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Nerd World, Lev Grossman, Technology, TIME

Nolan Vs. Selman -- Part II

The exciting conclusion of 14-year-old Matt Selman's 1986-era A Prologue to the Dark Knight. Any similarities between this and 37-year-old Christopher Nolan's 2008-era The Dark Knight are surely not coincidental.


Batman disregards Alfred’s warning, and is captured by the police while trying to kill the Joker. Enter Batman and Commissioner Gordon

GORDON: Well, “Old Friend,” you really have done it this time. I drew the line, and you stepped over it one time too many. Well, why did you do it? Why did you break the law you knew I made?
BATMAN: Not even your laws, oh high and mighty ones, are strong enough to overrule the unwritten laws that when a crime has been obviously committed, that you must punish the perpetrator of the act. I know I will be punished, but if I am punished for righting a wrong, who is the criminal, the punisher or the punished?
G: I don’t understand you. You break the law and your flaunt your deed, like you are proud of it. Well. I shall see that you are punished for your crime.
B: So be it. Now that you have caught me, why don’t you jail me? What more can you do to me then that?
G: I will do one thing more than that!
B: Then why so slow? Why not lock me up now and throw away the key? There is nothing more I have to say. All the people around us would say that my act was noble and just, but they are afraid of losing their jobs if they say so.
G: You are wrong. None of my officers think that.
B: Oh, but they do. But they are afraid to tell you.
G: You are not alone in your plight, but are you also unashamed?
B: You protect criminals and chastise heroes. You have flipped.
G: Take him away!

The Batman is release on a suspended sentence, as long as he retires from being the Batman.

I assume the final film will be credited: written by Matt Selman and Christopher & Jonathan Nolan, based on an original story by Matt Selman.

About Nerd World

Lev Grossman
Lev Grossman

Lev Grossman blogs about anything and everything that could be plausibly labeled geeky--science fiction, fantasy, video games, comic books, tech stuff, and so on. If it could get you beaten up in junior high, it's fair game.  About the Author

Matt Selman
Matt Selman

Matt Selman has worked on eleven seasons and over two hundred episodes of The Simpsons. He currently serves as an Executive Producer.  About the Author

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