and ill — owners, commissioners and movers and shakers in sports