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Kevin Featherly, Political Reporter / Tech Writer / Freelance Journalist /  Columnist; caricature by Kirk Anderson

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Why St. Paul's DFL
Mayor Supports Bush

Judge Corrals Kiffmeyer's
Ballot Reforms

John Kerry's Long Drive
to Center

Obama: The Democrats' Roaring 'Prairie Fire'
John Kerry Pulls Ahead
in Red Sox Nation

So Long, Jim Crow;
Hello, Jim Smoke

Let's Do Our Homework,
Scrutinize Political Ads

On the Lamm: Thoughts
on Universal Health Care

Penny's Thoughts
on Moe, Pawlenty

Rethinking Ralph
It's July 4: Know Where
Your Independents Are?

Now Batting for
Boston: Sisyphus Stone

Hy-Order Intelligence On
Gopher-state Gridlock

The Apple (Valley)
of Independents' Eyes

How Kerry Became
Dubya's Vice President

Saddam/Al-Qaeda Ties?
Czech it Out

Damn Your Eyes,
Johnny Democrat!

Iraq and the Clash
of Civilizations

I'm the Problem
The Reagan Legacy
Governor Pawlenty Responds
The Non-Stick Governor

Additional past Kevblogs

Selected published articles

Run, Ralph, Run (But I Won't Vote for You) -- St. Paul Pioneer Press, May 11, 2004

Friendless in St. Paul -- MNPolitics.com, May 10, 2004

Don't Stop Treating Third Parties Fairly -- Minneapolis Star Tribune, April 25, 2004 (with Tim Penny)

Killed Bill: Minnesota Senate Squelches Attempt To Choke Off Third Parties -- MNPolitics.com, April 16, 2004

My iBook Failed Me -- St. Paul Pioneer Press, Jan. 7, 2004

Did the Star Tribune Minnesota Poll Destroy Tim Penny's Campaign? -- Minnesota Law & Politics, March 2003

Digital Video Recording Changes TV For Good -- St. Paul Pioneer Press, Feb. 9, 2003

Distraught Over Son's Disappearance, Mom Says Downtown 'Dangerous' -- Skyway News, Dec. 19, 2002

Major Label First: Unencrypted MP3 For Sale Online -- Newsbytes.com, May 23, 2002

Eskola and Wurzer: The Odd Couple -- Minnesota Law & Politics, January 2002

U.S. on Verge of 'Electronic Martial Law' -- Newsbytes.com, Oct. 16, 2001

Disorder in the Court -- Minnesota Law & Politics, October 2001

Stopping Bin Laden: How Much Surveillance Is Too Much? -- Newsbytes.com, Sept. 25, 2001

Verizon Works 'Round The Clock' On Dead N.Y. Phone Lines -- Newsbytes.com, Sept. 13, 2001

Artificial Intelligence: Help Wanted - AI Pioneer Minsky -- Newsbytes.com, Aug. 31, 2001

More past published articles

The Kevrock Dept.

This is the cover of my home-recorded 2002 CD, "Gettysburg." Linked selections are available to be played as MP3 files.

Gettysburg, copyright 2002, Kevin Featherly

Track Listing

  • Seaweed Boots (Featherly/Koester)
  • She Sees Me (K. Featherly)
  • She Knows Me Too Well (Brian Wilson)
  • Salt Mama (K. Featherly)
  • Another Age (K. Featherly)
  • So Special (K. Featherly)
  • Bring it on Home (Sam Cooke)
  • Being Free (K. Featherly)
  • Tammy (K. Featherly)
  • River City Blues (K. Featherly)
  • Beware of Darkness (George Harrison)
  • Gettysburg (K. Featherly)
  • Minong at Midnight (K. Featherly)
  • Violent State of Mind (Nate Featherly)
  • Don't Do It (Featherly/Featherly/Koester)
  • Save the World (Koester)
  • The Grave Song (Featherly/Koester)

Contact the Kevblog
if you're interested in obtaining a copy of "Gettysburg."

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All that is old and already formed can continue to live only if it allows within itself the conditions of a new beginning.

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The American Soul
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Almanac 20: Live Anniversary Special

"All that is old and already formed can continue to live only if it allows within itself the conditions of a new beginning."

-- Jacob Needleman, The American Soul

CBS: FBI Hunts for Spy in Pentagon

Posted 5:52 p.m., Aug. 27, 2004


This is stunning: CBS News reports tonight that the FBI is investigating what it believes is a spy working for the Israeli government at the very highest levels of the Pentagon--an analyst working in the office of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

According to a report delivered by "60 Minutes" correspondent Lesley Stahl, the FBI "believes it has 'solid' evidence that the suspected mole supplied Israel with classified materials that include secret White House policy deliberations on Iran."

The report indicates that the FBI relied on wiretaps, undercover surveillance and photographs documenting the passing of classified information from the Pentagon spy, to a powerful pro-Israeli lobby groups (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or "AIPAC."

The network also reports that the mole, described as a trusted Pentagon analyst, turned over an early draft of a presidential directive toward Iran at a time when Iran policy was still being debated. If true, it raises the specter of the Israeli government having an inside source capable of influencing U.S. policy toward Iran, a country listed on President Bush's "axis of evil" list, which lately has been aggressively agitating for the procurement of nuclear weapons.

CBS also reports: "The case raises another concern among investigators: Did Israel also use the analyst to try to influence U.S. policy on the war in Iraq?"

AIPAC maintains it has been involved in no wrongdoing, and the Israelis deny the charges.

A story to watch with extreme closeness. If this is true, and likely even if it isn't, it is quite likely to stir up intense animosity in the Arab world, which already believes that the U.S. is in bed with Israel in its Arab-world policy.

Anyone want to take bets who might be involved? I have my ideas, but I'm saying nothing until someone is charged.

-- Kevin Featherly


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Kevin at the White House
Kevin Featherly, a former managing editor at Washington Post Newsweek Interactive, is a Minnesota journalist who covers politics and technology. He has authored or contributed to five previous books, Guide to Building a Newsroom Web Site (1998), The Wired Journalist (1999), Elements of Language (2001), Pop Music and the Press (2002) and Encyclopedia of New Media (2003). His byline has appeared in Editor & Publisher, the San Francisco Chronicle, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Online Journalism Review and Minnesota Law and Politics, among other publications. In 2000, he was a media coordinator for Web, White & Blue, the first online presidential debates. Currently is news editor for the McGraw-Hill tech publication, Healthcare Informatics.

Copyright 2004, by Kevin Featherly

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