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A Green Crossroads for the Supreme Court

The court affects environmental policy more than you may realize. And it may only be as green as our next President

The Bright Side of the End of the World

Covering the coming eco-apocalypse can be depressing business. But Rob Kutner sees the good times in end times

Your Laptop's Dirty Little Secret

If you knew where your cast-off high-tech hardware ended up — in toxic heaps in developing countries — you might think twice about snapping up the latest gewgaw

A Cost-Effective Way to Save the World?

Economists from the Copenhagen Consensus claim to have calculated how to get the most bang for the buck with foreign aid. But not every threat can be broken down in terms of dollars and cents

When Electric Cars Hit the Fast Lane

With the price of gas soaring, major automakers like GM and Toyota are finally following the lead of successful firms like GEM and getting serious about plug and drive vehicles

Is Nuclear Power Viable?

Politicians in Washington are pushing to bring back nuclear power, but at least one energy expert questions their wisdom

Playing Climate Change Catch-Up

Global warming is not a problem for the future. We're already feeling the catastrophic effects today. Question is, is it too late to do anything about it?

Eating Bugs

They're packed with protein and environmentally friendlier than other meat. But can greenies kick the ick factor?

One Voice in a Billion: Changing the Climate in China

If one person can make a difference, Taylor Francis, 16, wants to be that person. He's taking the global warming warning door-to-door from the U.S. to China

What Condoms Have to Do with Climate Change

As the global population increases, it gets harder to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Simple answer: Control the population

The Case for Government, Minus the Politics

The Dems may be greener, but the GOP are no slouches. (A Republican created the EPA, after all.) And that's what the Earth needs: good government, not politics

How to Save the Planet and Make Money Doing It

The world's greatest green champion is no tree-hugger. He's an economist who's made lots of money off the cap and trade of pollutants — which, incidentally, also cleans the air