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87 Stories on Federal Budget
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Bush dealt blow on Iraq war spending

In a stunning vote that illustrated President Bush's diminished standing, the Senate on Thursday ignored his veto threat and added tens of billions of dollars for veterans and the unemployed to his Iraq war spending bill.

Troop withdrawal added to war funding bill

Defying President Bush's demand to send him a clean war funding bill, House Democratic leaders unveiled legislation Tuesday that conditions the money on withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq and adds billions of dollars in domestic spending.

Time.com: McCain Sells the Caring Conservative

The candidate told "forgotten" America that big government isn't the answer, but his message wasn't aimed only at them

Time.com: Unleashing the Bugs of War

U.S. military scientists are developing half-machine, half-insect creatures to collect intelligence behind enemy lines

Obama: No earmarks for 2009

Last year Sen. Barack Obama, submitted a laundry list of federal funding requests, known as earmarks, to the Senate Appropriations Committee: 112 earmarks totaling more than $330 million in taxpayer funds.

Op-ed's $3 trillion Iraq war estimate doubted by Pentagon

Bush administration officials Monday expressed doubt about an economist's column published over the weekend saying the war in Iraq will cost the United States more than $3 trillion.

Pulling pork can be unappetizing

Most members of Congress call them earmarks. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tried to get them called "legislatively directed spending." But for almost every American taxpayer I've run into over the last year, it's called "pork" and it's not very tasty.

Bush: Congress is not getting its work done

President Bush blasted the Democratic-controlled Congress on Tuesday for having "the worst record in 20 years."

Bucks for mule museum cause brays

In tiny Bishop, California, Rep. Buck McKeon, R-California, wants to build a museum honoring the mule.

Bush: Congress has work to do

President Bush on Wednesday spoke about legislation pending in Congress -- including an override of his veto on the State Children's Health Insurance Program -- and answered journalists' questions during a news conference at the White House.

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