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Chris Hondrow / Getty
Consumer prices rose sharply in June at the second fastest pace in 26 years

85% of U.S. Unhappy with Economy

An exclusive TIME/Rockefeller Foundation poll shows unprecedented dissatisfaction — and very little optimism


The Curious Capitalist

Howell Raines, Energy Expert?

As media critic for Conde Nast Portfolio, Howell has written a column arguing that the "children of Reaganomics" now populating newsrooms are too willing to swallow the oil company line that high gas prices are merely the result of supply and demand.

Work in Progress

Baby Cullen's C.V.

Goal: Week-old baby seeks position requiring no particular skills.

Nerd World

Defending ChunkyLover53

A Simpsons episode I wrote had a joke in it where Homer gave his email address as: ChunkyLover53@aol.com. Cut to now, when some clever internet hacker has snagged the ChunkyLover53 AOL Instant Messager address.


Law and Disorder

After a decade of rampant crime, officials and citizens of Mexico City are trying to fight back


The iPhone 3G Hits Stores

People around the world line-up to buy Apple's latest gadget


The Master Of Memes

"moot" is the founder of 4chan, one of the largest communities on the Web. It's a profane, scary place. It's also the secret wellspring of Internet culture

Small Business

Collaborative Contagion

A Portland, Ore., software start-up helps states adapt open source to collect public-health data